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Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Commenter Said, "FACTS MATTER" I say BULLSH!T!


Also George Floyd's rapsheet is horrendous Arrested for a home invasion and putting a gun to a black woman's gut FACT.

Publishers Notes: I am sick and tired of rejecting so many comments exactly like this one. Now listen up African American community, Some of you have recently called me racist but I want you to take a good look at the above comment and know I have rejected a ton of these over the past few days. WHY, because it's complete BS! Allow me to explain.

I could give a rats ass what this guys past was. He was a MAN (in the moment of an arrest) in which a white cop held his knee to his neck until it killed him. case closed! WTF does the mans PAST have to do with that exact moment while the man was in handcuffs? Mr. Floyd was NOT applying to become a Police Officer, of course he has a bad past, so what. You people need to stop using every stupid ass excuse to defend the murdering cop in every possible and desperate way. 

That being said the protests are great, the RIOTS are freakin stupid! Quit destroying your own communities you bunch of criminal idiots. Peaceful protests, I get it but destroying your own neighborhoods, taking riot money from a white man, Soros, just plain dumb!
I guess your going to call me a racist again, right?


  1. I agree with the article. Politians, BLM ANTIFA and others are declaring defunding Police Agencies but scream holler and destroy property when the NG is called in to assist.

    By screaming the defunding is exactly what they are so called protesting, since that leads to a Police State. Which Politians will give up their security as soon as the defunding occurs? Which Politians and Hollywood are going to allow their neighborhoods to be overrun by these ANARCHIST destroying their property?

    There will be no law to help them except for vigilantes they hire. There will be no DOJ and Court system to prosecute law breakers. There will be no more racist / discrimination lawsuits. There will be no more excessive monetary settlements, since there will be no criminal justice system.

    Must I go on for these idiot ANARCHIST. This will be the next CIVIL WAR. This is Exactly what SOROS, Bloomberg and the high tech Companies are praying for until they lose their wealth by force from ANTIFA and the other organizations.

  2. These nuts do not want justice ,since they will have to admit they were wrong. Then they would have to take responsibility of all the destruction and attacks on Police, including all the expense occurred.

  3. Take A knee Joe.

  4. I need to add, don't ALL of you find it interesting if, (let's say) someone young, (any race) gets arrested in Salisbury, (for example) they get charged with 20 things in the HOPE that something, anything sticks. Where are all the MULTIPLE charges against the cops that murdered Floyd?

    Someone commented that I am cowering to pressure here. No I'm not. What I speak of is TRUTH. Go ahead and read my statement above and tell me what I'm saying isn't true, I DARE YOU!

    1. You are bowing to them because you are fearing they will boycott your business.

    2. @1245 - Joe is a free thinker. Unlike you.

  5. Joe, thanks for saying what most reasonable people without agendas think.

  6. You ae exactly right Joe never does two wrongs make it right to break the law and take it into your own hands. He did crimes yes but at the time that the cops had him he went without a fight following them cuffing him and then took him to the police car in the video he was not fighting them off they had no need to apply excessive force kneel on him and crush the life from him and the other officers did not put a stop to it so they are just as guilty as the one kneeling on top of him. You are not a racist Joe you tell the truth and show it on this blog every day, we are all sickened by the events like the rioting protests and speeches are one thing, but destroying property is not and burning down the city I hope all those captured on film are prosecuted.

  7. Doesn't matter what George zfloyd did in his past, the cop had no right to kill him. The cop's prior bad acts are important because they show a pattern of being a bad cop and can justify a harsher sentence if he is convicted at trial. I can't get the image of the cop's face out of my mind-he showed no emotion, no expression. His soul must be dead.

  8. Sorry but I agree he was no saint but that's what the msm does they glorify was the cop wrong yes 100% but the police knew this guy and his violent past.

  9. I too don't care what his criminal history was but to reject comments of those who do is no better then the ones apologizing to blm
    if you dont' agree with the comments debate the person back and let others debate them


  10. Anyone who has been "subdued" by the police and under arrest, life is the responsibility of the officers. By subdued I mean cuffed, and/or ankle cuffs, and/or spithood whatever it takes to get the subject under control. The only possibility of a "gray" is getting to that point. Seems using a taser more and choke holds less should come into play

  11. I get what you're saying and I agree 100%.

    How about agreeing with me that peaceful protests turn to VIOLENT protests as soon as they spill into the streets and block traffic that stirs violence, without first getting the required permit.

    After all, that law is enforce on any conservative sided protest.

