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Sunday, June 07, 2020

SU Protesters Update

Alise Carey 

Just dropping by to let y’all know something then I’m blocking cause I don’t want to see the bullshit y’all have to spew but, hello it is I THE GIRL holding the misspelled sign Let’s address this shall we? WE ARE AWARE OF THE MISSPELLING!!! WE OBVIOUSLY DO NOT CARE. The message outweighs the typo first of all and second of all it was a little kids mistake and you want to call us IDIOTS. The people making fun of the misspelling are the true IDIOTs bc they can’t see the true meaning and message through a DARN TYPO, one little mix up of some letters has you that confused?! Yikes. Anywhosie I’m going to continue to use my voice to stand up FOR black America and AGAINST these bigoted assholes. THANKS HAVE A GOOD REST OF YOUR DAY


  1. Okay, whatever makes you feel better.

  2. Eye no dats rite

  3. Whatever.... you are still a complete idiot, no matter what excuse you give

  4. Your Honor with that the prosecution rest it's case! LOL

  5. There is no message!!! The message was lost the second the looters began destroying buildings and throwing things then running and hiding like the scared punks they are.,!!

    1. I agree since when does anyone’s death warrant your ability to burn my place down steal the television or other nonsense these people are doing. Why aren’t you protesting the two elderly folks that was shot and killed in Delaware attending their sons grave by an African-American sniper? Where is the outrage of the multiple gang related shooting to take place in Baltimore Chicago and every other major city on a daily basis?

  6. Weer on you're teem. We want pieceful protets. Don't got so apset.

  7. Before she blocks let me say that's typically what liberals do. Rather than debate, discuss, or admit mistakes they shut you up, shout you down and make sure your voice isn't heard.
    Do we have any "HATE DOESN'T LIVE HERE" signs around? Perhaps we should start putting them out. Cuz honey I hear the hate in your post.

  8. Before she blocks let me say that's typically what liberals do. Rather than debate, discuss, or admit mistakes they shut you up, shout you down and make sure your voice isn't heard.
    Do we have any "HATE DOESN'T LIVE HERE" signs around? Perhaps we should start putting them out. Cuz honey I hear the hate in your post.

  9. Typo? That must have been a big typewriter.

  10. Blame your kids for your mistakes and make sure they do not wear a mask. Good job.

  11. Well, Sunshine, if you wanted to be taken seriously you should have corrected the misspelled word. Your little rant today also shows no class.

  12. Correct spelling does matter. Idiot. Black lives matter but they certainly aren't acting like it while they are burning down businesses and homes of of black lives. This is just an excuse. Yes, that should still be alive and 8ncarcerated, he broke the law. Yes, that cop should be incarcerated, he broke the law. But so should ALL tjos assholes rioting and looting...black, white, man, woman...whatever. Violence begets violence. I have no respect for them. The people, actors, bailing them out or you. AND I have NO respect for your because you're ignorant and trying to act like you're not.

  13. Duh medikul examinatore says he not responcibul

  14. Get her section 8 housing ready

  15. To think that you are the future generation that will be running this country. You say you want to make things right yet you can't even take the time to correct the spelling on a sign and on top of that in your post you say you don't care. Really?

  16. So, what you are saying is it doesn’t matter you are illiterate?

  17. Morons that hate themselves

  18. Graduate of Wicomico County Schools?

  19. It wasn't a typo because it wasn't typed.

  20. Anywhosie, your not using your voice. Your using a sign. Your loud mouth is covered with a mask! Black America doesn’t need stood up for, violence regardless of race needs stood up for! Read about Tessa Majors, killed by : or 4 black males because she wouldn’t give them her call phone during a robbery. Read about the black man who killed two elderly individuals at a cemetery. I bet their names aren’t on your sign! You are the problem! Black America doesn’t need stood up for! America needs stood up for, without regard to face. You mam are a fool and I feel bad for the kids in the photo with you!

