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Tuesday, June 02, 2020

You Get What You Vote For and in Democrat-Run Cities You Get Riots

Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Fayetteville, Atlanta, New York, Nashville, Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, Chicago, Milwaukee, Salt Lake, Washington DC, Detroit, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Kansas City, Houston, Charlotte, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Denver, Dallas, Phoenix, Tampa, Baltimore, Oakland, Louisville…

What do all those American cities have in common?

They’re all run by Democrats, many for generations.
They’ve all been looted and burned by left-wing Antifa terrorists and other anarchist groups over the past few nights.

That’s no coincidence.

What’s more, these riots are not America’s problem….

These riots are not President Trump’s problem…

Nope, these riots are wholly owned by the Democrat Party and the fools who continue to vote for them.



  1. Add Baltimore to the list. Hogan is a liberal dem. Makes me sick that I voted for him.

  2. This is why you can NOT open a business in these cities. History has proven it's not *IF* it will get destroyed it's *WHEN*. The democrat elected officials will NOT have the backs of the good people democrats are not only thug enablers they provoke the thugs into destroying When it's all over the better areas rebuild and move on with life. The minority areas never recover. They win the prize of less goods and services, more boarded up abandon building more crime and more poverty.

  3. I guess the Founding Fathers should have peacefully told the British they didn't want to pay taxes anymore too.

  4. its on there...take your Ritalin and concentrate....

  5. November is around the corner - ALL must vote, not just 30% of the nation.

  6. Just as the President's first responsibilities are to preserve the Union and preserve and defend the Constitution, the mayors and councils of Democrat-run cities primary responsibilities are to get re-elected and to preserve the Democrat Party, no matter what the cost, no matter how it's accomplished.

  7. Well idiots who vote for this crap to continue must be plain brain dead. Why would anyone vote Democrat for this stuff to continue; pay attention to your local and state elections and do not vote for any of these mayors and or governors to continue in office. Vote Trump 2020 and for God sake do not vote Biden.

  8. 9:18 they'd be rolling in their graves. US military silencing the 1st amendment as ordered by an overpowered executive branch.

  9. Democrats need to be thrown Out of office all 50 states !!!
    They are behind the riots just to get rid of Trump in 2020 election !!!!

  10. Northwest Woodsman: Could someone, preferably a Marxist democrat, please tell me how you can equate first amendment protection to physical violence, looting, stealing and vandalism? These tactics may very well backfire and damage your cause because I believe that these people who have taken to the streets are actually a minority compared to true, patriotic Americans in places like Idaho, Montana, Utah and many other locations where love for our country, respect and patriotism means something. Oh, and as a side note, most do us treasure the second amendment and are armed.

  11. And, in the wake of the destruction of property caused by their negligent governance they will demand that the taxpayers from the rest of the country pay for their reconstruction (in addition to the trillions they demand for losses due to the pandemic). Let's see how their urban tax base suffers when the big retailers (and small businesses) they declined to protect elect to do business elsewhere. Unless urban voters wise up the cities are doomed. Behind every cloud there is a silver lining: Perhaps they have learned something and will cast their votes as an "educated" electorate.

  12. 1:21 They can demand all day long but they won't get a thing. Look at Baltimore city for an example. There are parts of it in the black areas that still look the way they did after the 1968 riots. Oh the fed and state government will send in tons of money but their democrat politicians will steal and pilfer it like always happens But not our problem When you are stupid and you vote stupidly you deserve to live in the filth The funny thing is democrats would go wild if dogs in shelters had to live like the inner city people do and things would change ASAP for the dogs. But poor blacks don't rate as high as dogs to the democrats.

  13. What an absurd argument.

    Democrats, are not the reason for these riots.

    Democrats, did not cause these riots.

    In fact, there were people trying to bring attention to this issue a while ago... when a sports player took a knee to bring awareness to this problem.... which party and people tried to turn his PEACEFUL protest into anything other than it was.

    You tried to make it about the flag, and about the anthem, and about disrespecting troops... you flipped it into anything other than what it actually was about. The intent was marginalized and trivialized.

    Don't be confused, I don't support the riots, and the riots and looters aren't the same people who are peacefully protesting. However, when the water boils over.. why are you blaming the pot and not the fire?

    These riots are happening in large cities and populated areas. This is about population density... not political persuasion.

    This is YET AGAIN this issue is being twisted to fit a political narrative... and it is just as disgusting NOW as it was THEN. This issue is NOT because a city is or isn't a political party.

    This issue is about blacks being treated poorly by communities and by authorities. Start talking about how we can fix that.

    Ya'll are unbelievable.


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