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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Sheriff Mike Lewis: "We The People" Are Here!!!


  1. Lewis is never around.

  2. Give me a break. F'ning armchair warriors. This is real, leave this to the adults. The struggle is real.

    1. Speak for yourself coward. I’ll be there with bells on and hopefully you’ll be within range.

    2. What f'ing struggle are you referring to?? Poor me, poor victim of any and all crisis the democratic party can maximize. Careful what you wish for p***y

    3. They said they’re coming for the suburbs next and we know liberal leaders like Hogan won’t protect the population so it’s up to us amateur s ... we beat England we can beat this commie uprising

  3. Sheriff Lewis and his team used to work with my company for about 10 years, before i moved to Colorado, but I'll tell you now. IF him, or his deputies EVER needed WE THE PEOPLE, "This" people would drive the 2,300 miles back there in a SECOND! Him and his crew were the most proactive team my company had EVER worked with. Its a rare quality these days, but Mike Lewis IS a man of his word, and he's actually known & respected way out here by many other Constitutionally guided Sheriffs!

  4. Who he?

    (snicker snicker)

  5. LOL!! Give me a break! Most of your commenters are fat old white men!!! They can barely get off their couches, let alone be “deputized.” Thank you for this though! The best laugh I’ve had all day!

    1. @5:52 it's because of you and the rest of today's punks I walk 20-25 miles a week and work out 4 times a week. As a retiree and former jar head I pray for a dumb SOB like yourself to try something stupid. I'm going to try to beat you within an inch of your life then call for help. And please please make the dumbass mistake of coming up on my property, PLEASE

  6. I really don't need deputizing. Someone comes to my house I have a big old dog that doesn't miss a trick who would bark giving us time to lock and load and any SOB that dares to come here would get one through the heart so fast they wouldn't know what hit em. Then another load up this one on the bobcat for a trip to the swamp never to be seen again.

  7. Mike Lewis & the Sheriffs office is all we have they have to overlap Salisbury & what Duncan doesn’t do. We would be even worse than we are now if it weren’t for Mike and the Sheriffs Dept—-we know Jake Day and Barbara Duncan are real failures.

  8. All of you jerks who don't like Lewis can kiss my a$$ . You know nothing about his accomplishments . I've known him for many years , he would do anything for anyone who supports the law . Before you comment think twice or prove your BS.
    Mr. Albero has what I call a truthful news media .

  9. Trump is sending in the Real cops !!!

  10. It's all so sad. I joined some of the FB groups that have formed. They are to report criminal things people are seeing. The riots are occurring in the norther part of the city which are the lower income areas. They burned down a 190 unit building of affordable housing. they burned it to the ground. It was still under construction but people expected to move in this year. Some of those expecting to move in and were approved to move in were George Floyd's own relatives. They had already begun packing.

  11. My exact same thoughts just yesterday. I'll be gladly deputized and served as needed.

  12. Wilson is running that Dept into the ground because Lewis lets him.

  13. When you need him...he has your back.

  14. $100 reward for the first photo of him at a local restaurant not social distancing and clear evidence of the establishment violating the orders while he ignores it.

  15. Where do I SIGN UP.

  16. The opinions about the Sheriff sure are at odds. About 8 years ago, I saw him diffuse a domestic situation in our neighborhood that ended with both parties satisfied and violence avoided.

  17. I had 2 of his deputies beat a relative unconscious and kick him in the head until it caused convulsions. He was guilty, but he did not deserve what they did to him. He could have easily died, but no cameras and no cell phone footage. Some of you hard cases may say he did deserve it, but look where that has gotten us.

    1. 8:45 Don't blame the Sheriff if YOU had the deputies beat up your relative

  18. Mike I am here to help. I am a retied Correctional Officer with a carry permit.

  19. Just do it before it is too late!!!

  20. Not a fan of him but when the $hit hits the fan he will walk the walk period.

  21. Anyone else find it odd that Day is going out o Africa especially during all of this ...I myself find it showing of Who he truly is and how he feels about taking care of us and our community!

  22. After Trumps speech today he said all that needed to be said in my opinion!!!!!

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Give me a break. F'ning armchair warriors. This is real, leave this to the adults. The struggle is real.

    June 1, 2020 at 5:11 PM

    Then why are you here among us 'armchair warriors'? To protect us? Stand down hero.

