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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

In First Weekend Of Riots, Looting Damage In 20 Major Cities Exceeded $400 Million

Looting costs in America’s 20 largest metropolitan areas exceeded $400 million from the first weekend of rioting, according to a new report from the Anderson Economic Group.

“This includes property damage, lost inventory, cleanup and reconstruction costs, and closure-related lost wages,” the report stated. “[The study] did not assign any costs to peaceful protests or demonstrations.”

The report, published June 5, used “news publications to identify where looting occurred…and estimate the total costs of looting between May 29 and June 3.” The report authors say this value could be severely underestimated.

“Our estimates are based on observed patterns of looting in the 20 largest metropolitan areas across the country. We did not estimate costs in smaller metro areas that may have also experienced looting,” stated Brian Peterson, the firm’s director of public policy and economic analysis. “Furthermore, our estimates do not include costs to state or local governments that experienced property damage or incurred increased emergency service costs.”

According to an approximation given to Market Watch by Property Claim Services, damage incurred by riots in just Minnesota could total more than $25 million.



  1. BLM has caused more destruction and more black deaths then the KKK ever has and ever will

  2. taxpayers end up footin the bill OR lose those businesses rioted/looted since they will leave.

    Always a lose lose for what? Looted tennis shoes?

    So typical and predictable!

  3. Make sure it is only their insurance premiums and taxes go up and not mind. They wanted / supported these riots and looting and destruction of property and they got what they wanted. NOT any of my doings.

  4. Of those 20 major cities, I'm guessing that at least 19 of them are dumbocrat controlled.....

    1. They have Federal Reserve Bank branches in them. The bankers run Intelligence

  5. It could have mostly been prevented, but with human casualties that don't look good in an election year.

  6. They should give them reparations, then itemize how much they have cost tax payers through the same section of history. Watch how quick that $ goes bye bye.

  7. Will it be announced on here if a loot comes to a town near you or me? I need a few top shelf items that are above my pay grade. I’m fast too, probably be able to get you something if you advise. Thanks

  8. Make Democrats PAY for ALL of it from their campaign $$$$$ !! 2020


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