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Sunday, June 07, 2020

They're Calling ME Racist

Today I published an article announcing a protest in Downtown Salisbury. I have received numerous phone calls with threats of all sorts. Because I publish an article I am called a racist. Good Lord, does the African American community actually and truly know who and what a racist is? 

I was told, you moderate the comments, you can control this. So I am to reject ANYTHING anyone says that offends that community and since I am not, (in which I am rejecting many racist out of line comments)  I'm racist.

No, I happen to be the only one out there with the ability to reach a far larger audience then the locally CONTROLLED media and I'll simply say this. An elderly white couple was in a Veterans Cemetery in southern Delaware a couple weeks ago when a young black man with a rifle shot them both dead. No protests, no riots, NOTHING. Now I in no way condoning what those officers did to that man and I firmly believe they murdered him. They should pay the price but while MY NAME is on this article and while I do not hide behind anonymous, what I am seeing around this country is flat out disgusting! I do not sit here as a tough guy, I simply tell it the way I see it. There ARE crimes from the African American community against white people as well. Act accordingly, grieve accordingly and find a peaceful way to mourn. 

I'll add, look at the type of comments that are coming out against me.

"Let me tell you racist muthafuckas little secret about Salisbury...it’s more guns and ammo on the streets than all yalls hunting equipment combined😂😂We wouldn’t even think about bullying y’all like that. Y’all safe trust me. The last thing on our minds is killing white ppl. Another secret, y’all racists ain’t gone believe this one...most of the white ppl are just as fed up and riding wit us. Lls. We all know how bad y’all wanna shoot somebody and it be completely justified lol y’all safe trust me."

"Nigga we’ll trash ya shit"

That's the kind of stuff being said on Facebook. The bottom line, one can only hope this is a peaceful protest. Do I truly think Chief Duncan will get on her knees like so many other coward police chiefs, absolutely. Do I think Jake Day will/would do the same, absolutely. How that makes me a racist I'll never know. That's what I was accused of during one of the many phone calls I got today. I guess whenever people feel the need they can simply scream racist and you are labeled for life. Grow up people. 


  1. The only whites they have are the Fat socialist man bun traitors lol hey you can have those weak POS Also nobody will do anything to peaceful protests it the Thug looters that WILL have the Issues so continue tearing up your liberal shitholes also 92 % of whites INCLUDING Republicans had your back UNTIL you went free shipping. SMFH

  2. Funny how the systematic racism they complain about is in Democrat run cities since the 1930 ‘s lol

  3. If your not on there commie side your a Racist well guess what I'm a fn Racist 🖕

  4. Blacks have many issues and being able to accept and handle the truth is one of them. When confronted with the truth they revert to the tired old racist calling and threaten violence. They value honesty as much as they value black lives which is they don't value either. They attach strings to a black life. The black life only means something to them depending on who killed the person. They never protest for black murder victims who are killed by other blacks. They don't rate a protest. Their life isn't valued.

    1. Lol “we’re not racist! Now listen, here’s the issue with black people...” God, most of you idiots are so brain dead at this point you’re beyond parody

  5. I usually find it is the racist that call other people racist

  6. The language. It's to be expected. Just like their "protests" were expected to turn into riots they can't be expected to speak like civilize human beings.

    1. Civilized* apparently civilization hasn’t gotten to your backwoods, shorebilly-ass neighborhood either.

  7. some other black woman is putting April Jackson on the spot on FB wanting to know why they aren't doing any protests over black killing other blacks.

    1. A lot of blacks understand what’s going on with this issue

  8. tephanie Mitchell Elzey Dunbar April,this is wonderful, but I am perplexed, I have not seen any protest from us, blacls killing each other. I am in Philly, and therenare

    April R. Jackson have done several about 8-9 yrs ago. And anyway how are you?

    Stephanie Mitchell Elzey Dunbar Sorry did not finish, daily killings in Bal timore, Chicago and Philly who is going to lead this charge.

