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Friday, June 26, 2020

Coronavirus: How The CDC Lost Control Of The Pandemic. Then The Agency Disappeared.

The world’s premier health agency pushed a flawed coronavirus containment strategy — until it disappeared from public view one day before the outbreak was declared a pandemic.

On January 17, the world’s most trusted public health agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, announced it was screening travelers from Wuhan, China, because of a new infectious respiratory illness striking that city.

It was the CDC’s first public briefing on the outbreak, coming as China reported 45 cases of the illness and two deaths linked to a seafood and meat market in Wuhan. Chinese health officials had not yet confirmed that the new illness was transmitted from person to person. But there was reason to believe that it might be: four days earlier, officials in Thailand confirmed their first case, a traveler from Wuhan who had not visited the seafood market.

“Based on the information that CDC has today, we believe the current risk from this virus to the general public is low,” said Nancy Messonnier, the CDC’s director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Messonnier, 54, was a veteran of the CDC’s renowned Epidemiological Intelligence Service, where she had risen through the ranks during the national responses to the anthrax attacks and the previous decade’s swine flu pandemic to eventually head the agency’s vaccines center.

Most of the novel coronavirus’s infections apparently went “from animals to people,” she explained, and human transmission was “limited.”



  1. CDC all hat and no cattle. We finally get what they have been training to do And they Lewinskyed it. Way to go over bloated Government agency

  2. They did exactly what they were instructed to do and say.
    Everything has been staged and will continue to be staged by the incredibly massive intelligence networks. They include Hollywood and NY

  3. The CDC has been politicized by Lying Donald and is borderline worthless as a result. From botched tests, to hydroxychloroquine to everyone can get a test that wants one’ they have become an embarrassment and political train wreck.

  4. 10:00

    The only one lying around here is you tootsie.


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