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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Bayer Pays $10BN To Settle Thousands Of Monsanto Glyphosate Lawsuits

After decades of widespread use as company scientists played down research showing a definitive link between the product and growing rates of non-Hodgkins lymphoma, Monsanto parent company Bayer has agreed to pay up to $10 billion to settle claims that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, causes cancer.

Citing people familiar with the matter, German newspaper Handelsblatt reported that the company has agreed to settle tens of thousands of glyphosate-related lawsuits in the US for between $8 billion to $10 billion.



  1. They should not have paid a penny.

    1. I agree 100%, total bullshit. If this were true there wouldn't be farmer alive today. Roundup has been used annually for decades and I know plenty of older farmers that are still healthy and thriving.

    2. No your wrong. Exposure affects everyone DIFFERENTLY. We don't know how ones amune system going to respone and some individuals have stronger amune systems than others! Get all the facts before you start talking.

    3. Some of the ones who sued arevfarmers. But you two know everything Not everyone reacts to the same substance as everyone else.even when all safety measures are followed

  2. Monsanto is one the most egregious, and evil companies there is. They let them off way too easy on this one. Monsanto has operated for many decades with intent and/or willful neglect when lying about their products. All in the name of greed. The harm and death they have caused is incalculable.
    Do your research. You likely will be shocked, even by today’s standards. Almost all never made it to the national media.

    1. From the courts and good science section of public controversies concocted by extortion lawyers
      Roundup cancer attorney pleads guilty to extortion attempt
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      Posted on June 22, 2020 by Carey Gillam
      A Virginia lawyer who helped represent the first Roundup cancer plaintiff to take Monsanto to trial pleaded guilty on Friday to trying to extort $200 million from a chemical compound supplier to Monsanto.

      Timothy Litzenburg, 38, admitted to a scheme in which he and another lawyer threatened to inflict substantial “financial and reputational harm” on the supplier unless that company paid the two attorneys $200 million disguised as a “consulting agreement.”

      According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Litzenburg allegedly told the company that if they paid the money, he was willing to “take a dive” during a deposition, intentionally undermining the prospects for future plaintiffs to try to sue.

  3. Bayer is a criminal company without morals.
    Glysophate has been banned in Europe for a decade or more. The company knew the dangers.

    They should be held criminally accountable

  4. Now take it and anything containing glyphosate off the market.

  5. The problem is farmers still use this product to spray the wheat to make it mature faster so they can plant a second crop.

    So all the flour you buy, unless it is coming from Europe, is tainted with glyphosate from this spraying. Growing up, before round up, you never heard about all the health problems and food allergies that we are having today. Also gluten intolerance and digestive issues associated with this product.
    We are all getting sick and dying from this and GMO food.
    All in the name of profits by these corporations and factory farms.
    I'm sure 10 billion is just a drop in the ocean for the profits they are making and continuing to make from this poison!

    1. Totally false 7:42 ! Farmers spray Round Up to "kill" the wheat, which in this case is a cover crop, before planting their cash crop. The wheat that is planted for harvest and food products is never sprayed with Round Up. Round Up is a topical herbicide and is absorbed through the plant's leaves. It does nothing to the soil. A field can be sprayed today and new seeds planted tomorrow, if need be, no problem.

  6. Thousands of farmers, agriculture workers and landscape maintenance workers will die painful deaths. Lawyers will take 40% off the top, plus expenses.

  7. There is NO evidence that Roundup causes all these deaths. Trial lawyers are the worst of the worst scum of the earth.

  8. 9:59, 7:22, 8:28. Do your research. No offense but, you all are ignorant of the facts. Not just roundup but, many other chemicals as well. The greedy commercial system has one motive.

    1. 9:39 - and so do the lawyers

  9. 8:28
    Naive much?



  10. Trial lawyers occupy the stadium boxes in Hell.

  11. " Anonymous said...
    Bayer is a criminal company without morals.
    Glysophate has been banned in Europe for a decade or more. The company knew the dangers.

    They should be held criminally accountable

    June 24, 2020 at 10:58 PM"

    Not a fan of Monsanto but glysophate is NOT banned in Europe. A handful of countries have "banned" it but not really. Like most governments any bans when it comes to Big Agribusiness and other big companies the "ban" is more an impression of a ban then an actual ban since the "loopholes" are numerous We saw this right in MD with the 'ban' on arsenic in chicken feed. People jumped to the conclusion that chickens wouldn't be given arsenic anymore. Arsenic comes in liquid forms and can be added to water supplies.

  12. 10:04 Right from the EPA website.

    "In January 2020, after receiving and considering public comments on the glyphosate proposed interim decision, EPA released the interim decision for registration review. As part of this action, EPA continues to find that there are no risks of concern to human health when glyphosate is used in accordance with its current label. EPA also found that glyphosate is unlikely to be a human carcinogen. EPA is requiring management measures to help farmers target pesticide sprays to intended pests, protect pollinators, and reduce the problem of weeds becoming resistant to glyphosate."

    So the question is 10:04 are you naive much?

  13. 828 - you still in the 1990's?

    (snicker snicker)

    1. 11:37 You better read the 11:27 post. SNICKER SNICKER. Don't believe it, look it up yourself SNICKER SNICKER

  14. For all u naysayers unless u have seen the hell this chemical causes on a body shut up. My husband developed NHL from this shit and only by the grace of God did he make it this far. Not everyone who uses it will get it. But I can tell u this is not bullshit


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