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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Brett Favre Says Colin Kaepernick Deserves "Hero Status" Like Patrick Tillman


  1. Brett Farve is an idiot. I guess he took to many shots to the head. Compare an actual unselfish person who loved AMERICA. To a Freaking lowlife RACIST who would do anything for attention.

  2. Never heard of this dumb ass Brett dude. Must not be relevant and now proves it by that stupid statement.

  3. Farve is an even bigger idiot than I thought 💩.


  4. Farve needs to go back into the concussion protocol, and stay there.

    On a character basis alone, Colon couldn't carry Tillman's jock.

  5. Brett, get off your meds.

  6. 🖕 Farve

  7. Favre has heard too much of the football player as a "warrior". They are not warriors, just men getting paid a fortune to play a kids game. And many of them act like children. Favre is not the man that many of us thought that he was.

    1. The only true sport is professional wrestling, the others are just games.

  8. Brett has dementia from all those hits I guess

  9. All that “copper fit” has clouded his judgement.

  10. I listened to this yesterday on the Rush show...the NFL became dead to me when they started kneeling and then they refused to televise the National Anthem... God Bless our Military and God Bless the Police, oh and God Bless America !!!

  11. pretty soon we'll be hearing the American flag is racist and all of them should be burned. wait and see

  12. Someone please contact the appropriate doctors, Brett Farve is on vicodon again. As described in his book, eating them by the handful, vomiting and eating them again out of his vomit. It seems he may be there again.

  13. As if I would be interested in what Brett Favre thinks!

  14. So good to see so many negative reactions to that idiot's (Farve) comments. Given today's environment with idiocy as the norm I thought the silent majority had given up. Thanks my peeps!


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