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Tuesday, June 02, 2020

WATCH: White Protesters Kneel Before Black Protesters, Ask For Forgiveness; Black Protesters Respond By Joining Them In Prayer

During a protest over the death of George Floyd, dozens of white protesters knelt before a group of African American protesters and asked for forgiveness from past sins of white people, which the leader described as “years and years of racism, of systematic racism.” In response, the black protesters knelt with their white counterparts and joined them in prayer.

“A powerful show of unity and support,” the Twitter user who posted the video wrote. “The white community kneeling down in front of the black community to ask for forgiveness after years of racism.”

“The black community followed that up by kneeling down as well and they all eventually joined in prayer,” he added.

As the white people are on their knees and bowing their heads, one white male at the front of the group praises God and asks “our black brothers and sisters” for “forgiveness” from “years and years of racism, of systematic racism.”

“We’re not shaming anybody, we’re just humbling ourselves before You,” the man says..."

More/video here


  1. Hahaha. Wow. Talk about being inslaved. Only for the camera. Let's see them late at night somewhere. Let's see how it goes.

  2. lmao, white privileged? I'm white, never given anything free in my life. not college not cash not place to live no one pays my bills, no opportunities for advancement because of my skin color, got more then my fair share of citations from the kops! just never decided to fight back when then stopped me! guess that must be it! they gave me a break and didn't kick my ass for being an asshole to them while breaking the law?

    1. Well yes, that is exactly what the protests are about actually. Thanks for taking time to think this through. I can gove you a long story about cops being over aggressive largely due to their own racial bias. And I have the proof; argued and won my case in court. But no need to share as you have already illustrated the point.

    2. Yes he did and the point being in his favor. You act responsibly and you’re treated fairly. You act shitty, the cop has no other way to act but follow your lead.

    3. The statistics just don’t back up the accusations that cops target blacks in fact police shootings of blacks are down 75 percent due to the media blitz on this every 4 years , more white people are shot by police than every other race combined

  3. Mental health is an issue in this country

  4. I gave it some thought before commenting. I figured what I had to say would offend somebody and I sure don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. So I’ve changed my original thought to this one. All I’ll say is this is like pleading guilty to get a sweet deal for something you didn’t do.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Serious question. Would you rather be a black man walking thru a white neighborhood or a white man walking thru a black neighborhood?

  7. There is no such thing as white privileged. It's just more of the lies they come up with to try and make excuses for the messes of their own lives they have made. For example someone lives in the inner city in sub standard housing surround by crime no jobs etc. So what do they do? Make a baby when they can't even take care of themselves. Then to top it off the babies made with thugs is epidemic. It's all about their propensity to make the stupidest choices ever in life. Then then get to that lying that comes naturally and blame their won disgusting choices in life on some made up privilege. But let them believe in white privileged and they will hot ever get ahead in life. Another issue is having positive role models. You can tell when so many vote democrat that they haven't ever had a positive role model in their life.

  8. 908 serious answer - YES.

    Now go away with your serious (not) questions.

  9. I’ve never owned slaves. My ancestors didn’t own slaves. I’ve got nothing to apologize for.

  10. I'm not asking for forgiveness for something I haven't done.


  11. The phrase that rings with me for occasions like this is succinct: "I and my ancestors here never owned a slave; and you've never picked cotton."

    Back in time a 24 year old relative gave his life in the Union Army during the Civil War; whatever imaginary debt existed was paid in full, and in blood.

    This paragraph may sound harsh, but it's accurate. In Africa, losing tribes ended up as slaves, whether retained or sold. Life as a slave in America was generally no picnic but life was rough for everyone then compared to today. Their descendants find themselves in the USA with its many blessings and some shortcomings. How does that stack up against the lives of those who remained in Africa across that span of time?

    Actually the only acceptable answer is - All Lives Are Important, and we all need to use that as our focus.

  12. This kind of mentality is what harms everyone! A entire group or race is not responsible for the actions of one individual! This is the same crap they push onto all us Gun Owners!

    One idiot cop killing a person and we white people are supposed to pay and suffer for this grievous deed?
    What about the black guy hunting and killing a white couple in the cemetery at their sons grave?
    What about the white college girl murdered by black teens in New York?

    I'm not trying to say this killing of George Floyd is ok, but seriously folks, it was one nutjob, not the entire white race, there is no need to bow or apoligise for being white.

  13. I think a white knee caused this. Just saying

  14. Learn from the past;

    Apply it (if necessary) to the present;

    Strive to be better in the future.

    If we continue to keep referring to the past, our present continues to suck and we will never make it to the future.

    1. 11:33
      Your comments about past, present, and future are very well said and eloquent!

  15. Ya know, when I was a kid I felt like a slave. My father made me and my brothers work in his cabinet shop for no money. He only provided clothes, shelter and food. I was forced to learn a skill and how to treat people with respect. I was forced to learn the rewards and value of hard work. When my children were young I instilled those same values, I didn't give them a choice. Today I have 2 sons who are engineers and a daughter who is a doctor (free medical for me). I guess I was too hard on my kids. What the he'll is wrong with people who feel entitled and expect something for nothing?

  16. I and many like me will never bow down...smh...mho

  17. When black lives start mattering to black people I'd be willing to accept the BLM movement. We have black on black murder and other violent crimes occurring daily. These same BLM folks turn a blind eye and dont help the police because that be snitchin.

  18. This is not about a cop killing flyod anymore it's about bow to socialism and one world order ....SO PICK ONE.

  19. Thank you 10:57!!! I too lost ancestors fighting for the North, what more can a person give to a cause than their life!

  20. How f'n stupid can we get. I's rather get down on my knees in front of satan than blacks, just because they're black. Not my fault!


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