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Friday, June 26, 2020

Dem governor: Tearing down American statues is a 'healthy expression'

'Let's remember the sin and mistake that this nation made'

Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York said he supports tearing down statues Tuesday, noting that it is a powerful statement about equality and anti-racism.

“People are making a statement about equality, about community, to be against racism, against slavery. I think those are good statements,” Cuomo said Tuesday on “Today.”

“It’s a healthy expression of people saying, ‘Let’s get some priorities here, and let’s remember the sin and mistake that this nation made and let’s not celebrate it,’” he added.



  1. This is the Democrat party!

  2. LETS tare down his FATHERS STATUES.

    1. Tare is the weight of a container on a scale.

  3. My blood is BOILING over all of this, Trump better do something.

    1. Hate to tell you this, President Trump has to obey laws. It's called state rights. That is why it has not been stopped. Tell all the demonratic governers.

    2. Like what ? He’s the president not a king. Why don’t YOU do something?? Scared? Crickets

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Typical Pedomarxist democrat saying that this is a healthy expression of anti racism. That is until it effects him in some manner then like the mayor of Portland, they become domestic terrorists.

  5. So destroying the MLK statue in DC is a healthy exercise of expression. Good to know.

  6. It all stinks! Have we torn down any of the numerous statues Obama has erected. I doubt it.

  7. I just googled how many statues and monuments Former President Obama ordered. Obama has established more monuments than any other President. A total of 26 some including large acres of land. American taxpayers payed 88 million. Obama has a statue North Dokata of himself and his daughter. Since we are destroying history why are they still standing. Apparently there are many statues of Obama throughout the country . Need I say more.

    1. Does anyone but me find it odd that obama always walked holding his daughters hand and not michalles? And to have a statue made with his daughter. Hmm. How many times did he go to epstiens island. Just asking.

  8. So the governor ( Cuomo) supports destruction of public property and vandalism all of which are crimes or misdemeanors as set by law. What does that say about the chief executive who took an oath?

  9. Let's tear down the MLK statue in DC. A monument to a liar and Whore master!

  10. Erasing our history...yeah, kinda like sleeping and thinking it will all go away. Rickie Beerinhan.

  11. I find him offensive. Fire him.

  12. Good at killing old people an beening a Dum ass.

  13. It's a damn childish tantrum that will not result in anything positive.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Like what ? He’s the president not a king. Why don’t YOU do something?? Scared? Crickets

    June 26, 2020 at 11:59 AM

    So it would be ok with you if somebody went and tore down the mural on the wall at Church street? There is no difference, a statue, monument, a marker or a mural. they depict history, so would that be ok?


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