    1. I meant to say “cell phone”, not call phone and race not “face”. Before someone comments about that.

  21. She may block, but I bet she will read these comments. Maybe she will wake up and smell the coffee.

  22. The sign sure created the suspicion and then your post confirmed that you are an idiot.

  23. Salisbury Maryland can have a big turn out for reopening of state. But little to no turn out of protest of death of a black man speaks on the racism that's still in Salisbury

    1. Do every town that does not protest is full of racism? got it, thanks

    2. 12:47 I’ll tell you what speaks of racism in Salisbury. A black man writes racist words on a wall at SU where his wife works and it all gets swept under the rug. GTFOH with you’re virtue signaling 🙄

    3. Did you go out and protest about the 2 elderly white people who were killed By a black man in a cemetery? That speaks of your hypocrisy.

  24. It’s a spelling error. They were out there supporting a position they believe in. Name calling is counterproductive on both side.

    1. Pointing out an idiotic spelling error is not name calling.

    2. And so is worrying and crying about it.

  25. Another "baby momma" that we are paying for and she can't even spell.

  26. Perhaps they should try standing up...for a while.....they might lose fifty pounds of unsightly human.
    And, sorry girlfriend, but APPEARANCE of being stupid gives your position MUCH less credibility, whether or not you think your "message" overwhelms your spelling error (especially when YOU choose to put it on a placard and advertise your stupidity).

    You actually have NO credibility.

    I'm sure there is a black felon who thinks you're totally hot. Keep up the good work.

  27. They are standing in front of a college that has had racist things written on walls......neither were done by white people. NEITHER were held accountable for their crimes. Tell me again how whites are racist?

  28. What message? George Floyd who? His death has turned meaningless. It's been stained and forever will be synonymous with RIOTS> His new name is George Riot Floyd and he certainly is not resting in peace over what his black brethren is allowing What in the hell is wrong with African Americans that they sit back and are allowing this. Shame on them. They have allowed his name to be so disgraced. Have they no dignity anymore? Morals? Shame shame shame on them to let this cause get hijacked May their heads drag the ground in shame for how they have disgraced his name Shame on them. They are no better then those ex cops.

  29. She should put the sign down for a day or two and use that time to learn some sixth grade spelling and grammar.

  30. 12:09- You are really one to talk about being ignorant. No one believes you when you say that black lives matter to you. You are just another racistcsaying "oh black lives mater, but****...." You can't say that and then have to qualify it with the "but." BLACK LIVES MATTER period. They don't matter because you say they do. They don't matter only if they meet your expectations for proper behavior.

    Also, please don't talk about someone's spelling when your entire comment is filled with punctuation errors.

  31. Of course she doesn't care she can't spell It's obvious the slob looking thing doesn't care about much including her own appearance. when you go out in public looking like you clean toilets in a flop house motel for a living anyone can tell spelling correctly is the least of your worries.

  32. Boy she used her caps. button- she must be serious. Anywhosie, nice to see that you have moved up from crayons.

  33. 12:36- what the hell does "America needs stood up for" even mean? Is that proper grammar? Or is that just some hillbilly back country slang that you think means something? You can say perhaps that America needs to be stood up for or we need to stand up for America. Please work on your proper English before you leave any more comments. It is painful enough to have to read your ignorant opinions, please don't make us have to try to decipher your grammar and slang as well.

    1. Do you feel better now? I sure hope so. You just solved all the worlds problems by standing up against what you perceive as “ignorant opinions”! Your a joke just like the individuals with the signs.

    2. Just ignore the grammar nazi

  34. 1249 - she responded. That was her 2nd error.

  35. Forgive her . she is of a lower class spawned and raised by pure garbage. Just look at her language and the use of the F word on her FB page. Then you have this comment by one Teddy Seward who is a nurse at the hospital Shame on the filth that raised him Animals raise their young more civilized then the filth that raised him

    "Teddy Seward Joe Albero who runs sby news is a well known racist and giant f****** ass hole"

    I edited out the bad language but this gives everyone an idea the garbage these people are. Cant' express themselves without using crude and vulgar words. Certainly lower classes and beneath us.

