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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

'Some white people may have to die': UGA teaching assistant under fire for post


  1. How about firing the RACIST POS. If a white person said blacks should die. He'd be gone. Didn't just fire a white professor for saying ALL LIVES MATTER??

  2. Terrorist threats

    lock him up

  3. Isn't going to end well for the 13%.

  4. Lock this POS up forever and throw away the keys.

  5. FIRE Common Core and MANDATE the study of history. The brains out schools are turning out are all mush. They don't UNDERSTAND why things were done in the past. MAKE THEM!!!!

    We are fighting ignorance, NOT Racism. Wake up.

    1. With the new digital age, they are re writing history. Once hard back books are gone, it's all over. They are also editing out all kinds of stuff out of movies online. It is scary.

  6. He should be fired immediately and should apologize.

  7. No parent should wonder why their kids return home dumber after attending college after seeing this.

  8. If what I am hearing is correct, they plan to make it happen. That it is going to be a long, hot violent summer, all the way to the election.

  9. Every white just needs to take one of them with you

  10. Death threat to all White people, that's reason enough to be allowed a concealed carry permit, for those that think it's necessary. I for one will carry without because it's my god given right to protect myself and family.

  11. 11:05 and 12:30 both spot on!

  12. I expect nothing less from this guy , it certainly shows the thought of blacks in this country . I had to laugh and my wife ask me what was so funny . Too funny from the lips of ignorance , of which most blacks think alike and look alike.

  13. 13% of the population and 75 % of the crime

  14. If this had been a white professor saying that some blacks may have to die, he'd have been fired, arrested, and thrown in jail. THIS is the double standard existing today.


  15. If there's such a thing as 'hate speech', this qualifies.

    Most Union dead were white and they gave their lives so this twisted weasel could run his mouth. Disgusting.

  16. He is too damn ignorant to be a professor. He ran his mouth and got caught and now he says he meant nothing like that. Lying azz entitled attitude fool. You can bet he will not be on the front lines. He can bring it on when ever he wants. They all can, and they will pay dearly.


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