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Friday, June 26, 2020

Violent mob ambushes cops, attack with glass as they try to respond to shooting call

On Monday, Tampa Police Department Chief Brian Dugan told the media his force was running on empty.

“The police, we always have everybody’s back and nobody has our back,” he said, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

“Right now the officers feel like they can’t win. And I would have to agree with them.”

There were several reasons the Florida police chief gave for the depleted morale, including the difficulty of walking the fine line between giving protesters space and having a presence at events that can turn volatile.

And then there was the assault on Saturday.



  1. A certain group identified by initials only is rewarding people for every police badge they get. How do they get the badges is up to the groups. Easiest way is to beat the hell out of the cops. It is on FB they will reward thugs with cash.

  2. Start arresting and stack them like firewood until transportation arrives. States attorney decides to grand stand arrest them for hindering

  3. This kind of crap is going to end badly one day!

  4. 11:46 this group is BLM and their other FB posts tell how to kick cops in the groins and set fire to their cars.

  5. Unfortunately this disrespectful behavior will continue until a Police Cheif with some ba**s starts kicking a**es. Sometimes violence has to be meant with violence. That's the only language these idiots will understand.

  6. I hope the cops start shooting again. Why not?? These animals are NEVER going to be happy regardless. Let's give them something to bitch about
    Like 100 funerals


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