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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Fat Boy Crabs

*Public service announcement*
Fatboy's Crabs is addressing issues that have been brought to our attention at this time...as a result our Kitchen is closed today to excute a full deep clean from a professional cleaning company and an exterminator. Our facility is inspected monthly and these issues have not been brought to our attention until now. Our mission is to provide a sanitary environment for our customers and employees. We apologize for the any inconvenience at this time. We have had the health department come and give a thorough inspection and have had no major violations at this time. (See documents below). Thanks to all our loyal customers who did not participate in the slandering of Fatboy's Crabs!


  1. Oh man....Happy Friday!

    1. I got food poisoning from there a couple years ago with carry out cream of crab soup, never been back

  2. doesn't sound good

  3. Keep those EBT cards rollin;' in! Get your roaches, I mean crabs, here. We'll only charge you a dollar to steam them. What a deal!

  4. Freaking GROSS place! Including the owners!!

  5. Dang....that'll keep em from treating staff like S##t! Your bad actions always come ariond to bite ya!

  6. Everything is a record of what you do now, everywhere you do it.

  7. I would be embarrassed to post that report and say they had no major violations.

    Gross. I won't eat there.

  8. Fat Boys is the worst place to buy crabs. The last crab feast we attended where thier crabs were served was the worst yet. Here is the deal Bobby and Clayton [his former partner] buy the crabs together then sort them, the best crabs go to DC were Clayton has a market and he can get top dollar. The lite weight crabs known as seconds are sold at Fat Boys. Also they have been fined many times by the DNR for undersized crabs.

    1. Hmmm. . . Note the large dumpster a little ways away from the back of the business.. . Stinks to no end in the summer. . . Keep right on going by

  9. I, for one, am impressed with his openness. Most food-related businesses have some sort of pest issue. Some more than others. And almost all try to reduce the impact of these pests. Now, I'm no fan of the son (AT ALL) at this establishment, but the food is good most of the time. With the spotlight on, this business should be "clean" for a bit.

    1. Lies, it nasty in there. No sure honestly who is worse Skipjacks or Fat Boys. . .

  10. They have the worst customer service also. If you tell them half of your crabs were dead and bring them back to the store and show them they just say that's not our problem. And what are they dumping on the back part of their lot it stinks terrible?

    1. Sooo true!!! Steamed food is often reheated. Turnover of employees not family is atrocious.

  11. Most of thier business is from EBT cards. Underweight small crabs. We quit going there years ago.

  12. If she had such issues with the place why was she working there? No other options? By the way I used there properly. She probably doesn’t have a clue she even spelled it wrong.

    1. Apparently she wanted to work. . . unlike the hundreds of thousands who are refusing to work because they are making more on unemployment

    2. Actually she does not want to work which is why she can’t keep a job anywhere.

  13. Slandering Fatboys? You would not win. You missed your inspections of your property and had to be called out on it plane and simple. Brought to your attentionn my arse. Quit blaming others.

    1. Are you friends with her? Maybe you could take a spelling class together.

  14. i like 1 fish 2 fish

  15. Keep spilling the beans . Go girl!

  16. in a word, GROSS!!!

  17. Running a successful food establishment is simple as 1-2-3: Quality. Service. Cleanliness.

    1. 1 cleanliness
      2 quality food
      3 service
      All three will keep your business booming even during a pandemic

  18. For a seafood market this place looks quite clean, no real issues seen here. So they need a new ice scoop and an appropriate place to keep it, big deal. And apparently the inspector didn't approve of their fish thawing procedure, easy fix. This is only about a disgruntled fired young employee who didn't work out. Now that she's shown how vindictive and slanderous she is she's probably going to have a tough time finding someone else to hire her.

