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Sunday, June 07, 2020

OC police officer faces heat after punching visitor

(June 5, 2020) Ocean City police officers are being accused of using excessive force, after a video shows an officer punching and choking a man who at first questioned and then criticized the arrest of his friend Sunday evening.

“I was with a couple of my friends and we were standing on the Boardwalk [near 15th Street], and one of my friends is 21 and he had a bottle [of liquor],” 20-year-old North East resident Taylor Cimorosi said. “A cop was riding by and he saw and he [the officer] was just like, ‘Hey do you mind if you could pour that out?’ And he [the friend] said, ‘Yeah, I don’t care,’ and he started to pour it out.”



  1. GREAT! Just shows yet again you have cops that are more concerned about the power trip than enforcing the law. Common sense says ignore the bozo on the bench and complete whatever you need to do with the guy with the open container. Are they really that much of a pansy that they have to react to some buffoon yelling from a distance?

    1. Tourists go to OC and think they can get away with misbehavior, then get mad when the arrests happens.

  2. I didn't see anything wrong.

    I hope I get called for jury duty.

    1. I hope you get pulled over by that guy so he can do nothing wrong for you too.

  3. Arguing your case is for the courtroom, not at the scene of an incident. Why can't people just listen then argue all they want in a courtroom?

    1. Because in a courtroom you have to take off work if you still have a job after being arrested, post bail money you don't get back all over a cop who is on a power Trip. I'm a big supporter of our boys and girls in blue but these roided out tard carts need to go. They escalate when they know it will lead to another arrest especially in ocean City where they try to get as many colors as possible to make the record look good when they leave after the summer and apply for that state or county job they have their eye on.

    2. Arguing and exercising your first amendment rights to a police officer is 100% legal. A cop assaulting someone for doing so is 100% illegal.

    3. Well look where arguing got him.

  4. Jesus. You want trouble? Try deaing with an OC cop at any point.

  5. Just think our tax money paid for the liquor 1200 stimulus check yaaaay

  6. It only happened because so few bus drivers are working. Normally, they deal with the kids who ride the bus while they drink instead of hanging out on the boardwalk and drinking.

    1. 8:21 They are not kids. They are full blow and grown adults acting like spoiled children.

  7. Lmao. Your WHITE and drunk. Good luck trying to get a riot going. And what happened to mask and social distancing ??!

  8. The entire city council is a JOKE

  9. This same dirty cop did the same thing to me when I was 20 at an underage party in downtown OC. Instead of resolving the matter amicably, e.g., pour out the solo cup of beer, he beat me up and arrested me. Definitely a recurring issue with this one in particular. By the way that was many years ago and I'm now a grown successful adult, no thanks to the horrific beat down at the hands of this dickhead

  10. So they were drunk then poured it out on the officers bike then the friend creates a scene and resists arrest... I’m with the cops on this... millennial can’t handle being told what to do and having not comply with laws

  11. Again, the bottle talking. “I didn’t do nuffin’” If those mouthy punks act out toward police like spoiled brats, imagine what they would say or do to you walking along with your family. I’m not inside a courtroom but from here I will stand with the hard working men in uniform. Being a citizen that just goes to that area for a French fry or popcorn with my child, I’ve experienced issues started and caused by smart punks during daylight. I handle it in a manner that would not embarrass my daughter though it’s difficult.

  12. 7:51 I will be on the jury with you!

  13. While I do not condone bad behavior of some cops and many do have a 'I'm better then you attitude', where is the responsibility of the person being arrested. I have no doubt the kid poured the alcohol on purpose, and was nasty and resisted arrest. He probably deserved a punch in the face. That behavior should never be tolerated. I'm sick of nasty people who think they can act a foul with zero consequences. Take the punch and learn to shut your mouth.

  14. Why can't people just do what the cops tell them to do?

    1. EXACTLY!! Nobody ever got killed by obeying police. They are just trying to see if your good to go. Run your name. No problems?? Have a nice day. But criminals already know they have a problem. Hence their ASININE actions.

  15. Break the law, endure the consequences.

    Back talk LEOs, endure the consequences.

    Comply and you won't be on video.

    Don't place yourself in a bad situation and you won't be on video.

    Aside from a mental deficiency, is it that hard?

  16. Because that would mean obedience and they were never taught that at home or in school.

  17. Why would you believe the police account? I have been on both sides of the argument in OC. The cops are flat out morons. They dont write accurate reports. So NO I dont believe the cop. And I do believe they will do whatever they can after the fact to cover their Arses. Its disgusting that they cover for each other. Its a game to them.

    Why does a cop have the right to assault me Cart-Blanche. Becasue they have a fire arm and they will not hesitate to murder you. That's it in a nut shell.

    I support disarming the vast majority of police. If they have a gun they need to be kept away from interactions with the public. You have trained the public to FEAR firearms in general which is disgusting. They use their position to take away our rights. The cops have legal means to end your life with very little punishment being handed out.

    Disarm the cops. The cops dont need guns to write a ticket or to take a statement. For the most part cops are useless twats. They have no mandate to protect and to serve. Thats a joke that is only pushed by Hollywood.

