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Friday, June 26, 2020

Some states have embraced online voting. It's a huge risk.

People’s phones, tablets and computers are vulnerable to hackers. Securing the internet could take a decade or more. But some states are plowing ahead anyway.

Some West Virginians voting in Tuesday’s primary will be allowed to tap on their phones or laptops instead of heading to the polls. Some in Delaware will get to do the same next month. And the trend may spread into November, as the coronavirus pandemic inspires a search for voting methods that don’t expose people to the deadly disease.

But moving elections to the internet poses huge risks that the United States is unprepared to handle — endangering voters’ privacy, the secrecy of the ballot and even the trustworthiness of the results.



  1. I hope everyone will refuse this. It's the only way they can beat President Trump. Especially since we have TRAITORS throughout our government.

  2. Microsoft and the tech companies have already hacked these programs along with George Soros, Michael Bloomberg working with the Chinese and the other Billionaires to favor the ANARCHIST Democrats.

  3. Russia, Russia, Russia. The Dems are playing into their hands.

  4. I have started asking all my friends if they know anyone with the Virus or had it everyone says no . Bad cold will catch it. Bullshit, an lies.

  5. The ATM we have been voting on is on-line voting

  6. 12:30

    No. Those electronic voting machines are not connected to the internet.

    With that said, I personally think paper ballots are the way to go. In person and not by mail.

  7. It works for American Idol and now that's about all we are voting for anyway. We don't have voters anymore just FANS and RAH RAH feel good rallies and candy coated promises and Don Rickles put downs.

  8. If they can protest. Then all of us can walk in to VOTE. Stop being such pansies. You wear a mask and gloves. You won't even get ink in your Pansy ASSES.


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