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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

NPR Falsely Calls Victim Of Attack By Rioters A White Supremacist

The woman had her car blocked by a group of protesters, and had her hair ripped out and a gun pulled on her before she managed to escape

This week a woman in Louisville, Ky. was assaulted by armed rioters. The rioters blocked her car, and after a short conversation, tore out her dreadlocks and pointed a gun at her. The woman quickly drove backwards before they could shoot, then sped off, striking one of the assailants moving towards her.

The events were thankfully captured on a city crime camera, and police arrested two of the attackers after the victim reported the incident to law enforcement. It was three days later that she was marked as the new face of “far right extremism” by NPR.



  1. That's because that's the only way that it's a story if they attacked a regular white person would be no big deal

  2. NPR = No Proof Required

    I remember having donated to local public radio that airs NPR. I haven't in years and will never make the mistake again.

  3. NPR

  4. Simple fix.Defund NPR if they are reporting fake news.

  5. Need to use the power of the FCC and take the broadcast licenses away from these traitors.

  6. Yes, defund them!


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