    1. She’s already had a tough time finding someone to hire her, long before this. Ask her how many places she has worked.

  19. That employee should really get in trouble for posting that! That’s was so wrong with social media how do we know that wasn’t staged? It’s unfair and scary for any business owner, the public have every right to decide where to eat and spend their money and they can make decisions based on their experiences this is an attack and could cause such damage. All business owners should fear this. I’m glad to see some posting that she was a disgruntled employee most businesses won’t survive if their service, food, drinks are that bad. This is just so wrong.

  20. "Brought to our attention." Either the proprietors are never there, or they are lying. Their mission is to provide a sanitary environment. Another bold face lie. Just count the violations! They apologize because they got caught. Inspected monthly by who? You are insinuating that the results of firing of an employee, for basically nothing it seems, resulted in roaches everywhere and a half dozen of health code violations. This is not normal, and in over 22 years of bar tending, I have never worked anywhere with pest problems or that amount of single visit violations. Sorry 12:41, roaches everywhere and coming out of outlets is a real issue. It is an infestation years in the making. Food left on the floor is disgusting.

    1. You do not know this girl. She is always a victim of something.

    2. Sounds like they lined someone pockets for this passing inspection!

    3. 3:07- I know I don't know this girl. Do you really think you need to tell me that? Think, McFly, think!

  21. This employee should be careful defamation of a business is muck easier to prove than defamation of a person.

  22. You people eat crabs and you are worried about roaches!!! Do you know what crabs eat?

    1. Not cockroaches!!!!

    2. No just crap and anything dead on the ocean floor. Crap is way better than roaches.

  23. The problem is management, period.

  24. They knew about how nasty their place is. They got exposed. Now, lied and are trying to do damage control.

  25. The place sucks from top to bottom. Always has.
    How they are still in business is surprising.

  26. Slander doesn’t apply if it’s true. I would never eat there.

  27. Check out her Facebook page she’s straight up trash no wonder they fired it

    1. Exactly. And she should have been fired if she didn’t have enough sense to push the flash button.

  28. Yo----1:28

    I am not trying to be critical to you personally because your premise is 100% correct, but if you eat any form of vegetation or animal, especially "organic", you have been eating everything which has been taken in by that organism that you just finished swallowing down your gullet. The only time I would worry about what crabs have ingested is when that crab may have eaten a dumb-ass-crat that either died and fell in the Baltimore Harbor during a drug fueled stupor or was murdered by one of its competitor predator fellow dumb-ass-crats who wanted the job of sucking off the public teat or any other organ they could find. Dumb-ass-crats do not have the highest of standards (actually they have the lowest) and tend to find itself at the bottom of the food chain----where the crabs eat and the poop settles. Just look at pelosi, the dumbest bottom-feeder on this planet. Now that is something to worry about. If you happen to get a mouthful of that bottom-feeder by mistake---seek professional hazmat help, or better yet, consider suicide.

  29. The Leaths are the biggest scammers in Wicomico County! Bobby Sr. has a half-assed HVAC company that is very poorly run and does shoddy, ripoff work at the least and Bobby Jr. collects a disability check soaking the State of Maryland and works at the courthouse collecting yet another State of Maryland check!! What a fucking scammer just like his father!! Crooked is what Crooked does!!!

    1. Got fired to did you lol

    2. Sounds to me like they did. They obviously know nothing about either of them. HVAC business was 20 years ago...the son collects nothing from the disability because he is not disabled! He works 70+ hrs a week for a actual paycheck. Go figure someone else on the internet mouthing off and have no idea what they are talking about.

  30. I will never get food from there again.
    "these issues have not been brought to our attention until now..."
    WTF? Someone needs to point out the multiple roaches to you before you do anything?

    No Thank You.

  31. It’s to go steamed crabs idiots

  32. That's not that uncommon. Most places you eat out at have similar or worse. Don't worry though it boosts your immunity . Even the cleanest most respected places have infestations and filth. It's the suspended faith you resign for a dinning experience.

  33. JT,S in Pittsville is a roach coach.

  34. If you love steamed crabs that were already dead when they were steamed, you will love Fat Boys.

  35. Skipjacks does that too.


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