    They enforce and report to generate income. And if you stop them from doing their secretarial duties they will not hesitate to smash you face for any perceived slight. All because they felt threatened.

    Put your life on the line while showing the utmost restraint. Its a tough job and a tall order. There are many people that cant hack it. GET THEM OUT OF THE JOB!!!!! STOP COVERING FOR POS's. Until then we will continue to see this garbage playing out over and over.

    1. Try taking the whole dosage the doctor prescribed.

  18. 9:43

    I bet you don't even know the definition of a fascist you idiot.

    ANTIFA is a fascist organization.

  19. If you dont want a bad interaction with leo, dont break the law.the young drunk kids are out of control,drinking,drugs,and fighting up and down the boardwalk.

  20. People might try following the law and when you are involved with the police don't act like fools. Their jobs are hard enough putting up with real crimes.

  21. No excuse to punch the guy in the face; particularly a Lieutenant shift supervisor. He should be fired. The kids were acting like jerks; but, police officers are expected to be better. That is one of the reasons they are given power over other people.

  22. Some people get drunk and think they have law degrees and are constitutional experts. When the police get involved, keep your mouth shut and get out of their way. You can film, but you have to get far enough away so that you are not part of the problem. If you're filming, not moving away, and mouthing off too, sometimes you get what you deserve.

  23. Police officers are human. If you are doing something illegal and approached by an official officer then there is NO excuse for acting like a jackass. You were breaking the law so why treat these Officers poorly. You deserved their response.

  24. Things never change. Entitled brats act tough, mouth off and do some dumb crap. Sometimes they need to catch an ass beating. Many of the people now coming of age have never been told no and don't know right from wrong. Police are not baby sitters. If you don't want to see your shi**y kid get his face punched by a cop then raise them correctly.

    1. Bull. The only ome entitled here is the cop. They escalate a conflict just as the cop did here knowing they are protected by a badge and gun. Lets take away the badge for a second. If a guy starts mouthing off to you from several feet away without threatening physical harm, you would be facing a fight or going to jail for assault. In this case wannabe tony tuff cop decides to enter a physical altercation just because dude is mouthing off. Guarantee he faces ZERO legal penalties because he was not committing a crime

  25. Matt:7:12. Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you: do you even so to them for this is the law and phophets. Meaning respect. Goes both ways. It would be a lot better world to live in.

  26. The cop should be fired. He punched that guy right in the face while he was sitting on a bench. I support the police, but I don't support THAT!

    1. I agree he should be fired or demoted. The video does not show the strike so he will be let off. Maybe they should pull up his file. I support the police but do not support this.

  27. Way better off just running now a days. I have a foot/bike chase record of 4-1.If they do catch you fleeing on foot isn't so bad. If you get lucky and encounter officer Morgan he's really slow.

  28. Guess the Union got a call for help on this one

  29. Retired Lieutenant CorrectionsJune 5, 2020 at 7:29 PM

    I call on these OC Patrols frequently in the area I provide Security operations for in the Down Town District.

    It's very common for these visitors to act in this fashion in aggressive manners to those around them.

    The Visitors ( like these young punks)
    challenge everything you asked them not to do... From Criminal Trespass, to fights, theft, ect.

    While this video was being played, there was a large fight on Dorchester and the boards.... same age group as seen here....
    as police pulled up,they ran and scattered down Dorchester street to the Atlantic Hotel, and some scattered in alley ways and hid behind cars.

    When you are arresting a subject, the others rally bystanders to violence....
    I see this often in Ocean City.

    These O.C. officers actually used good restraint and tactics to subdue the offenders.

    IMAGINE if persons starting looting, punching and kicking bystanders as the other punks edge them on.

    I retired after 25 years working the oldest and biggest Prisons on the East Coast in Maryland....

    I find the conduct I witness daily in Ocean City with these young punks is just like working in the jails....

    I commend Ocean City Police Department for quickly isolating, controlling this incident before the problem became worse for all involved.

    I will take a Jury Seat too in Court to uphold the Law against this malicious conduct displayed by these Wanta Be Gangstas...

  30. The Ocean City Police are good.
    The only one I’ve ever had a problem with was a couple years ago. A short, skinny, incredibly ugly white woman with short hair and no womanly figure, stopped me while I was walking my dog. I was doing nothing wrong. She was as nasty as she could be to me. I defused the situation with a calm voice and reasoning. She did calm down.

  31. Fire this Cop NOW!!! Police Brutality to the MAX!!!

  32. I don't like cops but this dumb ass asked for it and got just what he deserved.

  33. Because some liquid got on his precious bike? Are you kidding me? High paid thugs wearing a badge.

  34. This generation has become very brave and comfortable "mouthing off" on social media, often pitting themselves against much stronger forces, without any chance of retribution.
    They have that Keyboard Courage.
    Then, while out in public, they are very surprised when they suddenly realize (maybe too late) that actual spoken words sometimes have very real consequences that they need to backup and defend.
    Most can't.


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