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Friday, June 26, 2020

Virginia urges residents to anonymously report churches for congregating

In New York City, the creation of a similar tip-line backfired when angry citizens flooded it with obscene content.

RICHMOND, Virginia, (LifeSiteNews) – The Virginia Department of Public Health is urging residents to “snitch on” public gatherings and other activities that violate Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam’s coronavirus orders, including churches.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that the health department’s website has been updated to include the option to anonymously report to the state neighbors who exceed the emergency limits on building capacity or refuse to wear masks. The form allows users to specify the “type of establishment” they’re reporting, including “indoor gun range” or “religious service.”



  1. Snitches get Stitches !!! LOL

  2. This reminds me of the 1930's and 40's when the your children and the
    ones next door had to turn in their Jewish parents and neighbors.
    Anne Frank has to hide again.

  3. Hello Hotline: "there are people protesting in the cities who are not wearing face-masks and not practicing social distancing.... are you gonna send in the cops????"

    Response: "no, we are only worried about those pesky people going to church and the gym, that's all"


  4. Black face himself needs to congregate some in a church. He gets busted a while back and was called to leave, resign, fired. For racial injustice, whatever that means. Well, as you can see he said no, I like it here, I’m staying. What did they do about it you axe? Nothing, absolutely nothing. You can’t make this chit up and don’t have to. It unfolds right before your eyes. Lol Dam crat you know.

  5. A page torn directly from the Nazi Government Playbook!

  6. WTH - Democrats are trying to destroy America. Bring those polls up. Trump needs to win 2020 for Americans. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

  7. Trump is forward thinking....Sleep Joe will cause a screeeeeching halt to America.

    Can not afford the train stopping!

    1. I'm voting President TrumpJune 26, 2020 at 9:43 PM

      Tucker Carlson stated on June 26th

      that President Trump could loose in 2020

      because all that's been going on

    2. I like Tucker, but I think he made a bad call this time. He really can't predict the future any more than the rest of us can. I might be wrong, but willing to take bet on it.
      TRUMP 2020

  8. The western counties can still join WV.

    1. That's giving up. They need to correct the problem, not run from it

  9. Democrats Learned from the Nazis just like the other Evil Dictators of
    the World today have !!! They had the Best teacher !! Hitler

  10. I'll bet they won't issue the same directive for mosques, cowards that they are.


  11. Commonwealth Reich Fuhrer Northam commands you to spy on and report on churchgoers.

    If only our republic's Framers from VA could get their hands on him!

  12. Why the Hell don't they report him and the rest of the dumb-ass Democrats for impersonating a body of Government.

  13. Virginia is for LOSERS~!!

  14. Northwest Woodsman: Shades of communism and nazi gestapo operations in the 20s and 30s.


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