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Monday, June 08, 2020

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 6-8-20

Anonymous said...

It's not the response time of the police that should upset her. It's not that the store didn't lock the man inside that should upset her. She should also not be upset about the reaction of Caucasian customers who walked out without buying👍. She SHOULD be mad at Jake Day and I'll tell you why.

How many kids in Liz Day's school are growing up with a parent in prison because of a drug crime? How many children have a parent who can't get a good job or an apartment because of a drug conviction? These same children have to be subjected to their teacher, the wife of the mayor, pressuring them to buy their prescription meds. Not just pressuring them into a crime under fear they will be targeted or that their grades will suffer but also depriving them of THEIR medication prescribed by a doctor. While some of these children are suffering from their parents bad decisions Liz Day's bad decisions are just swept under the rug. It's clearly stating, "I write the rules but they don't apply to me". If it was ANYONE else they would have to put their house up to make bail. If they couldn't they would be held until they lost their job, their house, their car and then forced to go before the jury in an orange jumpsuit and shackles. Jake's kids won't have to grow up without mommy, but if the tables were turned yours would.

Barbara was out there to. Barbara who could almost run a full time bus from Salisbury mall to the police station for all the petty shoplifting arrests while her own force has been stealing from the evidence room for 20 YEARS! Again swept under the rug. The rules don't apply to us.


  1. OH well, you can do something about it but won't instead you waste your time running yuor mouth, as if that has ever fixed anything... Hows that working out for you?

  2. There's a lot of anger here but the point, and I'm sure there is one or more, is muddled by that anger.

  3. Excellent post!


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