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Tuesday, June 02, 2020

President Trump says he is prepared to use military to tackle violent protests

U.S. President Donald Trump said he was prepared to deploy the military to cities and states that don’t control violent protests over the death of George Floyd. Protests resumed on Monday evening, with both peaceful and violent demonstrations in cities around the country. The Israeli defense minister told the nation’s military to increase its preparedness ahead of a government plan to annex parts of the West Bank.

“If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them.”

President Donald Trump, responding Monday to the civil unrest that has followed George Floyd's death in Minneapolis' police custody last week.


  1. I guess he doesn't know that an amendment would be needed to do that. NG only under Governor control is allowed.

    1. You work for the government right ? Or are you just a keyboard warrior who knows more then everyone else?

  2. Make no mistake, this is the government using it's military against citizens invoking their 1st Amendment right. Those who turn violent are quickly outed by the rest of the protesters. Where is the outrage? Hell, maybe it will be a good thing because at least when I was enlisted we had ROE unlike the Police apparently.

  3. For 10 yrs you all have been posting “it’s a comin’ “ Well It’s here, and you are still hiding behind your keyboards.

    1. But I thought it was the democrats who were going to take over with the gov't

  4. I wish he would Stop talking and just do it. If he's waiting for his treasonous DOJ to do something. It will never happen.

  5. He calls out the army while he hides in a basement and turns the lights out

  6. Well.......

    New month, new topic - no more discussions about COVID19 and Ocean City.

    Rickie must be happy!!!!!

  7. November 3rd can’t come soon enough. I’m so tired of winning.

  8. This is act's of war by DNC and they going pay price turn on USA for attacking honest people being target by looter's and riot's for their illegal action.

  9. "Anonymous said...
    For 10 yrs you all have been posting “it’s a comin’ “ Well It’s here, and you are still hiding behind your keyboards.

    June 2, 2020 at 8:38 AM"

    Are you delusional? NO it's NOT here.

    1. Looks like it to me. What are you waiting for? It’s an armed insurrection! Where is your militia?

    2. Don't worry little man. Come out from your keyboard once in a while. Give your boyfriend some room.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    He calls out the army while he hides in a basement and turns the lights out

    June 2, 2020 at 8:42 AM"

    That is what REAL leaders do. They stay in the bunker and give commands. You people are so out of touch with reality that it's funny. You are forgiven though. I do understand this area is loaded with people like you unsophisticated poorly educated types who hardly ever get off the shore so have no idea who things work in the real world. There is hope for you though. Just keep on reading here to be finally getting an actual education

  11. "Anonymous said...

    New month, new topic - no more discussions about COVID19 and Ocean City.

    Rickie must be happy!!!!!

    June 2, 2020 at 8:48 AMJ"

    Whats funny is no virtue signalers complaining the rioters are too close together and many not wearing masks. That is why I paid no attention to them when they complained about the boardwalk. I knew all along they were losers liars who were just trying to show off and show everyone how righteous they were. They too just like the rioters are the dregs of society

  12. First of all the president has no say on when to go to the Bunker he is told! Second of all now that Antifa is labeled as a terrorist organization and they have now infiltrated and caused destruction all over the US, you can bet your ass he can use the military and it is now legal! Do your research

  13. Get -er-Done !!! ALL LEGAL !!! & Long Overdue !!!

  14. Bring in a couple of A-10's and clean up the Riots! Bet they stop looting and burning after just two full passes with Gatling gun attacks!

  15. >>>I guess he doesn't know that an amendment would be needed to do that. NG only under Governor control is allowed.<<<

    That's crap. Nice try, tho.


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