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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

As COVID-19 Cases Spike Nationally, Black Lives Matter Plans More Rallies, Marches

Though coronavirus cases are surging in some parts of the United States, many Black Lives Matter activists are nonetheless planning sizable rallies in the near future, defying public health concerns in favor of continuing what has become a month-long streak of aggressive public activism.

The surge in coronavirus cases in some parts of the country — especially Texas, Arizona and Florida — has brought with it renewed fears that any form of reopening states after months of lockdowns will bring a new wave of COVID-19 infections.

The governors of Texas and Florida imposed fresh restrictions on residents this week in response to rising cases in their states, while other governors such as Washington's Jay Inslee mandated that all state residents must wear face masks while out in public.

In spite of those mounting concerns, multiple chapters of Black Lives Matter across the country are still planning rallies and marches, even as officials urge residents to refrain from gathering in large groups.



  1. Fine go out March, believe in what you believe - but don't take up any hospital beds needed for those truly sick.

    Know the consequences for all actions.

  2. Could there be a latent benefit here? One could argue that there could be.

  3. Well, I hear NASCAR will be allowing fans into the stands soon. Since BLM has so much time on their hands, might suggest visiting a race or two.

    (snicker snicker)

  4. Yeah and look at the story above you, white people still refuse to wear a mask because their "right to not wear a mask" or whatever the hell they're citing is more important to them then other peoples lives. Clearly there are some parallels here!

  5. self centered org

  6. Such good news! This virus has hit them very good and is taking more out than the shootings in the cities! Proves that Black Lives really do Matter to them!

  7. 1033 - we ALL are Americans

  8. Yeah, All you crackers got to wear masks so don't forget it!

  9. "Anonymous said...
    Yeah and look at the story above you, white people still refuse to wear a mask because their "right to not wear a mask" or whatever the hell they're citing is more important to them then other peoples lives. Clearly there are some parallels here!

    June 30, 2020 at 10:33 AM"

    No one else is responsible for you. You mask people are such imbeciles. There is zero science to back up that masks work BUT there is a lot of science to back up they don't work going back years The new wisdom is they "may" help to prevent the spread so unless you wear the mask at home then it's a waste of time. If you don't wear it at home around your own family then you are a disgrace of a human being who thinks nothing of their own family and more of complete strangers. Bottom line is you might as well be wearing the mask on your a$$ for all the good it does

    1. I’m offended and think the name should be changed because when they surface there’s more dumb ass pale faces in the crowd. The pale women are too dumb to know that the trash will turn on them like a cobra. And the stupidly of walking hand in hand with children. There isn’t a adult in the mob of salt and pepper.

    2. 12:33
      I have a right to breathe fresh air.

      You have the same right.
      If you are afraid of my breath, then imagine how you will feel when my fists demand freedom.

      Take off the muzzle you sheep!

  10. White Lives Matter are going to take over & take America Back !!!

    Maga Trump 2020 !!!! & Beyond


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