    1. Don't worry these liberal scumbags days are #.

    2. 1:35 - I believe you are indeed correct. The intelligent members of society do not use fowl language to support their assertions. Rather, they use facts and discourse to advance their thoughts. It is unfortunate this individual used the language choices she did as no one will be taking her seriously. She has made a fool and mockery of herself. My concern is dragging children into a poorly framed and vulgar stance, that is at best a complete failure.



    3. 2:39- Actually, the intelligent members of society do use ****“foul”**** language. Seriously!! For a bunch of people making fun of someone’s spelling, you have the worst grammar ever! Get it together!!

    4. June 1@ 5:59

      I wondered if anyone would catch that / it is a reference to part of her fb rant where she refers to a group as “chicken#%~€”

      Glad you caught on

  36. You’re not using this platform to help us black Americans you’re using it to exploit and manipulate black Americans for your sick political agenda

    1. 2:02 That right there is a truth bomb you dropped!

  37. Y'all…..Anywhosie….???? "IDIOTS" is being Kind.

  38. what about the black man that put the racist remark on the wall of SU address this about Black Lives Matter

  39. Those little kids are over 10 years old and should be able to spell “their”. Education reinforcement is a parents responsibility. At least they didn’t use “there”.

  40. If she can put ALL LIVES MATTER then she is the racist one and might as well go riot with the rest of them

  41. I am more concerned that there is a child present at a protest. Totally irresponsible!

  42. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Weer on you're teem. We want pieceful protets. Don't got so apset.
    June 1, 2020 at 11:57 AM

    Thanks for the laugh! Too funny!

  43. Hope they remember their signs when they need the Police for assistance.



  45. HEY thugs PLEASE come to the suburbs and Small towns PLEASEEEEEE.

  46. I drove by and a pick-up in front of me called out, All Lives Matter, and was responded with a F#$# Y#@.Yell back by a young woman. Classy.

  47. If what happened to George Floyd happened to a white man we never would’ve heard about it ... tell about white privilege again ???

  48. Paladin, Vulgarity is the crutch of an intellectual cripple. As if we needed anymore proof after "thier."

  49. I went and read the comments on her page. It's a real freak show she's go going on over there One is so gross with that thing hanging out of her nose. Another with a pierced lip. That is always just so gross. Looks like a big growth on those lips. They would comment but they don't like commenting to anons LOL They don't want to comment because they know they will get slapped right back down into the smelly sewers from which they emerged.

  50. "Anonymous said...
    HEY thugs PLEASE come to the suburbs and Small towns PLEASEEEEEE.

    June 1, 2020 at 3:56 PM"

    That is what would scare the thugs straight. it would put them right back in their places so darn fast the country's heads would do a collective spin. Let them watch their thug friends start crapping bullets and dropping dead like flies right in front of their eyes and they would run back to the hood so damn fast never to hear a peep out of them again.

  51. Typo!! You wrote it!!! Modern education at its best!! Hope you got your brownie points !!

  52. 5:21 it wouldn't be heard about because whites are civilized and do thing like human beings. Whites are too smart to allow themselves to be used and the cause hijacked. They have no control over anything most not even over their own lives since they are so dependent on the government. So many wouldn't eve able to eat or have a roof over their heads if not for the government Whites would handle and do handle when this happens to them through the justice system both criminally and civilly. They are correct they are not privileged and it's only because they don't make good life choices. They won't admit this though because they have many difficulties and not being honest is one another their lack of morals prevents taking responsibility for their own actions No

  53. Ahhh you’re the one that is always calling people y’all on here. I should have known. You can’t even spell😂 Who in their right mind stands on the corner of a busy highway holding a made up sign with misspelled words. Bless your heart

  54. This cow is a real classy heffer. A big ole heffer that can't spell.

  55. This is just the modern way to pick up an extra $100. By standing near a street corner. The old tried and true way was to have a pimp.

  56. I drove past them Slow and gave them the 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

  57. The tragic thing most of you fail to realize is that you will never understand the bigger issue of race relations in this country if you are not brown or black.

    1. More tragic thing would be if you actually believe what you posted.


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