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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Social Distancing? 79th Street Ocean City

Yeah Governor Hogan, you just keep those bars and restaurants closed, Idiot!


  1. We all fell for it and After the past ten days I now believe we should have NEVER closed America down. Closed the boarders fine probably should anyway for a little while but not your own country. If Biden wins America will be a tax machine for the socialists/communists. They have realized the Power of emotion and fear and America will take a knee if shamed enough.

    1. Not if biden WINS when he WINS. We will be better off. Then this IDIOT in office now. How in the hell can you vote for this pres. He is a JOKE

    2. Truer statements have never been written!

    3. Back in february i said couldn t believe country of 300 mill would voluntarily strangle itself over a corona virus whose strains have shown up here every 10 yrs or so since 1969. The marxist dems got all the submissive behavioral feedback they needed and hence we now have what we have. People need to wake up faster

    4. Wow. Communists? Little paranoid Scumpster?

    5. Please stop being so negative. Stop saying these horrible things. Life doesn't need to hear you.

    6. @7:20. Biden can't string enough words together to form a coherent sentence, and you think he can rub a country..God help us if he wins, because whoever is VP will ascend to the presidency because of his mental incapacity... all the "candidates" for VP are nothing short of frightening.

    7. Lawrence is a lost ball in tall grass

  2. Stop paying federal taxes. Problem solved

    1. You first 1247

    2. But you’ll a criminal and sent to jail. So start looting.

    3. An go to jail. Idiot

    4. Of course if you stop paying taxes stop using the roads,fire dept.anything that is paid for by Government,Local,state,Fed.

  3. SO which way do you want it ? More to open up or less?

  4. Adolph Hogan will not let go of all his power. Hogan, aka Hitler, knows his Third Reich elite will go to the beach on their terms or he will lose all power and have a summer beach riot that he will not be able to explain.

    Adolph Hogan needs to open up MD and allow us to support restaurants and all other businesses.

    Close with ANTIFA and the ANARCHIST Democrats, but the US is not a COMMUNIST Country yet.

  5. I never fell for it since day one! I was ostracized when I was telling people early on what this was all about and called several different names for me to even think or say that. Now, after so many people have lost everything and so many restaurants/stores are going out of business and tourism going into a hole, some (not all) people are waking up. There are still those out there that are afraid to leave their homes after almost four months!

    1. Tourism going into a hole? Ocean City looked like the 4th of July this past weekend

  6. And no outdoor graduation ceremonies, because that's not safe either.

  7. Need to protest peacefully - enough Hogan.

  8. Everything is right and everything is wrong.

    One thing is a sure thing. July 4th this year is on a Saturday and Rickie best get them there restaurants AND bars open.


  9. LOL what happened to a beach blanket ? People really drag all that junk to the beach ? Looks like a third world refugee camp.

  10. There's no dune at 79th st.... pick is not of ocmd

    1. There is definitely a dune at 79th st lived there

  11. Every year 650,000 globally die of the Flu. 406,000 from COVID-19. So as I see it COVID-19 has saved 244,000 lives and ruined millions. . What's next Gov.; Defund the police ? Anarchy is right around the corner.

  12. I mean WTF officially worse than Cuomo, wolf and that bitch in Michigan

  13. if u have thousands of people marching shoulder to shoulder u sure the hell could have graduation ceremonys and opened restaurants

  14. Are you SERIOUSLY comparing Hogan and social distancing to the Third Reich and Adolph Hitler??? You probably think burning crosses on lawns makes for a purdy display. You also probably wonder why black people just don't "get over" all those lynchings already because hey, that was before your lifetime so who cares anymore. Am I right? You probably also think that the world is flat and everyone just overreacted to the holocaust... Or made it up entirely. You sound like a spoiled, entitled, ignorant, uneducated conservative. Can't see past your on nose and experience.

  15. Why are we listening to anything these dumb ass's have to say government isn't going to do anything anyway we just need to open up we have the power not them

  16. So where are the photo credits? And has this been photoshopped? When was it taken?

  17. Last month, a good friend of mine passed away. No wake, no funeral, no saying goodbye...in retrospect, I should of thrown a brick threw a window, and he would of been allowed to have a proper send off.

  18. It's sad. I've never seen OC like this. Many business won't make it. It's so bad. You can go somewhere with outside tables and the. A line of people waiting. Just open up even at 30 percent. It would be safer then everyone packed in a small space like that. I don't get it.


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