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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Rubio: Senate Dems Blocked GOP Police Reform Bill Because They Want the Issue for the Campaign

Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) gave his version of Senate Democrats effort earlier in the day to block a police reform bill brought by his colleague, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC).

According to Rubio, efforts to solve problems with law enforcement would undermine Democrats’ use of the issue in the campaign for the November elections.



  1. That was pretty obvious.

  2. How the hell did that happen?? Doesn't the REPUBLICANS have a majority?? How did Andy Harris vote??

  3. Just more in a long line of PROOF that the dumbocrats care about power and nothing else. They DO NOT care about you or this country.

  4. ALL they do is Block progress & NOT do their JOB !!! Fire them ALL

  5. Anonymous said...
    How the hell did that happen?? Doesn't the REPUBLICANS have a majority?? How did Andy Harris vote??

    June 27, 2020 at 8:40 AM

    No they don't, the Democratic House Majority voted it down before it got to the Senate. The Republican majority Senate would have passed it, but it didn't make it that far, Which it should have passed the house but it didn't because it was written by a Republican, a black Republican. Goes to show its not about police reform. The Democrats want their own bill with a lot of pork and intrusive laws hidden within it, as always.

    1. I didn't know that. Thanks for setting me straight.


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