  12. I'm gonna probably rock the boat here, but though I DO AGREE with most of what everyone's expressing, but just due to the fact that almost ALL the media, protestors, and politicians are portraying Mr Floyd as a stand up guy, a good son, a guy getting his life together, add nausium DOES make his ACTUAL background very relevant. For no other reason than to let people have a clearer TRUE picture of the victim. In addition, WHY must the article say "The WHITE cop"? Herein is where I have an issue. The problem IS NOT white/black. The problem is, a "known" CRIMINAL was killed by "A" bad COP.....period. The cops should be held accountable to the full extent of the law, but unlike many of you, whom seem to have a basic knowledge of the facts MOST of the public haven't had the FACTS given to them. They've only learned what the media have portrayed, and that goes something like this "Innocent BLACK man murdered by corrupt WHITE cop" or "ANOTHER WHITE COP, kills innocent BLACK" so again, I agree, but most folks out there only know this as a black vs white issue thanks to our not so honest, agenda driven media

    1. The four cops were the perfect diverse group. One white, one black, one Hispanic, one Asian. But bad cop doesn't fit the agenda racist cop does.

  13. 12:45, What business? SBYNews, Caribbean Joe's? CJ's is closed and has been for almost 3 months.

    1:19, It's the racist style comments that started all this trouble to start with. So no, I will not, nor have I approved them. If you and your type of racists wants to spread your hate, by all means start your own Blog.

    You people need to understand that it is their goal to try multiple times a day to get these nasty comments through in the hope they can come back and attempt to destroy me and I wouldn't be surprised if many of the well known local Liberals are the ones behind such comments. They do it on purpose and they do it often.

  14. for you to say these protest are great is so wrong, black people are trying to get people to believe that they don't have every opportunity to get ahead in life is totally wrong, if you are trying to make people believe that a white low income person has any type of assistance or better opportunity given to them that isn't available to black people is totally wrong. because this is what the narrative is now in this country, this is what is being force fed to all people of any race in this country.
    yes this officer went to far, yes he should be held accountable, but this isn't the message being propagated by BLM, ANTIFA, CBS, ABC, CNN, and so on.

    .these people by there very own words are saying that a certain group of people (blacks) (people of color) deserves extra or more than other people is racism by its very definition.

    so why are we defending that?
    why should hard working people be forced to accept that?
    why is everybody so gutless to stand up and say what the truth is.

    nothing you can counter will prove that any of these statements are not true.

  15. If I wanted to start my own blog I would. But I don't because I have a life. It's nice to look at them through out the day but my many other hobbies and interests prevent me from being bothered with one.

  16. "destroy" you? Don't worry about it. Those who like you will always those who hate you you will not ever win over. Don't think they are ever entitled to you having to appease them.

  17. If the federal government gives one dime to minnesota, I will never pay taxes again eber. I will deal only in black market materials and all labor performed will be cash only. I will not pay for a business license as well. This has nothing to do with the protests and everything to do with the riots. This goes every liberal state, california, oregon, Washington state michigan, connecicut, new york, Massachusetts and any liberal assay states I may have missed.

  18. Thank you, Joe. I stand with you. You're just calling it like you see it. Like we all saw it. Whatever George Floyd did in the past, we have due process in this country. The cop is not the judge,jury and executioner.

  19. Oh, stop it.I feel that 2 bad characters came together as the perfect storm. Of course the cop had the upper hand, and a abusive past. As far as Floyd, he deserved due process. If locked up again so be it. He was denied that. Did not deserve that. So we dissect each others opinion to see if we can find a hint of racism. You all don't even know what true racist are. You use as a virtue signaling narrative promoter. And Joe, your going to get it running this blog. Goes with the territory. But beware, there's alot of extremist that would like to see harm done to you. It's a new day. Watch your back.

  20. The reality is his past does matter to many people but more importantly to not only the defense but the prosecution. It's part of the justice process. While we haven't heard one way or the other if he's been known to resist and get violent during previous arrests that will play a big part in any trials. So past criminal records do matter and they matter a lot.

  21. Most everyone is distracted by their pc and they're feelz. Floyd was no saint nor a martyr, he wad foam running out his mouth from the fentynal and meth {speed ball} when they pulled him from the car. This wasnt a random cop screw up. This was ALL planned in advance...right down to the paid rioters and the brainwashing to ignite the riots, to destroy law enforcement in that city so CAIR and ANTIFA can control everything. Please think, please stop being sheep. Even the peaceful protesters are wrong because it distracts and hides what is really going on. Why hasnt anyone seen the bodycams of those involved...think people think!

  22. the four cops were a perfect diverse group...of bad cops... who represent a rotten system...burden the apple orchard and built something that serves the taxpayers and citizens....

  23. So, if it doesn’t matter what he did or what his past is, why the attraction to what color he was. No person should end up deceased from the hands of another unless self defense. Believing that, I also don’t understand what the discord, rioting, stealing, destruction, violence, etc., etc., is about when other colors get removed forever by police and that same color (white) doesn’t destroy portions of the great U.S.A. It is recorded that many more whites are lost at the hands of the law than blacks. Not to mention the elderly couple visiting their loved one at a cemetery in DE to be mowed down by a different breed and nothing made headlines. No cities destroyed.

