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Friday, June 26, 2020

Principal gets booted after posting comments critical of Black Lives Matter

Tiffany Riley, the principal of Windsor High School in Windsor, Vermont, faced the wrath of the PC police after failing to fully and unequivocally endorse Black Lives Matter in a Facebook post earlier this month. The backlash was so severe that she ended up losing her job.

According to the Valley News, Riley's post June 10 made it clear that she believes that "black lives matter," but she added a caveat that caught the ire of the leftist mob: "I DO NOT agree with coercive measures taken to get this point across; some of which are falsified in an attempt to prove a point."



  1. Your article says its due to them not paying a "Contribution"....Well, where I come from if your business is Shut down due to not paying a "Contribution" that's what we refer to as a SHAKE DOWN! Good ole OC...where corruption runs rampant!

  2. Reminds me of Germany in the late 1930’s.

  3. Only the left is entitled to their opinion.

  4. Oops, wrong article.

  5. 203 - thats ok, I started drinking bourbon an hour ago...I still understood.

    (snicker snicker)

  6. The only good thing that came out of Vermont is Phish.....and the Grateful Dead were still better.

  7. The number of people in Vermont who have never met a black person is probably huge. Windsor County, where this took place, is 95% white and zero % black. Zero. Let that sink in.

    But it obviously has an overabundance of knee-jerk liberals ready to pounce on any SJW cause.

  8. I know several people who are Democrat teacher's. They are leaving this piss poor State. It's 85% white and this is how they act. I wish they come down here and walk through their beloved Black neighborhood. See how fast they hate these animals.

  9. More scared whites rocking in the corner pissing themselves. Pathetic.

  10. What happened to the coins?
    I don't believe for one minute they "ran out" of coins.
    Think about it. They circulate.

    The Fed pulled them from supply to eliminate cash transactions.
    More control from the top down


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