  9. I saw some pictures. They can't even follow a simple rule like social distancing which is for their own good because there were a lot of obese people there who no doubt are diabetics probably most don't even have it under control and that is just about a death sentence if you get coronavirus. And it's rampant in the local black community. Don't believe for one second the masks help. If you even talk through them the virus so small it does escape.

  10. Don't fall for it THEY Are the fn Racist.

  11. Don't take that as being representative of the African American community around here. That example has the odor of fake, of an educated person trying to sound deep city hood. It's a button pusher. Ignore it.

  12. Everyone just needs to hit the pause button for a bit. The leftists will want anything they can get thrown their way quickly by guilty white government officials. That's why the pressure is on and loud. Extortion.

  13. Screw them Joe, we got your back!

  14. Joe your a free thinker. I think alot of these people are upset with you which makes them angry. You usually call it like it is. You dont hold to a party line. You may go back and forth but its your opinion, which can be respected.

    Your on the wrong side of history here. Doesnt matter what color you are. What the police have been doing to the young generation is wrong. The power they have is wrong. The corruption is wrong. This country has become more and more of a police state. This has been going on for decades it needs to stop now. For some reason your generation is just back and forth between big government is terrible but yes please protect us with an overbearing police presence and take our tax money. Just like the young generation is stuck between they want free handouts but do not want the police or big government.

    If you can look past the bullshit and watch these protests with one eye, no sound and still say this is not a police state, you have issues. Whether you want to hear it or not, these people are taking action. They want freedom, they are sick of the police presence, they are tired of the systems status quo. They may be going about it the wrong way but they are making huge difference quickly, conversations are beggining that should have started decades ago. We have an entire generation with criminal records because EVERYTHING is illegal. If your not straight as an arrow with plenty of mommy and daddy money its difficult as hell to make it in this country. Because of the police and the affect the police and justice system have on your life. Jail, probation, court, money, fines, bail, criminal record, the list goes on. Were not talking about major crimes, were talking simple fist fights, petty thefts, traffic, petty things every young child does and has always done.

    The cops are not like the cops your generation grew up with. They dont stop and help you on the side of the road. They dont give you a break everynow and then, they dont reason with you, they dont let you have a good time. In your generation how many cops were in your town? Try to go 5 minutes driving down the road without seeing a cop today. They are everywhere and they are doing nothing but taxing and arresting all day every day.

    Regardless of the race issue the way the police and justice system is currently setup is a knee on the neck for everyone. ESPECIALLY THE POOR.

  15. The enemy wants us divided at any cost, divided we are weak. The riots and protest are designed to divide and distract. Notice the declas and testimonies of RR and HRC are being suppressed. The so called peaceful protest are adding to the division, destruction and ignorance.
    All lives matter.

  16. Black Lives Matter? No it should be Some Black Lives Matter since there are strings attached to whether a black life matters.

    Dondre Wilson
    Stefon Hagens
    Anthony Cropper
    Erica Gould
    Shawn G Johnson

    All local black people killed by other blacks. Their deaths didn't rate a protest because they weren't murdered by the right person. They were killed by other blacks. Because they were killed by other blacks their lives aren't valued. They don't even rate a Stop the Violence protest for an hour in their own neighborhoods. No one stood on the corner holding signs for them. Heck probably most of our local blacks don't even know their names but black lives matter to them?

    This is why black on black murders are happening in record numbers. Black youth are taught all lives aren't worthy of the same treatment. Life in not valued the same. Some are worthy of outrage and protests over their deaths and others are not worthy of this emotion even though they died by the hand of someone else. When life is not valued equally kids take notice and don't have any qualms about killing. Let's get real and try some honesty. It can start by people admitting Some black Lives Matter

    1. We helped by sending in more cops, paid for countless programs, free pizza, you name it. We’re done. Help your own selves for once.

