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Monday, June 08, 2020

Unidentified Murderer of George Floyd

The Unidentified Murderers Strike Again

The gruesome death of George Floyd who apparently died after a police officer applied knee pressure to Floyd’s neck has gone viral and, as a result, has turned American cities into a war zone. Although the video of Floyd’s death unquestionably identifies the white police officer as his murderer, author Joe David views the murder differently. He blames Floyd’s death on unidentified murderers within the educational establishment.

The Fire Within and Teacher of the Year author believes Floyd was doomed to death long before he and the police officer connected in Minneapolis. “It began in our schools years ago when politically motivated educationists took control of the schools and shifted the teaching from the classics and basic subjects (like math, literature, science and history) to inflammable study programs, intended to divide groups racially, socially and economically. What we have seen as cities are looted and set on fire, is misinformed people, attributing Floyd’s death solely to a specific police officer without examining the contributingcauses.”

David believes it is time to confront the real murderers. “As I pointed out in several of my books,” the author went on to say, “the blame for our societal problems rests with educationists. When the schools stepped away from teaching classics and basics, educationists began their move to turn the schools into slaughterhouses of children by killing healthy brain cells with an endless flow of deluded subjects and boring study programs. Those brilliant thinkers and scholars who wrestled with profundities like the meaning of Truth and Justice and Equality must be returned to the classroom. It is time we teach our children to think deeply and to understand contemporary issues objectively. Reluctance to provide them with the depth of knowledge to do this will only lead them to their grave prematurely victims of the wiser.”

If Americans want to rise up in anger against the enemy, the author of The Fire Within and Teacher of the Year stressed, they must turn their anger toward the real enemy, the American government schools. “This is the real assassin of George Floyd,” David said. “This is real culprit that is killing our great country with the blood of anarchy. It is time to reclaim the schools and focus attention on the type of learning that cultivates excellence, knowledge, and independent thinking by heralding our similarities, not our individual differences. Such an inversion, as we are seeing today, will only lead to more disharmony and more radical behavior.”

Joe David is the author of six books, numerous articles, and he is a 14-year veteran of teaching. His two novels, The Fire Within,and Teacher of the Year, bravely take on the education establishment with a critical examination of its philosophy and its methodology. www.bfat.com


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