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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Statues toppled throughout US in protest against racism.... umm no

Ulysses S. Grant, Francis Scott Key toppled in San Francisco; Albert Pike hit in D.C.

Protesters in San Francisco tore down a bust of Ulysses Grant and statues of Spanish missionary Junipero Serra and “Star Spangled Banner” writer Francis Scott Key in a scene that was repeated across the U.S.

The San Francisco protesters arrived at Golden Gate Park Friday night, defacing the statues with red paint and writing “slave owner” on pedestals before using ropes to topple them and dragged them down grassy slopes amid cheers and applause.

In Seattle, authorities were investigating what led to the shooting in the area known as CHOP, which stands for “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest” zone. It has been harshly criticized by President Donald Trump, who has tweeted about sending the military into Seattle to exert control, even as police in Seattle insisted they are protecting the area as needed, with the mayor saying the city would work with the community and achieve a resolution.



  1. The reason why they are taking down statues is becasue democrats don't want reminders and for you people to remember anything about history so that you will keep repeating it over and over and over!!! They are the reason why most of you are poor and why cops abuse you!!!! But hey, wearing pants to your legs, laying in the backseat while you drive and being stupid is cool so!!!! Why change anything right???

  2. Nothing to do with race. Just a bunch of turds enjoying themselves. I am waiting from Trump to take a few minutes to flush this trash out the the areas. Extermination would be sufficient.

  3. Put them back up at the perpetrators expense.

  4. All this great men in our history who sacrificed so much. Being torn down by people who only know how to take a DESTROY..

    You already know who is behind this.

  5. 1239 - when was history really taught in schools? 1980's? maybe early 90's?

    Dems keep feeding fodder and believed by the uneducated. Easier to hear it on TV than searching and reading.

  6. Since I was educated in the 50's and 60's I got a True American/World History Education...I don't believe in years following, the History lessons were good...and certainly in the past 20 years there has been NO true History taught. This is just ONE of the reasons we are in the mess we're in today. Parents have certainly had time, during this Plandemic to make arrangements to Keep your children OUT of Public Schools and find an alternative way to truly Educate them; rather than have them INDOCTRINATED by the state...choices are sometimes hard to make, but I'm sure you can get your priorities straight to give your children the best education possible...

  7. Bronze prices are UP.

  8. Time to take Down MLK monument too !!! It Offends !!!


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