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Friday, June 26, 2020

Larry C. Johnson: President Obama and Vice President Biden Directly Involved in Coup to Stop Trump – With Update

When it comes to the Michael Flynn case the media, along with vast swaths of the pliant public, are like a stupid dog that reflexively chases a shiny object or a phantom squirrel. The latest development is that the District of Columbia Court of Appeals ruled 2 to 1 to order crooked Judge Emmet Sullivan to accede to the Department of Justice request to drop the case against Flynn. While this ruling merits attention, the real news is that we now have documentary evidence that President Obama and Vice President Biden were involved directly and personally in orchestrating the entrapment and prosecution of Michael Flynn.

A Peter Strzok note, apparently penned on the 4 January 2017, recorded the discussion about Flynn with Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Sally Yates, Jimmy Comey, Susan Rice and Strzok (it looks like Comey took him along specifically as his note taker). Here it is:



  1. Lock -em-UP !!! LOng overdue !!! 2020

  2. Barr says NO. The fake investigation stops at low hanging fruit. Folks better get used to the radical left because it’s ours now.

  3. Prosecute the Guilty Democrats 2020 !!!! MAGA

  4. BARR is a pussy.


  5. Please pay attention. The meeting was January 5, 2017. Sets the dateline.

    AG Barr didn't say Obama and Biden wouldn't or couldn't be prosecuted; his comment was designed to lull by something along the lines of seemed unlikely.

    But now we have newly uncovered evidence that puts them at the origin, and laying out a plan.

    Gamechanger! Patience, grasshopper.


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