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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Virginia governor to announce removal of Robert E. Lee statue

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is expected to announce the removal of a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee from Richmond's famous Monument Avenue. An administration official told CBS News that Northam is expected to make the announcement at a Thursday morning press conference.

Northam said that the statue will be put into storage as officials try to figure out a new home for the monument, The Associated Press reports.

The Virginia Legislative Black Caucus said Wednesday in a statement that removing the monument is "a step in the right direction in the continued fight to address institutional racism, systemic disparities, and remaining vestiges of Jim Crow in our Commonwealth."



  1. People are trying to erase history. Whether you like it or don't, this is history.

  2. Virginia citizens need to announce the removal of their governor

  3. So what's next?
    Jefferson memorial?
    Destroy Mount Vernon?
    They have already vandalized the Lincoln Memorial.

    I think a new civil war has started.

    Like the old Soviet Union, I think this nation will eventually separate into factions based on ideology.

    I think they should bring back segregation of the races.
    I'm afraid integration of the races and cultures was a bad idea.

    Education and society has suffered as a result of the mixing of uncivilized cultures and peoples.

    This was tried in past and it also failed with the Roman's.

    1. The bad idea was proved in the late sixties. We are slow learners or dumb as hell. That’s why each child get a star, ribbon or treat. Not all can pass.

  4. Meanwhile in his medical year book

  5. #1 it amazes me how you clowns want to review the leaders and foot soldiers of the group that decided to enter into military conflict against the US, yet you are the same clowns who kick and scream about protesters simply takimg a knee durimg the anthem. Your logic train is off the track

    #2 The south's primary motivation was to keep an economic system intact that robbed a certain segment of the US population of any constitutional rights. Why do you continue to think the people who lead the south or even fought for the south should be revered? The rich history should be documented fully amd taught. That doesnt mean you honor or place high regard for those people in the public space

  6. He advocates for the killing of new born babies. For real.

  7. 7:47 it's not erasing history. They tore down statues of dictators in other parts of the world but you still know their names don't you? The Civil War is discussed in various books and taught in every history class.

    1. We did not take field trips as kids to look at books. You went to museums and monuments. As with anything written word can and will be bent to the audience. Why do we have headstones at graves? Couldn't we simply write all the names down? The statues are symbolic. Have you been to Gettysburg and looked upon the statues? It tells history, so yes it is about erasing our history as a Nation. Whether you feel it is right or wrong.

  8. Bold to compare Robert E Lee to Thomas Jefferson seeing as the point of the civil war was to secede from the United States that Jefferson helped create. Lee also supported the Crittenden Compromise which would have constitutionally protected slavery. This is likely why his statues and memorials have been a target for civil rights advocates.

  9. Oh what a horses behind, you cannot erase history, period, no matter how much you don't like it.

    1. But of course you can. Time does that for us. Stories we hear get molded and changed over time. History becomes erase more and more every decade.

    2. Words in books don't change by themselves 5:27

  10. There is an overthrow of our country in progress right now.

    1. It truly is. What is the end result? Covid is major...this has the potential to be life altering.

  11. 7:47 agreed. Let's apply that logic elsewhere. We should have left up the statues of Saddam Hussein. Adolf Hitler. It's just history right?

    1. Yes, we should have. They were completely evil people. You do not glorify them and praise them. The monuments give people something to look upon, something to visualize. You may not agree, but this is my opion. That Sir is the great thing about conversation.

  12. 7:47 you're suggesting the only way to learn about history is from a statue or a monument?

    1. That was your assumption of what was said. That is not the only way ofcourse, bit it is a visual impact.

  13. A press conference! That says it all. I am very angry about the governor doing this. It’s just another meaningless episode of showboating. What is meaningful is to create a level playing field for access to money and opportunity for poor communities. I am talking about color-blind access. No red lining,. Not hand outs. Fair access. Then poor communities can flourish just like others.

  14. Virginia is for COWARDS. No wonder they lost the civil war. No balls or spine.

  15. There will be no end to ending our country's actual history because we have allowed it to happen in weak states and weak leaders. You can't change history are you going to rewrite every history book in every school in this country? Learn from history the good and the bad. We are letting racist and unamerican people who hate us all destroy this country, since the 2016 election and Hillary and her minions not getting their way we have allowed this woman filled with venom and Democrats ruin us all---my answer you don't like this country leave it we will all be better off.

  16. If he does that he will have a WHITE Riot !!!! White Lives Matter !!!!

  17. There is a push to use the bronze from the statue to make a new one of Barack Obama!


  18. 'Coonman' the Baby Slayer is creating his legacy, and he will be harshly judged by history.

