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Friday, June 26, 2020

2020 Statue Destruction Craze Needs to End

Show Me on the Statue Where Stupidity Hurt You

Enough already. The statue-toppling phase of 2020 riot season doesn’t seem to be losing any steam. Honestly, I had no idea there were even that many statues in the United States, or the world, for that matter. There seems to be some sort of resignation settling upon the land and a lot of people have just decided that letting the unbathed idiot mob knock over statues is better than having them, riot so the antics are being met with a collective shrug now.

The discussion about the removal of Confederate statues was a valid one, but that didn’t last long before the mob started going after all statues like predators after wounded prey.

Matt wrote a post yesterday detailing just how idiotic the anti-statue crowd has become:

There’s a memorial statue Lincoln Park in Washington D.C. that depicts President Abraham Lincoln holding a copy of the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing a slave. The Emancipation Memorial, also called Freedman’s Memorial, apparently offends Black Lives Matter protestors, who, on Tuesday, vowed to topple it down.

That’s right, Lincoln is getting canceled for freeing the slaves by the people who want racial healing or something.



  1. The way I see this idiotic movement is as follows. What the hell kind of black group would want a bunch of stupid immature white people flashing handmade cardboard signs with blm on it. That right there is telling me I wouldn’t be involved with a group (blm) that Is that dumb. No matter what color I was.

  2. They are paid anarchists who will install the totalitarian communist government in November 2020.
    The US is toast.

    The globalists bankers have far too much power now.
    They are printing money for God's sakes.
    It is over.

    Hunker down and stock up on food, water, clothing, everything you need to live.
    Convert your US Dollars into commodities now - before it is too late.
    Coins are already gone, the Dollar will be gone soon too.

  3. Oh my
    This is getting crazy. I was told no coins at BBT today they are for business only. You cannot get coins from he bank as of today and it is supposed to be all of them.

  4. Maybe we should start going to college's around the country and burn them down?? I mean they DESTROY what we feel is important. Why not DESTROY their useless mouth piece.

  5. This is all born from Universities. First enslave the kids with surmountable debt and then indoctrinate them in hating America and then reward them with a degree that's not worth the paper it's written on, then set them loose.

  6. Take down just one more before the end > MLK in d.c !!!! LOL


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