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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Minneapolis neighborhood that vowed not to call police in wake of Floyd death is already being tested by 300-strong homeless encampment

A progressive Minneapolis neighborhood that pledged not to call the police in the wake of the death of George Floyd is now dealing with a 300-strong homeless encampment in a local park, according to reports.

Traffic has reportedly increased in the neighborhood around Powderhorn Park, as drug dealers seek to meet their clientele displaced during the civil unrest, rioting and looting following Floyd’s death at the end of May. At least one person overdosed inside the park and was brought out by an ambulance. Prostitution has also been reported in the area.

Residents though have agreed to “check their privilege” and “protect people of color” by not involving law enforcement to report instances of property damage, according to theNew York Times.



  1. My mind is completely blown away to even imagine this is the way people want to live. It's okay if a teenager pulls a gun on you and wants your car. We don't want to make trouble for these boys. That scenario is similar to how battered women react after calling the police. Appears that this community is afraid of its community security than the police. God help us.

  2. Let them eat shit.

  3. It's like summer camp for fools and idiots.

  4. You pussies wanted it. Now you have it. Now you can bathe, feed, cloth, nurture and read them bed-time stories. Good, invite them to stay in your houses, maybe invite them over for a game of bridge or canasta, talk about your recent tea parties. But most of all invite them to participate and stay.

  5. Almost 100% of the squatters there are white. Go figure.

  6. democrats deserve to live in areas filled with filth and crime. They are very bad people who deserve the worst in life. they built this so now better just sit down shut up and live with it.

  7. So....Calling the police to protect what is yours or yourself is white privilege...Please physically divide this nation and let the loons have at it in there new land of whatever the hell they want.

  8. Some people's asses are more easily laughed off than others'.

  9. Looks like a big homeless camp to me.


  10. This mindset meshes well with those inclined to think, "I don't have to run faster than the bear. I just have to run faster than you."

    They are dealing with sociopaths with no vested interest in anything productive. They will work their way up from the weakest to those stronger today, but as they sack and pillage their strength will increase. Not much of a future in those areas, and property values will plummet.


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