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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Not Quite "By The Book": Strzok Notes Reveal Biden Invoked Logan Act During Anti-Flynn Oval Office Huddle

Joe Biden invoked the 18th century "Logan Act" during a controversial 2017 Oval Office meeting to discuss the Michael Flynn investigation, less than two weeks before President Trump was sworn into office, according to newly released notes taken by former FBI special agent Peter Strzok.

According to Flynn's legal team, "it appears" that Biden "personally raised the idea" of using the obscure law to prosecute Flynnn over his communications with the former Russian Ambassador to the United States - in which he asked Moscow to "reciprocate moderately" in response to sanctions placed on Russia over election meddling.

It's unclear what Biden specifically said about the Logan Act during the January 5 meeting which included former President Obama, former FBI Director James Comey, national security adviser Susan Rice, and Deputy AG Sally Yates.

The notes were disclosed in a court filing Wednesday to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia around the same time a federal appeals court ruled in a 2-1 decision that the judge presiding over the case against Flynn grant the Justice Department's motion to dismiss the criminal charges against him. U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Jensen of Missouri, who was picked by Attorney General William Barr to review the government's case against Flynn, "obtained and analyzed" the document. Biden's comment about the Logan Act are the only words that appear in quotation marks. -Washington Examiner



  1. Sure, let's make this Demoweasel the president. What could possibly go wrong?

  2. Biden has been a witless tool for a long time. The more witless he becomes, the more of a tool he is.
    Democrats have something up their sleeves. They can't expect us to believe that Biden will actually function as president.


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