    Why didn't Douglas Wilder, VA's first and only black governor, feel compelled to try to erase history? Certainly he'd been on the receiving end of whatever discrimination was directed at him.

    Coonman personifies the elusive and slippery concept of privilege. Yearbook photos he submitted for publication clearly show his mindset. Now that he's been busted by the internet he's being twice as officious to cover it up and overlay his core beliefs.

    What he fails to recognize is that removing the monument does not uncreate the event it marks.

    There is another element also. Virginia trades heavily on its historical past as a tourist draw. What's to go see after Coonman has obliterated the visible markers?

    He's a dumbass through and through.

  19. If were taking white Statues down, lets take black Statues down.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Bold to compare Robert E Lee to Thomas Jefferson seeing as the point of the civil war was to secede from the United States that Jefferson helped create. Lee also supported the Crittenden Compromise which would have constitutionally protected slavery. This is likely why his statues and memorials have been a target for civil rights advocates.

    June 4, 2020 at 8:49 AM

    FAKE NEWS!! Typical dumb libtard!

    "Lee also supported the Crittenden Compromise..."

    Lee was a military officer, not a legislator you dumb F'k!!

  21. Anonymous said...
    So what's next?
    Jefferson memorial?
    Destroy Mount Vernon?
    They have already vandalized the Lincoln Memorial.

    I think a new civil war has started.

    Like the old Soviet Union, I think this nation will eventually separate into factions based on ideology.

    I think they should bring back segregation of the races.
    I'm afraid integration of the races and cultures was a bad idea.

    Education and society has suffered as a result of the mixing of uncivilized cultures and peoples.

    This was tried in past and it also failed with the Roman's.

    June 4, 2020 at 8:06 AM

    Yep, they are erasing white history/American history #BrickByBrick thanks to the misguided Progressives and our public school system.

  22. Robert E. Lee was one of the greatest me that walked this earth.

  23. 1136 Wilder himself stated he was more concerned about money going to improve education rather than being used to remove confederate monuments. This statement is about prioritizing limited resources, not an endorsement for the monuments. Try again once you have put on your thinking cap a bit tighter.

  24. This is being done by Ralphie Boi because he is trying to deflect and distract the blackface and Klan hood in his medical school yearbook. And it's working.

  25. Anonymous said...
    #1 it amazes me how you clowns want to review the leaders and foot soldiers of the group that decided to enter into military conflict against the US, yet you are the same clowns who kick and scream about protesters simply takimg a knee durimg the anthem. Your logic train is off the track

    #2 The south's primary motivation was to keep an economic system intact that robbed a certain segment of the US population of any constitutional rights. Why do you continue to think the people who lead the south or even fought for the south should be revered? The rich history should be documented fully amd taught. That doesnt mean you honor or place high regard for those people in the public space

    June 4, 2020 at 8:39 AM


    Another dumb, misguided and misinformed progressive.

    1. Oh boy, im sorry the facts dont support your fantasy world but atleast you can be more creative with your insults.

  26. Anonymous said...
    7:47 it's not erasing history. They tore down statues of dictators in other parts of the world but you still know their names don't you? The Civil War is discussed in various books and taught in every history class.

    June 4, 2020 at 8:46 AM

    It is not taught in every history class. When the Fk was the last time you were in a classroom you dumb moron. I just went through 12 years of education with my child and they were not taught civil war history.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Bold to compare Robert E Lee to Thomas Jefferson seeing as the point of the civil war was to secede from the United States that Jefferson helped create. Lee also supported the Crittenden Compromise which would have constitutionally protected slavery. This is likely why his statues and memorials have been a target for civil rights advocates.

    June 4, 2020 at 8:49 AM

    Jefferson owned 175 slaves and Lee owned 0.

    Bold of you to profess your intelligence or should I say ignorance! Carry on...

  28. satan is a liar. The original liar. Man cannot rule man without tremendous problems. We are seeing this play out. Only almighty God’s kingdom is the hope for mankind.

    1. And this my friend is the truth!

  29. Take one down or take them all down! Make it a fair playing field. Remove Lincoln from the Lincoln Memorial and replace him with a statue of George FLoyd!!

  30. Bulldoze grave yards too it's precious real estate. We are not Egyptians. The American consciousness is so obsessed with these Disneyesque Historical and nostalgia and story book fantasy past is sillier and as Historical flawed as the Bible.

  31. Virginia is for LOSERS.

  32. He is so full of it. It is history.


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