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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Tim Scott blasts Pelosi over 'outrageous, sinful' claim GOP wants to 'get away with murder' of George Floyd

'She spends too much time in an alternate universe', Scott says of Speaker.

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., tore into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Friday, telling Fox News Radio's "The Guy Benson Show" that her remark accusing the GOP of "trying to get away with ... the murder of George Floyd" was "the most outrageous, sinful comment I've heard as a public official."

On Tuesday, Pelosi criticized Scott's police reform bill, the JUSTICE Act, in an interview with CBS Radio, calling it "unsalvageable" and saying it won't make "any difference."

"For something to happen, they're going to have to face the realities of police brutalities, the realities of the need for justice in policing, and the recognition that there's many good people in law enforcement, but not all," Pelosi said of Republicans. "And that we have to address those concerns. So, when they admit that, and have some suggestions that are worthy of consideration -- but so far they were trying to get away with murder, actually -- the murder of George Floyd."

In response, Scott told host Guy Benson: "I thought to myself, 'How in the world does this woman, standing in front of a $24,000 refrigerator, have the sense to jump into the bottomless pit of race politics? Why in the world would she want to do that?'

"There's only one answer, by the way, one answer," Scott continued. "It's because she's lived so long in a state of privilege that she has forgotten that it's the Republican Party that voted more for the Civil Rights-era legislation than the Democrats.



  1. Those that vote for crazy, get crazy....then WE all get crazy.

    California needs to go!


  2. Hopeful her remaining time in CONgress is short.

    3rd in succession scares the hell outta me. Should everyone else too!

  3. Hopeful here that her remaining time on Earth is short.

  4. Lube Girl has been at the government trough longer than Ruthy of the SCOTUS. Never happen, but if Biden got a raise they would pull the plug on Ms Ruth

  5. Democrats planned all the Floyd fiasco by paying the cop to do it , so
    they can attack Trump again & again !!!!
    Next was the Democrat riots to go after Trump again !!
    Next was the Russia Fake News Story !!
    All the while Democrats are behind Covid-19 to get Trump !!!

    What will it be every week from Democrats to get Trump ?? I Wonder !!
    Another Virus ??? from China

    All the way to Election Day & they may try to knock him off if he wins !!

  6. Bag Momma Pelosi is a Terrorist !!!


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