    2. 8:25 poverty? Blacks have a better chance of succeeding than whites. affirmative Action. All black colleges. Give me a break dude. Rise up. You just basically said black peoples can’t succeed. Have better faith in your race. You only need to look at people like Barack Obama. A black man who became President. I could name thousands more who have succeeded because they chose to. Don’t blame everyone rise for the black cultures problems. The only one trying to deflect is you my friend by not accepting the facts about fatherless homes and youth violence. It’s got nothing to do with poverty. It’s got everything to do with life choices and I for one will not apologize for being white. I will not apologize for your races problems. Man up. Own it. And I’ll be the first one extending my hand out to help any way I can. But until then nothing’s going to change.

  17. The Bible as usual foresaw the evil that is going to today with this BLM hypocrisy.
    Luke 12:1
    "In the meantime, when so many thousands of the people had gathered together that they were trampling one another, he began to say to his disciples first, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy."

    Trampling that is exactly what they are doing while hiding behind a "right" to protest. They are trampling over others by destroying by stealing by killing by threatening by intimidation. All this is what goes on at these "protests"

    Matthew 23:27-28
    “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness. So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness"

    God has their number. Pretending they are righteous but the realty is they are hypocrites and lawless

  18. 2:16a...petty thefts are something every child has done? All you have to do is follow the law and you’ll be left alone. It’s really not that hard. If you want to live in a police state, try China or Iran. If these protests happened there, they’d be running over there citizens with tanks and sending the family the detailing bill to clean the tank up after.

    And There is no justification for what that cop did, or the 3 that watched him. He should’ve been fired years ago. That’s the main issue here.

    1. You were never a kid and grabbed a fireball off the counter without paying for it. Come on.

  19. Election year for our president , I expected nothing less than what is going on . The democrats will try anything to get rid of the truth. Hold on people we will survive these road blocks . BLM is nothing more than another attempt to undermine our justice system . These guys have been a joke and will remain a joke.

  20. @2:06 very valid and excellent points. My question is why can't these young adults see they are nothing but political pawns and the very people they support are the ones that have been in government for decades that have created these issues? It's the same old song and dance a major crisis errupts and the wealthy left goes to work stealing ground on the tailcoats of the situation at hand furthering their socialist agenda. It's all the corruption at every level of government and yes the most visible right now ARE the police unions for covering for people like these 4 assholes up until may 31st. What about all the good Cops out there that are sincere to protect and serve? Why the hell aren't they marching for all the women that have been sexually assaulted by Joe Biden and MANY MANY of the Democratic party and their financial contributors? Let's be real they are the ones funding all these protests. My last point is yes we do live in a police state but that was/is out of necessity. Did everyone forget about the cartels, Islamic terrorists that have vowed to destroy our country? Did we forget about 9-11 and the reason all these luxuries were afforded to law enforcement? Look at New York today and remember how we all vowed to protect and honor all those killed after 9-11 yet today we say just screw it let them burn it to the ground. Do you honestly believe this is totally about police reform and not just another attempt to hijack this mans unfortunate demise to force Trump out of office? I had a very high ranking officer in the wicomico county sheriff's office stop and question me one day and his final remarks to me were that the sheriff's office " is in the business of growth". That right there should tell you their agenda but it gives no one the right to rob, kill and attack others while protesting. To me you lost your privilege to your first amendment rights when you cross that line. These are nothing but kids out in these streets protesting with nothing better to do. The REAL problem in this country is the mental health crisis. We are a troubled nation and up until these riots drugs and alcohol fed those demons now it's hatred

    1. Those who give up freedom for security do not deserve freedom.

  21. Black lives matter is in reality a bigoted statement since it prioritizes black deaths. It doesn't treat all senseless deaths as equal which means the murder victims aren't considered equal. If you weren't killed by the right person you are marginalized and ignored by blm. How can anyone think that is a moral way of thinking and acting and living your life. All this talk about how "conversations" are needed the only conversation needed is how have so many sunk so low that they prioritize a murder based on who the murdered is.

