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Friday, June 26, 2020

The treasonous head of John Kerry rears again

John Kerry, a failed senator, a failed presidential candidate, and a failed secretary of state, is back again, campaigning in Florida for Joe Biden.

True to character, he's put his treason-face on. According to the Washington Examiner:

Former Secretary of State John Kerry raised the possibility that a victory by President Trump could provoke a revolution in the United States, claiming that Republicans have a history of denying voting rights to Democratic voters.

"If people don't have adequate access to the ballot, I mean that's the stuff on which revolutions are built," Kerry said during a virtual appearance at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit. "If you begin to deny people the capacity of your democracy to work, even the Founding Fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, we have an inherent right to challenge that. And I'm worried that increasingly, people are disaffected."

This is utterly untrue. It comes off as foreign propaganda, of the type Russia puts out, intended to sow falling confidence in the integrity of elections. If a Democrat loses, he's saying, it has to be because Republicans suppressed the vote.



  1. Hey, Lurch. Still waiting for that DD-214. The original, not the one Jimmy Carter changed for you. Until then keep your elite piehole clamped shut.

  2. Dems have been fighting that revolution since the day that Mr Trump became a

    It's been going on for 4 years!

    Problem is that coming into the election, the left (Deep State) are waging WW4 and MAGA is treating it like the last election.

    God help us.

  3. Kerry is a nothing and no one but the media would even listen to him, isn't he the one that was married to wife who was a Heinz family heir. Just a wanna be for attention.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Kerry has proven himself to be a moron and does not deserve mention in any manner dealing with serious issues. What an idiot. I recall a short video of him many years ago walking through the capital where statues of former Presidents were displayed and him asking who all of those statues represented. I guess he didn’t recognize Washington, Jefferson , Lincoln, etc. His phony service in Vietnam also raises my ire as one who spent thirty months over there as a reconnaissance pilot getting shot at every day.

  5. Wannabe Kennedy, wannabe war hero. How this man is still in the big picture is puzzling.

  6. Charge him under Logan, then lock his old ass up.

  7. Kerry the Heinz company prostitute, ranks right up with Squirrel-cheeked McCain for being one of the biggest man-whores in this country (McCain dumped his crippled wife to marry a Coca-Cola heiress to financial support his political career). I have more respect for a street-walking hooker than I do for these white-collar whores.

  8. Kerry is 33rd Degree
    He is intelligence to the core and reading their scripts

  9. its not Republicans pushing the mail in vote that will lead to thousands of fraudulent votes. It was happening during the primaries, you don't think it will happen for the General?


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