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Sunday, June 07, 2020

It’s a Cult: Thousands of Whites Grovel in Front of Blacks Begging For Forgiveness (VIDEO)

It’s a cult.

“I Can’t Breathe” George Floyd protesters have been marching in Montgomery County for the last several days.

A large group of white liberals in Maryland took their activism to the next level on Tuesday and turned a protest into a reeducation camp.

Thousands of white people were groveling in front of blacks begging for forgiveness at the Connie Morella Library in Bethesda, Maryland on Tuesday.



  1. Replies
    1. When will they start drinking the kool-aid?

  2. Oh, how nice.

    I bow before God and stand for the flag

  3. Just more liberal commies who can't think for thenselves

  4. It's ALL staged. They have had this set up years ago. They just needed a reason. Well the stupid cop gave them one.

  5. The libs have turned from their social distancing mandate to focus on racial protests all in the name of politics. What was done to Floyd was wrong but dems jump on these headlines and exploit the problems as a failure of Trump. But they did nothing to fix the problems for decades.

  6. Like a bunch of mindless zombies. Begging for forgiveness? For what? I guess the liberal indoctrination camps formerly known as schools are working. What a sad day. I wish they would load all those people up on buses and drop them off in the middle of Baltimore. See how sorry they would be after they get beaten, robbed and raped.

  7. It’s a left wing communist photo op ... they’re trying to use blacks as their militant force by manipulation doing their dirty work

  8. These pucks are / will be voters. There numbers will only increase.

    This country is already gone.

  9. The indoctrination is nearly complete. If we lose this battle it’s over.

    Trump 2020!

  10. I only know of one cult.,.....Trump supporters

    1. Go trump 2020

    2. Your hilarious! People who truly care about the United States and their rights, support Trump. You have fun thinking Democrat’s really give a $hit about you!

    3. 11:24
      There can only be 2 choices.

      Heads I win, tales you lose

  11. I will not apologize for being born white... there is no white privileged.. I had nothing to do with slavery... everyone can make it here ,doesn’t matter what color you are if you work hard... black on black crime is 90% of black murders.. nobody talks about that...To political correct..... we are losing our country and our soul as a nation.. You can’t erase history but you can learn from it and move forward....

  12. Wow - if that bunch of grovelling trash represents our future, we really are screwed.

  13. Indoctrination at its finest!! I’m sorry I’m white... I’m not!!

  14. I would rather die on my feet then live on my knees. Why on God's green earth should I apologize for the way I was born? Any welfare receivers out there I expect you to bow and kiss my ring when we meet.

  15. What kind of parents would subject their children to this type of lunacy??

  16. Slavery was practiced world wide and started millennials before the US existed. Slaves were black and white and slave owners were both black and white. This is why history is so important. Who do they think built the pyramids and who do they think they were owned by.

  17. This shows the complete failure of their parents!

  18. They might as well learn to grovel even though it won't do any good when things escalate even more and the animals revolt in mass because they think we won't fight back they will be trampled over. And don't come looking for protection from the conservatives who are waiting to take back this country from the stupidity of this movement.

  19. PATHETIC! Why would anyone beg forgiveness for something They DIDN'T, nor had anything to do with?

  20. Montgomery county? need I say anymore ?

  21. They all look like they are under 25 years old. Indoctrination much? Idiots.

  22. Some idiots will do anything for a few dollars from Soros.💩💩💩

  23. Montgomery county Maryland that explains it all!! A bunch of rich entitled brats that have been sheltered their whole lives. Wait until they get out in the real world and get their asses whipped by a group of their "brothers" because their white

  24. More Public School/University young people that have been indoctrinated into believing we/they are guilty of all this and more. This is what YOU have allowed to happen IF you chose to keep you children in these institutions. YES; it's Your fault...pray to get your children back. pray they see the TRUTH soon. IF you still have your children in these miserable, failing indoctrination centers get them out NOW...don't allow them to go back into these hell holes...

  25. Please this stuff happens all the time to white people. Talking about getting rugged up and accidently killed by a cop. You only hear about the blacks if BLM so must stop shooting one another.

  26. I demand monetary reparations !

  27. I wonder if the photos had Black's bowing in front of White's how would they receive it.

  28. Anonymous said...
    The libs have turned from their social distancing mandate to focus on racial protests all in the name of politics. What was done to Floyd was wrong but dems jump on these headlines and exploit the problems as a failure of Trump. But they did nothing to fix the problems for decades.

    June 3, 2020 at 9:44 AM

    "What was done to Floyd was wrong..."

    What was done to Floyd that was wrong? Being arrested? Being subdued for resisting arrest? You don't let the criminal control the arrest, you stupid fkg IDIOT!! You have no idea why Floyd died until the autopsy report comes out!! I saw the video and it was Floyd who was talking. You need to move air to talk and he was talking. He was also breathing, it's a scientific fact.

    You are just as stupid as those brainless white zombies begging for forgiveness. YOU are part of the problem!

  29. It all started when their parents were allowed to take Homie to the prom!

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. I noticed that a lot of white folks have bought the line that we need to apologize to black folks just got bring white. I had nothing to do with the color of my skin and do not feel the need to apologize for fomenting not in my control. I dont feel guilty or priviledged for having been born white. My family can trace its entry in the U.S. to the 1880s, post civil war and post slavery. I also feel no need to apologize for slavery, and it was not started by whites. Unpopular sentiments these days, but I can only worry and deal with things I can control. An evil man killed Mr Floyd, his job was to be a cop. There are good cops and bad cops, good people and bad people. Rioting & looting are not uniting us, they are dividing us. Are these protestors going to their kids schools to see how & what they are being taught? Do they go to PTA meetings, do they attend city and county council meetings where they can impact change. Or do they only come out to signify and be seen.

  32. Anonymous said...
    I only know of one cult.,.....Trump supporters

    June 3, 2020 at 10:22 AM

    And it's amazing how you are too stupid to see the cult you are in.

  33. Anonymous said...
    I only know of one cult.,.....Trump supporters

    June 3, 2020 at 10:22 AM


  34. anonymous said...
    Please this stuff happens all the time to white people. Talking about getting rugged up and accidently killed by a cop. You only hear about the blacks if BLM so must stop shooting one another.

    June 3, 2020 at 3:23 PM

    What TF did I just read?? What TF are you trying to say??

  35. Anonymous said...
    It all started when their parents were allowed to take Homie to the prom!

    June 3, 2020 at 5:04 PM

    That's a fact Jack!

  36. BRAINWASHED Youth of today , thanks to Forced Busing !!!!

  37. Idiots & fools.


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