  22. Here's an idea. Don't break the law and your run in with cops, stops.

  23. Joe,

    You are anything but a racist. Tomorrow marks the 76th anniversary of D Day, and I mention this as so many who are today, pointing fingers, have no understanding of both that conflict, and the very real struggle against racism, hate, and genocide. I will spend the day reflecting on that, and look forward to coming down with the family on burger night, if and when restaurants are permitted to open.

    Kind regards,


  24. DON'T ever take a knee to a Socialist commie.

  25. But Ben Rayne said you were a racist, so you must be, lol.

  26. I dont think so, but if he truly believes all the crap he's spouting then good luck with that! I think most people here are more then armed up just waiting for these commies to f up in the wrong area! look at yucaipa! my advice, stay in the cities and keep sh!tting where you eat!

    1. Exactly!!! They must havnt been off the main strip and got into the back woods. I promise there’s way more ammo and guns then they have on the street. Being called a racist means you don’t agree with their narrative. It has nothing to do with hating somebody for the color of the skin. Most people could care less what color you are but it’s how you act. That’s what we don’t like. Get a job, take care of your family, stay out of trouble and act right then people might not think any different of you. Democrats are just using people of color they always have. Name one thing they have done so great for the black community? Some have been in office 40 plus years and have done nothing and one is running for president pretending he is one of you. Trump already has done more in 3.5 years then they have in 50. If you want change then stop fighting against it!!!

  27. For all of you thinking we live in a police state, go visit Russia, China, or North Korea and voice your opinions.

    1. Maybe in a physical sense so to speak but what about the "behind the scenes" hush hush surveillance that's done on all of us. Please don't even try to give me that it's illegal and against everything we stand for. They've been caught doing it. Hell Mike Lewis has skirted around a fine line setting up cameras on people's property because of "suspected" activity

    2. At least here you aren't wisked away to an unknown prison or concentration camp.

  28. Ahhh homeboy I’m not riding wit u. And I’ve got more than hunting rifles my friend. But you bring it. We will see who gets wrecked😂😂

  29. Until blacks stop blaming everyone else for their actions. Nothing is going to change. They blame everyone for the problems they create. The only culture that needs to change is the black culture. Studies show the only reason BLACKS have bad outcome when dealing with police is this.

  30. Just heard on radio that Jake day said during protest that local blogger joe Albero is a racist.

  31. Your far right conservative views and political agenda are clear from reviewing your posts. Not to worry, there are plenty of liberal racists aka Amy Cooper of NY. Your followers have the same lean. I believe you won't change your minds now about your actions and beliefs but in 20 years you will regret being on the wrong side of history.

    1. Your comment proves your ignorance. Why are we supposed to support BLM but yet you just stated there's a right and wrong side to be on? How do you propose to stop racism if you've already drawn a line in the sand? FYI good luck with that also because I will die first before I now down like some spineless cowards apologizing for past tragedies and crimes committed by others. I didn't put my knee on anyone's neck. I won't change my mind and accept homosexuality, transgenders, or will I allow anyone try to tell me I HAVE to like people because of the color of their skin. You progressive lunatics don't realize your painting yourselves into a corner and in 20 years you'll still be crying about the very same travesties. The people you are entrusting to win the upcoming election are the very same people that have gotten us in the mess we're in today

  32. Joe I posted this on another comment but feel free to use my post as a post in itself instead of a response. I'm tired of all this bs against whites so I write this to bring awareness to those people who this fits.