  24. Yeah that's all we'd need to have an actual riot here. You people are clueless. There was a protest in front of the police station tonight. Drove by around 12:30, nothing broken or damaged and everyone had gone home. The protestors are in the right. I've watched nearly every ISIS kill video and NONE of them took as long to murder their captors as those cops took to torture and killed George Floyd. I have seen countless videos of these protests and I keep seeing videos of white kids spraying graffiti, looting and fighting. The people who actually live in the community keep trying to stop them. I've seen a video of John Jones from the UFC taking spray paint away from two masked white kids. I've seen a woman try to stop two white girls spraying "BLM" on the side of a fast food chain. I've seen videos of white guys in masks with umbrellas breaking windows out before a scheduled protest. I've seen video of cops watching a white girl spray graffiti and even instructing her what to put. I've seen video of a white girl riding around in a car and trying to hand bricks out the window to black guys on the street. I've seen video of actual cops in full uniform with squad cars bust the windows out of a shop. I've seen piles of bricks just showing up to protest sights. Do you think some kids from the hood are paying to have a pallet of bricks delivered?
    I have seen plenty of police brutality as well. There was a black restaurant owner who used to give free meals to police. He was killed by an army of police in front of his restaurant yesterday at a protest. They claim they were shot at first but conveniently no one's body cameras were on. I saw a cop pull the mask off a peaceful protestor just to spray mace in his face. I saw video of a police SUV drive-by mace people just walking down the street. I've seen people shot with rubber bullets while they calmly sat on their own front porches. You can tell from the injuries that they have turned up the power on the guns because the injuries are horrific. I saw a video of a guy with three cops on top of him. One of them forced their nightstick in the man's hand and they used it as an excuse to start beating him.

    If you believe at all in the Constitution you should find this behavior UNACCEPTABLE. Our enemy is not the protestors. This the same old swap trying yet again to divide and destroy us. The same ones who brought you Russiagate and Ukrainegate and Covid and now this. They will stop at nothing to destroy this country. So stop coming on this site and spewing some ignorant garbage because you are making their job easier.

    1. Are you the one that had the song years ago “I’ve seen everything “? From what you described you must stay down plaza of bury area.

    2. You watch a lot of violent tv shows don’t you?

    3. Damn 3:38, your ability to lie is overwhelming. No more koolaid for you.

  25. Whatever. The sheriff’s deputies are to busy running their side businesses to do any real work other than busting speeding drivers.

    1. 12:27 Why don’t you. You must like the fact that someone who is supposed to be protecting you runs a paving and contacting business in his unmarked Tahoe. He is not the only one.

    2. Yup. And nobody in charge cares. Cause there is no control.

  26. Terrifying to think of you idiots deputized. You cant even spell correctly on your protest signs. People who can't maintain the speed limit on highways shouldnt be deputized EASTERN SHORE

  27. 3:38 you really get around to see all the things you've seen. or is this just more of the fake bs so called news you've been watching from mommies basement?

    1. I only said on video 10 times stupid.

  28. What a joke! Where is Lewis? Baker? Richardson? Wilson? Haven't seen them doing much of anything?

    1. Uhhhh protecting the people what are you doing in moms basement ?

  29. He is a self righteous pompous ASS! He is never at the Sheriff's Office! Always gone making a dollar on speaking engagements while making his dollars from Wicomico County! Double paid! BS!

    1. Until you need em 🖕 when Antifa is burning Down your hiuse.

  30. They hood needs to burn down.

  31. No-body wants to work under him !!! Little Hitler of Salisbury !!!

  32. Tick tock Antifa tick tock.

  33. People sit in front of your house with the door open and when they come in .... Well you know what too do.

  34. Mike can deputize me anytime!!

  35. My Deputy Sheriff’s badge from Sheriff Graham is stored in a drawer somewhere. I guess it’s time to get it out and polish it along with the other “paraphernalia”.

    1. This crowd on here didn’t know Mr. Sam lol

  36. like i said, while sitting in mommies basement! total tool!

    1. You must be living in your mom’s basement since you keep bringing it up or work for the Sheriff’s office. You have nothing to add to the conversation here but trying to insult people.

  37. He likes the Limelight !!! He would coward at the Riots !!! LOL

  38. Who controls anyone there? The admin is never there from what I hear from deputies. Some of them take long weekends every week. Working on their tan and social life I guess.

  39. For a sheriff to deputize unsworn law enforcement is a recipe for disaster. What type of sheriff would allow non trained people to carry a gun and make arrests?

    Anyone thinking that this balloon headed jackoff would deputize you is a bigger idiot then he is, and that is mind-boggling.

    Listen simpletons, you are not under threat in Wicomico County of riots. Relax.

  40. Mike can you deputize and give carry permits ???

  41. @12:19 I'm telling you straight up you're full of shit!! Out for my morning walk (retired white male) I had about 5-6 young high school aged kids start harassing me making verbal threats. I invited the one talking the loudest into the street to allow him his opportunity to make good on his threats. Well the whole pack started across the field aggressively towards the roadway and stopped dead in their tracks when they could visibly see I had an "equalizer". These streets around here aren't safe and will only get worse when all is said and done

  42. Truth Keeper - I was trained as an MP so I have some knowledge of the subject matter. I'm sure that there are others as well. I do agree that not everyone should be deputized without proper training. That would be more like rounding up a posse.

    Just my two cents.


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