  24. All I can say is Thank You blm. Your stupidity is paving the way for a Trump 2020 victory. Poll showing black likely voter approval rating of the President at 40%. The Walk Away, Blacks for Trump and Latinos for Trump campaigns has grown in the past week like never seen before.
    One thing we have learned from history is democrat protests, boycotts etc always backfire and it's happening again. Keep being stupid blm We love stupidity.

  25. I also Blame the "Peaceful" protestors for NOT going after the Thugs because they outnumber them 50/1.

  26. Did you ever think that due to Mr. Floyds past that this officer might have been already apprised of it and therefore acted this heinous way? Some officers believe they are the "Avenging Angle" for Societies wrongs. This fool could very well believe he was doing the courts and society a good thing by killing him.
    I mean look at the officer in the video, he is almost smerking! He thinks what he is doing is fine, he is nuts!
    Going to be a very interesting trial next year for this murder. (I'm assuming it will be at least a year away for them all to prepare)

    1. I blame the courts and liberal Da for the low sentences he should have been in prison x 30 yrs.

  27. Please tell me what "virtue signalling" is.

  28. 3:50 It's another form of showing off. It's someone who tries too hard to make people think they are virtuous. More often then not they are the people who talk the talk but then don't walk the walk. An example would be all the ones calling out people for not staying away from others and not wearing masks on the boardwalk. Those same ones don't dare call out the rioters for not staying away from each other and for not wearing masks. Being a hypocrite is synonymous with being a virtue signaler.

  29. " Anonymous said...
    I also Blame the "Peaceful" protestors for NOT going after the Thugs because they outnumber them 50/1.

    June 7, 2020 at 3:30 PM"

    I blame the "peaceful" protesters. They aren't so peaceful in their hearts. They know darn right well many of the black protests turn violent and turn into mass destruction. With that as a back drop to so many of their protests they shouldn't protest! It's that simple They are more to blame then anyone for assuming. You can't assume when history dictates otherwise

  30. The cop doing the killing has the same look on his face as Hillary Clinton has had many times on hers. The look of contempt for law and order and all of the peons. Like I am above you all you are nothing but dog sh** on my shoe. This guy also looked like that, a cold blooded psyco !

  31. Something is wrong ...I agree with Joe 100 percent here. Does not compute !!!!

  32. Bob Aswell....RealistJune 7, 2020 at 6:16 PM

    Sorry my comment about the call for you to close up on Friday was politically incorrect.

  33. Why was Floyd's casket Closed ?

  34. 7:36 cuz after two autopsies he was a mess.

  35. I'll tell you why it matters...The guy had a history of violent behavior. After resisting arrest (he was assaulting the police office in the car in the second video released), the officer took him out to subdue him. ALL criminals lie to try to get relief from imprisonment. So this "I can't breathe" crap is usually just that, crap. Watch the video again. His knee is NOT on his neck; it is between his shoulder blades - though the media continues to say neck because it's considered more dangerous. The original autopsy report indicates he died of what basically equates to a heart attack due to the drugs and alcohol in his system combined with his arterial disease. The stress of the arrest was merely a contributing factor.

    Watch the video.

  36. It’s all a hoax George Floyd attended his own funeral

  37. Pre-sentence investigations ALWAYS take into account a person's past when considering the sentence to be imposed. A person's past DOES matter, or it wouldn't be considered. Every judge looks at it when deciding punishment, and doesn't just consider the crime at hand. If it affects the way a judge looks at a crime, it affects the way I look at a criminal (or a victim). We cannot escape our past, not matter how many will censor it.

  38. The only thing racist is censoring the truth, regardless of reason.

  39. It's racist to address another race. It isn't racist to address all people with an opinion. But when you address the "African American Community," you better be black, or you're the racist they think you are.

    1. Thanks for your opinion...that's all it is.

    2. 12.44 That’s kinda the purpose of a blog isn’t it? Everyone gets to comment their opinion. Including you but thanks for taking the time to try and explain it to us🙄

  40. No his past doesn’t matter. And he did not deserve what happened to him BUT why does the msm and the black community glorify his life when quite frankly it was nothing to glorify. He was a convicted felon. Did he deserve to die? No. But he also didn’t deserve the white horse drawn casket and the comparisons to MLK. He was no saint and he shouldn’t be glorified for pistol whipping a pregnant woman. Prove me wrong.

  41. Hate to be the bearer of bad news Joe but most of the people who advertise on your blog and bother reading it have a certain outlook towards black people. Most of it is quite justified. You should be careful telling them to piss off. Further, your blog is not some complex thing. You link articles from other places. You might just end up with some competition and it wouldn't take more than allowing people to say what they really feel to spark it's popularity and turn yours into a relic.


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