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Friday, June 26, 2020

Strzok nails Obama and Biden as masterminds behind Flynn probe

Notes show Comey deemed Kislyak call 'legit' but prosecuted anyway

Newly released handwritten notes by fired FBI investigator Peter Strzok show President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden had a direct role in the prosecution of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, whose charges were ordered dropped by an appeals court Wednesday.

Strzok – memorializing a Jan. 4, 2017, meeting in the Oval Office regarding Flynn's phone call with Russian Ambassador Kislyak – said that Biden wanted to invoke the Logan Act against Flynn and that Obama ordered the investigation.

Obama, according to the notes, sought to have "the right people on the case."

The Logan Act is a rarely used 1799 law that bars unauthorized American citizens from negotiating official national business with foreign countries that are in conflict with the U.S.



  1. When John Kerry did it with Iran no one called in the Logan Act? Creepy Joe and Obama must have been asleep!

  2. They are both dirty.

  3. Lock up the Dirt 2020 !!!!


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