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Friday, June 26, 2020

My Wife Is Black. My Son Is Biracial. But White Supremacy Lives Inside Me

My son is 9 years old. He’s big and beautiful and biracial, and although my wife and I have always known we would need to prepare him to face racism, we’ve never talked to him or his little sister about police violence against Black people. Not until now.

He wept when we told him about George Floyd. His voice shaking, he asked whether the same thing would one day happen to him.

My wife and I told him to draw about his feelings, and what he brought back to us broke both our hearts. In pen, he’d drawn a white police officer standing in front of a cruiser, holding up a smoking gun and looking down at an unseen corpse. My son had written the words “Killed Me,” with an arrow pointing down at his own body, lying lifeless just outside the frame of the page.

There’s nothing my son can do to prevent this nightmare from becoming a reality. There’s nothing he can do to change the way the world will see him when he grows into a tall, broad-shouldered Black man.

To protect my son, and every other Black boy and girl in America, white people must change the way our own eyes see the world. We must do the work of stamping out white supremacy where it lives: in our systems, and in ourselves.



  1. The more race is talked about the more it divides!

  2. This is indoctrination at it's finest. So he showed his son that a white cop killed a black man because he was black. (We do not know that was the reason either, I have a feeling his knee would have been on a white guys neck too) Then he tells his son this could happen to him and then he asks him to draw a picture. What do you think he would draw? An ice cream cone? So you just taught your son white cops are bad and want to kill him. This father is the problem. Not the cop, not the race issues. The indoctrination (brain washing)lies.

    1. You are 100% correct, 9:55. I have a feeling the white father has been arrested numerous times and hates cops, just like some of the hateful commenters on here.

    2. If the biracial boy behaves himself and acts civilized, he will have no trouble surviving.

  3. Just heard Staples is supporting Black Lives Matter!! Wtf!

  4. As long as you have the elite in DC and running politics you will always have racism. No matter what their skin color is they always play on sympathy and never provide viable solutions since they never talk to each other using common sense.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: Oh, one more thing, tell him that when he grows up, to obey the law, show respect to others, don’t commit crimes, and if you do, don’t run from the police. Suppress any violent tendencies and live within the rules of the society in which you reside. Work hard, get an education and don’t father children out of wedlock. Don’t expect handouts and look for free stuff and expect the government and society to support you. Follow these suggestions and you will find that racism is caused not by the color of your skin, but in the behavior demonstrated by your character.

  6. He chose to race mix and now has a bi-racial child!
    His self hatred of his whiteness is translated into teaching his
    child to hate whites and white cops!
    Good job race traitor!

    1. 10:15
      I agree 100%

    2. 10:15,11:46
      I have biracial kids and teach them to respect law enforcement and other people as well as take personal responsibility for your own actions. I have no self hatred of my whiteness. This fool teaches his kid wrong as you two seem to be doing to your kids if you have them. Good job, both of you have shown your ignorance like this sperm donor has.

    3. KKK / Maintenance of the White Race

    4. 5:42 type in a coherent manner please if your directing it at myself(12:19). White trash with a drug habitat guarantee

    5. @5:42 the KKK was the enforcement arm on the Democrats. The real history of the democrat party is FULL of racism, suppression of blacks, discrimination..the equal rights act was passed because the Dems couldn't outvote the Republican lawmakers...pres. Johnson said when he passed it ( obviously not publicly) that signing it would guarantee the Dems the black vote ( but he didn't say black..he said the forbidden racist slur word) for a hundred years. The Dems want people dependant so they can be controlled.

  7. Race baiting parents. Tech him to abide buy the laws.

    1. 10:17 you are right! And also no kid has to learn about racism from anyone, all they have to do is watch and see who the most obnoxious and racist people are as well as who commits the most crime

  8. What do you mean "there is noting he can do"? Just wait 20 years, he can then riot without fear,attack anyone who does not follow his direction, and demand you to bow-down to BLM.

  9. You should say no that won’t happen to you.....your mom and I are going to teach you to be a respectful person....listen to older adults...say yes, please and thank you!! If you are at some point stopped by a Law Enforcement Officer listen to the instruction they give you and always be respectful!! Don’t be a mouthy know it all and resist when receiving instructions, if you feel something wasn’t done correctly talk about it after the incident.......remember these things son and you will never end up on the ground for defying the Police! That is how and what you should tell him....of course first of all you have to lead by example!!

    1. And never listen to a damrat because they have openly resisted our president and country for fours yesrs

  10. 9:55 not brainwashing if countless videos of police are finally being released and uploaded of them kneeling on people until they die. Burying your head in the sand doesn't make the problem go away.

    1. Countless vidios? Where are these vidios you are talking about. In your head, the whole story is about respect for yourself and the police. Don't do drugs, get an education maybe more women can try raising children with fathers. Learn about God and just be a positive person that contributes to society.

