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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Some Americans call for replacement of ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ with new national anthem

UNITED STATES (WJW) — Some Americans are calling for a new national anthem amid the nationwide trend of removing monuments, statues and other symbols that have ties to slavery.

Francis Scott Key wrote the poem “Defence of Fort M’Henry” on September 14, 1814 when he saw the US flag flying over the fort at dawn’s early light, according to the Smithsonian Institute,Statue of John Calhoun, vice president who defended slavery, comes down in Charleston

This poem later served as the lyrics for “The Star-Spangled Banner,” which became the official national anthem of the US in 1931.



  1. NOT Happening > GO live in Russia if Ya Don't like America !!!!

  2. I guess we can't switch it to "God Bless America" because that of that racist Kate Smith....

  3. Lets change it to Dixie Land

    1. Oh I wish I was in the land of cotton ....

  4. It is only anti American's that are insisting on this chaos in everything.

  5. Let's see their green cards first. The ones calling for this aren't even citizens.

  6. Just forget about the 2nd and 3rd stanzas; hardly anyone knows they even exist and NOBODY EVER sings them in public.

  7. Some Americans are calling for ... and. some Americans are just plain nuts!

  8. People of all races need to get a life. All this bitchen and complaining needs to stop. It's history of our country that dates back some several hundred years. Granted some things in life aren't always done fairly, but what is nowadays. Just go on with life and be yourself and don't worry what others think or say about you. In the long run the truth will eventually be told. The majority need to mind their own damn business. That's the biggest problem people get their nose into stuff that they shouldn't. I know how I was born and raised with strict parents. You would talk & answer when spoken to. With a Hi, Yes Mam, Yes Sir. If you were out with parents you were not disrespectful to anyone ,if so you were corrected then. If you did it again you were dealt with accordingly. Sometimes you got your ass busted. I thank my parents in heaven for providing what they could. People have really changed over the years some for the better and some well we will just leave it at that. Try it just once it might make you a better person. Thanks and good luck.

  9. 3:16. Seems Russia is just as important to our President than anything going on here. Dropping out of our arms agreements, lobbying to get Russia back in the G7, sending ventilators and most outrageously taking no action months after finding out that Russia actually paid bounty’s for the deaths of American servicemen in Afghanistan. We are nothing but Russia’s puppet already.

    1. 4:28
      “We” are not the US Government
      Stop identifying yourself with it

  10. "America the Beautiful" I actually prefer. It has been discussed and I am alright with a change, as long as it is this song.

  11. Blame the Democrats, as this was done on FDR's watch.

  12. I truly wish this blog didn't have profanity guidelines, because I can't use the proper type of extreme Martin-Scorsese-movie language that could accurately depict what these American-hating, grievance-mongering savages are all about. Without swearing I would say that BLM/Antifa are walking diseases; they are a genetic grab-bag of nature's most abhorrent errors. They are vaguely humanoid eruptions of toxic chemicals who need to be banished and relegated to the dark, shadowy periphery of human existence where these....these THINGS belong.

  13. I can hear it now, ooo say we where my hood at? in merica! Praise alah in merica! Steal some drugs in merica! Get paid in merica! Free shit in merica! No peace in merica! Mic drop!

  14. YES!!!! It is the crummiest song to ever try and sing, just ask any professional that has ever tried. Replace this British Drinking Tune with "America the Beautiful"!

    Also a little bit of history, Key was locked in chains down in the hold of the ship and never saw Ft. McHenry or the flag! His poem is a farce!

  15. I guess they want to replace it with some stupid rap song. So instead of putting your hand on your heart. They will jump around to TWIRK and JERK like animals.

  16. U have GOT to be kidding me. I have been enjoying my Saturday..... Drinking my bourbon.....coming online to DELMARVAS leader in news and I see this bullship.............

    This is crap and will not happen. We will close again...hate it...realize ok we need to do whatever to get by and adjust.

    Regardless of our FEELINGS we will do what needs to be done.

    UNITED states of AMERICA

  17. Wow.

    We have a contest here.

    WHO is the biggest dumbass, 4:28 or 5:39....???

    Our GREAT country is being manhandled by thugs, desecrated by heathens, and destroyed by people who love the fruits of our land, but despise the country that gave them the fruits.
    "They love our milk and honey, but preach about another way of livin"....
    Merle Haggard

    These idiots are tearing down statues of people who were ON THEIR SIDE!!!

    They don't know history, but are intent on erasing it.
    People just like the aforementioned goofs.

    Cheer on, you goofs.

  18. I'm for "America the Beautiful". It's a lovely tune that describes this gorgeous land and the appreciation of its inhabitants, not a nation's political struggle in an armed conflict against a former rival.

  19. I so wish the idiots who don't like anything about America would go to another country to live. They'd sure find out how good they had it here!

  20. Whatever song it would be done by a rapper grabbing his crotch.

  21. We cannot keep giving in to these things. They get a toehold and bam! They take over.

  22. I remember learning this song in elementary school and putting my hand on my heart as the class sang it together. It opens our sport events and joins Americans together for the length of the song. Let's keep it as our National Anthem. I can't sign it either but hey I know the words.

  23. This is Satan’s system. Would a nation under God allow the murder of the unborn? Of course not. Read your Bible. Read 2nd Timothy chapter 3, verses 1 through 5.