    Ok people enough is enough. These protests are getting redicilous now. You made your point now move on and stop the "poor me" crap. People are protesting injustice for black people and how they want to be equal. Well if you want to be equal to "white people" then stop asking for help and basing THE NEED FOR it on being black. Stop the extra points on government tests (affirmative action) and get things based on your credentials alone. Stop segregating your self by having "black only" colleges, fraternities, pageants, Lodges like VFW,s and motorcycle clubs etc. Stop bitching about and demanding removal of Confederate statues that have been where they are for decades when you now have a lynching committee to put together a lynching memorial to remember those who were lynched. Stop sucking off a system because you wont get a job because being handed stuff is easier. Stop complaining you cant get a job because your black and uneducated and blaming it on everyone else. There are tons of blacks who made something of themselves because they worked hard to get it. Stop complaining that you dont have same rights as white people and dwell on in and blame it on slavery and that's why you have these issues. Slavery happened along time ago. Yes it's our history and it was not right. You were not all enslaved by whites like many think. Blacks sold other blacks also. Stop living in the past and corrupting your children to think everything that happened to you that was bad is because of the white man who enslaved your ancestors. Ignorance is not based on the color of your skin. It is based on what you do to make something of yourself and work to get it. Ignorance comes in ALL COLORS!!
    Stop demanding things just because your black. Demand it because you work hard and deserve it based on all you are doing to get it. You all are segregating yourselves and looking stupid doing it. How do you have all this time to protest and march the streets but dont have time to get a job? Yes you have idiots and ignorance in all colors and professions. So yes stand up for yourself as a human and not a color!! #ALL LIVES DO MATTER.

  33. Sticks and Stones.

    Next month it will be something else.

    1. Yes, sadly, it will be something else next month, the month after that, and...

  34. As long as the black communities keep on voting Democrat they will never rise out of the ghetto. Year after year, election after election their Democrat masters come out of the big house to tell them how bad they have it and that it's whitey's fault, the policeman's fault. Open your eyes and close your mouth's for a second. Take a look and listen. The Democrats and their race baiters like Sharpton and Jackson make loads of money and gain power because they keep you deaf and blind to what is really going on. For decades Jesse Jackson has made himself a fortune by claiming he was going to help the Black Community. Do you think for a second he wants to end that flow of cash into his pocket? If racism ends he is out of a job. Same with Sharpton. How many politicians tell you year after year "vote for me and I will end racism"? Some of these politicians have been in office for decades and racism seems to only get worse. I love hearing about how woke you are. You're fooling yourself you're still asleep.

  35. Anonymous said...

    Your comment proves your ignorance. Why are we supposed to support BLM but yet you just stated there's a right and wrong side to be on? How do you propose to stop racism if you've already drawn a line in the sand? FYI good luck with that also because I will die first before I now down like some spineless cowards apologizing for past tragedies and crimes committed by others. I didn't put my knee on anyone's neck. I won't change my mind and accept homosexuality, transgenders, or will I allow anyone try to tell me I HAVE to like people because of the color of their skin. You progressive lunatics don't realize your painting yourselves into a corner and in 20 years you'll still be crying about the very same travesties. The people you are entrusting to win the upcoming election are the very same people that have gotten us in the mess we're in today

    June 5, 2020 at 11:48 AM

    So true. Say it louder for the people in the back.

  36. Being pegged as a Racist is the new being black listed as a Communist. Many of which were not Communists at all because in their time if you addressed racial relations and Constitutional Equality you were not conforming to Party Lines and established status Quo's. Many people assumed to be racist have adopted children of color and or embraced family that have chosen to love across race lines and appreciated the offspring and have had very enlightening experiences like normal nurturing human beings of faith.

  37. THEY are the racists for claiming that Floyd was killed simply because he was a black man. Far from the truth. The have NO proof what so ever that he was killed because he was a black man. NONE. I want just one to reply to my comment with the proof that he was killed because he was black. And saying that he was a black man, proves nothing. What did the police do that caused so many to claim he died because of his color? hat racist thing did the police do? And just saying he put his knee on Floyd's neck proves nothing either. The officer was wrong, but he did not do it because he did not like Floyd's color. It's been done to whites also. Ok, take my challenge. Prove to me and everyone on here, it was because he was black. With PROOF.


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