    2. Are you serious? Not all cops are bad. Plenty are good people. Why not show those videos too? Not all bad cops are racist. Some of those bad cops have complaints from all colors of skin. They are aggressive to all not just black people. To show a child a video of a cop sitting on neck of a non compliant criminal and making that child believe when he is stopped by a cop his life is at risk, everytime, is brainwashing. This parent did not show all sides of the coin. Just the one he wanted. The 12 year old that got shot that had the toy gun which looked real, if he had put the gun down as he was asked and not waved it all around, could still be alive. Resisting arrest is never going to be good no matter what kind of cop it is. I took a gun class recently. It was very well done. And the gentleman teaching said the unions are preventing the bad cops from losing their jobs. Let's actually ask why things are what they are and how we can try to fix it. But that isn't the goal here. It is for civil discord so 'they' can continue to control behind the scenes. One day you will understand what I am saying. Until then you will continue to be part of the problem.


  11. Just teach your son and daughter not to: rob, burglarize, do drugs, sell drugs, underage drink, drive recklessly, obey your curfew, respect authority starting with parents, carry a piece, fight, trash talk. There's more but along similar lines. Just as important is not to hang around with others who can't follow above guidelines.

    ALL of the popular 'victims' had criminal records of varying lengths before they met their personal Waterloo. Don't get a record started!

    To the idiot parent in this screed: Why are you terrorizing your kids?

  12. What is this privilege I keep hearing about?
    Is it wearing $200 shoes without not having a job?
    Is it having $300 beats headphones while living in public housing?
    Is it having a smartphone with unlimited data and the bill being paid by government assistance?
    Is it living in public housing where you pay no water bill, electric, and property taxes?
    Is it staying up, walking around on the block until 3am and sleeping until 2pm because of refusing to work?
    Is it having as many kids as possible, regardless of employment status, be able to send them to daycare without paying for it?
    Is it where you can buy lobster, crab, shrimp, and scallops on food stamps?
    Is it where you can be arrested many times and still have your rent, electric paid, and food stamps every month?
    Is it where you can smoke crack, meth, snort cocaine without drug test and still be able to have all utilities and rent paid for and food stamps every month?

    1. Its literally a Democrat breeding ground for votes. Similar to the slave masters encouraging breeding of slaves to increase their workforce.

    2. Exactly, 10:47am, I couldn’t have said it better myself! They are the ones that are priveleged, not white folks.

  13. What a disgusting human being. This is no father With a sperm donor like him the child will not ever need any enemies in his life.

  14. Don't be stupid 10:30. It most certainly is brainwashing and for you to even attempt to deny this shows that you are a piss poor example of a human being Instead of brainwashing the kid the primal father should be telling his child to obey the laws. I want to know who raises trash like you? And don't even tell up you multiplied. Anything your garbage self spawned is to be pitied. They will amount to nothing just like you have amounted to nothing. Now how did I know that?

  15. 10:30 you are the problem....get educated, videos only posted of such incidents for the news effect and hype it stirs!! If Floyd hadn’t been a criminal....if a warrant hadn’t been issued....no one would even know who he was!!! Millions of folks BLACK, WHITE, RED, ORANGE walk around cities every day totally unknown....why??? Because they are law abiding citizens not looking to known!!

  16. Everyone watch out the big bad racist Boogeyman is behind every corner. This garbage reminds of the local milkdud maker James yawakama(sp?). Sounds like you sir are portraying society through your racist point of view and it's traumatizing the kid

  17. 10:47 Very Well Said!!!!!

  18. So your son is half racist ? Half evil?

    1. Exactly, 12:02 PM, and learned it from his parents. What I don’t understand is why white people hate their race so much these days.

    2. White and Proud

  19. Guess you reap what you sow

  20. His haircut alone screams: LOST- ONE MAN CARD. IF FOUND, RETURN TO WIFE.

  21. If and when a black is elected President racism will end....uh, never mind...

  22. teach your kid to play by the rules and the system will reward him. If you want to break the law and fight with kops well then......
    race has nothing to do with it! parenting or lack of has everything to do with it!

  23. SPARE ME! Try not getting into trouble and obeying a police officer's command.

  24. This guy is obviously a lunatic. Why would you even post this $hit, Joe?? All it does is dividez

  25. This one lit a fire!!!!

    SMH on all of this.

    UNITED States of AMERICA!

  26. The reason that Live: PD and other cop shows were remove from network is because they showed the truth of how blacks react to police. True hurts.

    1. DING DING DING. We have a winner. Thank you Sir!!!

    2. This guy has a ballrack in place of a hatrack. When he walks in. Hangs his puny nuts on the rack. EMBARRASSING.

  27. Sorry Bud, your one eyed horse has left the barn and now you are in damage control.

    Your problem - not mine.

  28. A good father would teach his kids, regardless of their race, to be obedient and show respect for teachers, police officers, regardless of their race also, parents, and other persons of authority and listen when told to do or not do something and don't break any laws, and they will have no problems with either race. Do not continue to teach him that white cops are bad guys just out to kill black dudes. You are brainwashing him and it will show later. He is at the age when he thinks what you say is the truth, and in your case, it is not.

  29. Don't worry about talking race idiot. Tell your kids to FOLLOW DIRECTIONS FROM POLICEMAN. PERIOD.

  30. Self serving racist


  31. Dad is white; mom is black; kids are biracial. So dad calls his son a black kid.

    We're right back at South Africa and their horrible system of apartheid, courtesy of woke wussies like this guy. Just like Zero, any drop of black blood magically makes the kid black! Doesn't matter which parent passes on the magical elixir.

    With all due respect to the mom, if he was going to get so worked up perhaps he should have married someone else. And based on this article, I sympathize with her!


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