  24. No wonder why other countries don't take us seriously. I heard they want to replace it with Imagine by John Lennon. That's just asking to be attacked by every crappy third world country

  25. Nothing better to do?????

  26. This is very scary. No one ever thought America would shut down due a "bug" and it did. First statues and now the American Anthem. I believe this is the beginning of a 3rd world country. It worries me when I look and listen to the types of individuals in our Congress. Where did these idiots come from. Why do they want to destroy all that stands for America. I read that 46 percent of Whites are protesting for BLM and a small percentage of Blacks. There is more to this BLM. Who is behind all of this? Pelosi, Schumer, Obama or is it Clinton. Hell as no fury like a women's scorn. Hillary still at her fury???

    1. Actually, NO insult intended, but WE'RE ALL the ones behind it! You & I and all the other commonsense, hard working, law abiding, "Don't rock the boat" conservative citizens own this. WHY?...Because ever since the 90's when PC culture really started to kick in, WE did what most people did..We just said "Aww, that's stupid" or "They can't make us do this or that" etc and we just rolled with it. We had more pressing issues like work, family's, hobby's etc. Just assuming "It'll pass" but here we are! When our elected officials in DC little by little stripped away our rights by just a little word here, a little freedom there, we again said "Oh, here they go again, that's messed up, they can't do that" etc. Then, off we went with our daily lives, assuming OUR conservative elected brethren won't let it happen, then we again went back to our jobs, etc, because that's what WE do. Its the responsible thing. Meanwhile the progressive "left" saw how easily they could "peicemeal" strip us of our freedoms ever so slowly, they just continued, and WE just kept saying "Blah, blah" and again ASSUMED our team wouldn't let it happen. Heck, i gotta work, I got a vacation coming, I wanna go fishing, I don't have time to write ALL my representatives, I'm not gonna protest, I'm not gonna demand accountability from the folks "I" elected, and on and on...Well, here we are! Are WE THE PEOPLE ready yet? Ready to do what the progressive left has been VERY SUCCESSFULLY doing for 30 years? Are WE ready to protest the fact that OUR lives matter too? Are WE ready to " Cancel" the companies and celebrities that are cancelling US? WE better be ready, because if all we're gonna do is grumble amongst ourselves, we better just start waving the white flag!.....With respect, have a good day!

  27. Maryland My Maryland is on the next chopping block, mark my word. These new Progressive Libtards that Mary Beth Carroza and Chris Adams elected as leaders of the House and Senate are removing everything referring to the South.

  28. Wake up people, these Snowflakes hate America. Quit giving in to them or you will be responsible for the next Civil War. Many of us are getting tired of this $hit and we are sick of you caving into these Fricken Snowflakes.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Let's see their green cards first. The ones calling for this aren't even citizens.

    June 27, 2020 at 3:42 PM

    You are exactly right and the rest of them haven't been here long.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Actually, NO insult intended, but WE'RE ALL the ones behind it! You & I and all the other commonsense, hard working, law abiding, "Don't rock the boat" conservative citizens own this. WHY?...Because ever since the 90's when PC culture really started to kick in, WE did what most people did..We just said "Aww, that's stupid" or "They can't make us do this or that" etc and we just rolled with it. We had more pressing issues like work, family's, hobby's etc. Just assuming "It'll pass" but here we are! When our elected officials in DC little by little stripped away our rights by just a little word here, a little freedom there, we again said "Oh, here they go again, that's messed up, they can't do that" etc. Then, off we went with our daily lives, assuming OUR conservative elected brethren won't let it happen, then we again went back to our jobs, etc, because that's what WE do. Its the responsible thing. Meanwhile the progressive "left" saw how easily they could "peicemeal" strip us of our freedoms ever so slowly, they just continued, and WE just kept saying "Blah, blah" and again ASSUMED our team wouldn't let it happen. Heck, i gotta work, I got a vacation coming, I wanna go fishing, I don't have time to write ALL my representatives, I'm not gonna protest, I'm not gonna demand accountability from the folks "I" elected, and on and on...Well, here we are! Are WE THE PEOPLE ready yet? Ready to do what the progressive left has been VERY SUCCESSFULLY doing for 30 years? Are WE ready to protest the fact that OUR lives matter too? Are WE ready to " Cancel" the companies and celebrities that are cancelling US? WE better be ready, because if all we're gonna do is grumble amongst ourselves, we better just start waving the white flag!.....With respect, have a good day!

    June 29, 2020 at 1:17 AM

    This person is pretty close to being right on the money.

    Here's a perfect example. Look how quick you Pu$$ies caved into Lockdown Larry Hogan's unconstitutional Quarantine orders. You bunch of sissy a$$ cowards. Not me, I didn't lock myself down. I went about my business 24 hours a day and took advantage of that cheap gas. The only difference for me is I couldn't go into some of the businesses because you coward business owners caved in. Now you Pu$$ies are caving into the demands of the Snowflakes and allowing them to tear down our Southern monuments and erasing our history. You White Cowards are posting "Black Lives Matters" on your pictures and posting them all over Facebook like you are some new hero. Guess what you stupid White Cowards, those same blacks you are loving on HATE you and will stab you in a heartbeat. There is no racism in America except for the black's being racist against white people. Please tell me where there is no equality for blacks when they are dominating all commercials, dominating all sports, dominating most TV shows, they are the main star in all the movies, they get preferential hiring in ALL government jobs. They get preferential promotions in all government jobs. Have you noticed that almost all police departments across the nation have African Americans as their police chiefs or their fire chiefs? It's a FACT!! If you haven't noticed then you are not paying attention!! Wake up Coward White Boy!!


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