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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Florida Keys now requiring Face Mask until June 2021

Visitors to the Florida Keys will need to bring along face masks or face a $500 civil fine.

In a Wednesday vote, the Monroe County Commission shifted from an earlier stance on face coverings, and now requires everyone including employees and customers to wear face coverings in any establishment.

The city of Key West already had this stricter ruling in place, but unincorporated parts of the Keys had relaxed such requirements, following the guidelines set forth by Gov. Ron DeSantis’ statewide Phase 2 of his reopening plan that began on June 5.

The ordinance also allows other city governments in the Keys to opt out of the ordinance.



  1. Here is your socialism you slaves!!!!! I hope you enjoy it for the rest of your life, your kids life and grand-kids life!!!! You are not stopping it or fixing it or changing it now!!!!

  2. I think extending a date out makes sense. It very clearly says they can opt out in the event things get better.
    I personally would rather know instead of this month to month stuff.

  3. Insane. So unhealthy. We are all going to be exposed. There is no stopping it.

  4. More at risk in the keys than covid 19 , HIV is the biggest problem along with Salisbury Md. , both have nothing but queers and gays as a majority.

  5. Isn't this jumping the shark just a little?

  6. 1236 slow down before you use up all of mommy's tin foil.

    If you don't like the ordinance, then don't go to the restaraunts. Stay home and cook whatever you like mask free.

  7. Thank you .
    Ocean City should do the same

  8. I live here in the Florida Keys and if it wasn't for the population that lands here from Miami and the rest of south Florida we wouldn't have to...now that they have opened up the Keys back up to tourists our cases have more than doubled...We had very few cases and only 3 deceased before that....go figure!

  9. 1236 - Hawaii is doing the same thing given their isolation with the rest of the US and World.

    Same with the Keys.

    Disney World employees now petitioning July's reopening.

    This isn't socialism, this is protecting one another SINCE everyone is bitchin about their civil rights - so mandates given common sense isn't happening is the next step FOR NOW.

  10. Thank God we don’t have a world war going on that requires the nation to collectively make individual sacrifices for the good of the whole. This country would never make it. Those that are complaining about wearing a MASK would be the first complaining about having to ration food and other materials for the war. If you can’t put on a mask for your fellow American who could have underlying conditions or be a caregiver, then just stay home. Is a mask perfect? No, but when everyone is wearing a mask it does help.

    Look at almost every other country in Europe, Asia, and Oceania. They practiced social distancing and wearing masks and have made tremendous progress in safely opening up. Meanwhile we have folks that have turned this into another political show. States are spiking because of this stupidity. Pretty soon we will be shut down again and you all will be complaining even more.

  11. 250 SAID:

    Pretty soon we will be shut down again and you all will be complaining even more.

    Yep and it was one of the consequences discussed ad nauseum yet ignored. There is never room for error since we teeter on the line for everything.

    Prez said we are the leading producer of oil yesterday - yet when the wind blows prices go up up up. Hell when the price of oil went into the negative a mere 6 weeks ago (now at $40 a barrel - for AUG oil) prices went down in certain areas but not everywhere. Makes zero sense.

    then again, everything makes zero sense these days.

  12. Thank you NareC. I wish people would understand this. Those who do not wear a mask are simply prolonging this misery for all of us.

  13. 2:50. It’s doesn’t matter if numbers are spiking. Did you care when flu numbers spiked? Same thing! The death numbers are essentially the same. You’ve been fooled by the media.

  14. 1:50. Loser think. If you are worried stay home. Everyone else needs to get on with life. Decimating the economy over a virus is stupidity.

  15. 2:50
    We do have a world war going on. It is freedom vs Marxism.

    Those that want to enslave the rest of us with masks and lock downs are Marxist.

  16. What???? That is absurd.

  17. 3:44 - the data doesn’t support your statement. CDC data - Preliminary flu totals for this past year are 56M flu cases and 62k deaths. COVID-19 is currently at 2.3 million cases with 121K deaths. You can look at other sites, such as Hopkins for data. All slightly different based on tallying method, but mortality rates for COVID are much higher.

  18. 3:47 - wanting to care about your neighbor, family members, and the folks you pass on the street is Marxist? No wonder this country is spiraling out of control. It’s called decency.

  19. Just don't wear your mask you may survive COVID but not recover from stupidity .

  20. 4:34 come on, you know that 121k weren’t all covid. The numbers have been inflated so that big bucks would flow from the government. Check out Alex Berensons research.

  21. 4:48

    Stop your dribble! This Whu Flu thing is an overblown hoax!

    Look at how all the media and dumbocrats IGNORED this "Pandemic" when people were peacefully rioting looting and burning down businesses. Now that everyone is getting sick and tired of the whining by the Marxist demonstrators, we immediately pivot right back to the big boogeyman called Corona.

    Wake the hell up fool!

  22. NateC
    You lost me after “cdc data” 🙄 The cdc that has flipped flopped on everything they’ve said?

  23. The best part of this is all you have to do is shoot a photo of the offenders and email it to the cops, who have a program to match the faces to the names.

    If you do it enough times you get a reward for helping stop the spread of the virus!
    Finely a law with some teeth to make sure people will wear masks and not make everyone sick!

  24. You science deniers really just don't care about anyone else and their rights.

  25. 10:57 Lol or maybe we’re just tired of the cdc and the who lying to us🤔

  26. Good Luck with Enforcing that one !!! LOL LOL Not Happening !!!


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