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Friday, June 26, 2020

Black Lives Matter Leader: If America ‘Doesn’t Give Us What We Want, We Will Burn Down this System’

Appearing Wednesday on the Fox News Channel’s The Storywith host Martha MacCallum, Greater New York Black Lives Matter president Hawk Newsome warned that if the United States “doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.”

A partial transcript is as follows:

MARTHA MACCALLUM: People watch what you say in that video, that you now want to show legislation down people’s throats now that you have everyone’s attention and you’ve also said violence is sometimes necessary in these situations. What exactly is it that you hope to achieve through violence?

HAWK NEWSOME: Wow, it’s interesting that you would pose that question like that because this country is built upon violence. What was the American Revolution, what’s our diplomacy across the globe? We go in and we blow up countries and we replace their leaders with leaders who we like. So for any American to accuse us of being violent is extremely hypocritical.


MACCALLUM: The only reason why I posed that first question to you the way that I did is I watched you talking on a bunch of different interviews today and you said, “burn it down.” You said, “burn it down, it’s time.” That makes me think you want to burn it down.

HAWK NEWSOME: I said If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down the system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking figuratively, I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation. Let’s be very real and let’s observe the history of the 1960s. When black people were rioting, we have their highest growth and wealth, in property ownership. Think about the last few weeks. Since you started protesting there have been eight cops fired across the country. Remember you were telling us that there was Due Process?

That’s why the cop that choked Eric Gardner kept his job and kept receiving raises for five years. Anytime a cop hurt a woman, a child, our elders, there was always a call for due process. But the moment people start destroying property, now cops can be fired automatically. What is this country rewarding? What behavior is it listening to? Obviously not marching. But, when people get aggressive and they escalate their protests, cops get fired, now, you have police officers and Republican politicians talking about police reform. I don’t condone nor do I condemn rioting but I’m just telling what I observed.



  1. It's time to cut the boys loose on these clowns

  2. No, they might singe the edges, but they won't burn it down.

    1. Are you going to stop them ? Half the time your trolling on cops.

  3. It's like waiting till Christmas , I just can't wait , been waiting for years to see the silent majority step up to the plate. It would make me very happy to see this civil war .Wonder why they don't make black toilet paper ? Wonder why you don't paint your walls black ? We know why they make roads blacktop , you can drive over them . Black is not only the absence of color but the absence of brain , that's why we have lowered our stands in everything we do and learn . Wake up America don't put up with this crap anymore , blacks are people with a savage mind .

  4. Loud mouths like him need to be taken down.

  5. They exist just take a look at all of the BLM/ANTIFA assholes. It's all white gangbangers

  6. They are actively seeking another civil war and it will not be pretty when they get what they want!

  7. @12:19 young bull looks over to the old bull let's RUN down to the pasture and bang few those cows, old bull says let's WALK down and bang them all!! These idiots are running around tearing down statues and doing these little childish knee jerk reactions with no game plan or ideas of what they are wanting to gain. Once Trump gets re-elected and they come completely unglued all hell will break loose. Trump will not allow total anarchy and the majority of us will TCB once there are no repercussions to such extreme conditions. I'll give up all these little riots in DEMOCRAT run cities and statues I really never knew existed to win the war of making people understand this nation is one of laws and consequences for senseless actions. But for now I'll offer ANY of you left wing progressive up to my home and property and see how that works out for you

  8. It's time people , granny get your gun.5:07 , they have already singed the edges idiot. It is a little funny how they burn their own space , dumb a$$e$.

  9. and he hasn't been arrested yet? WHY, I'd like to know!

  10. What I don't understand is if they are so disgruntled and disillusioned, why not just leave? They are more than welcome to go back to Africa with our heartfelt apology for bringing them here in the first place hundreds of years ago. Our bad. Here's your hat, what's your hurry?

  11. What scares me is that as much as the right talks a big talk, no one is actually DOING anything to stop these people. It's not going to stop...and the future with ghetto trash in control is terrifying.

  12. Come to my house, I'll give you the match

  13. If police would stand down, or be defunded by liberal councils, America could rid itself of the Marxist BLM and Antifa in short order.
    Good still outguns bad by a huge margin. Git’er done!

  14. blm is not from God It is from the devil and God will punish anyone who aligns themselves with blm. He will make them suffer He will curse even their children and their grandchildren God hates blm and He will take out His hate on blm supporters.

  15. Play with fire and get burned. They will do more harm to themselves and their movement by resorting to threats of domestic terrorism.

  16. Silent majority, patriots civil war is coming cowards and so many other online bloggers where are you? Crickets zero push back. Republicans ran to their “ safe spaces”...Bill Barr can play the bagpipes so that’s cool.

    1. Not cowards. We are still law abiding citizens. We are still hopeful that law and order will prevail, as it should. However, when there is no threat of arrest or prosecution then you will see how hard and swift we can "push back". So defund the police if you want to but just know they are your last line of defense.

  17. Northwest Woodsman: I notice that a some of you are finally waking up to the threat I have been discussing for longer than I can remember. Now it is apparent why you need a 30 round magazine for your AR-15 and the reason Marxist democrats wanted to take them away from us. If you think this is a passing trend, you are sadly mistaken. The Floyd death and the violence blamed on it has given momentum to an already established plan to “transform the United States” as the Kenyan African in America once stated publicly. I don’t think this movement will run out of steam on its own and is going to require us ordinary citizens to stand up and fight. Government agencies are impotent because they fear for their careers and those who are with us are under so many government constraints that they are of no help at all. Besides, they would have to prove their loyalty before they could be trusted. Let’s face it, we, as honest, loyal citizens are the underdog here and we will not prevail without some sort of organization. Talk with your friends, relatives, and acquaintances and feel them out. Determine their position on this and sort out those who would be a danger to the security of our cause. I’m in an area where there are many white BLM supporters and even saw a Biden campaign sign down the road yesterday. What kind of person in their right mind would consider voting for Biden? I only know of three armed friends that I might be able to trust so like many of you, we are basically on our own. Prepare for the worse scenario and be ready. This is not going to go away and you are looking at the new “normal”.

  18. Funny how folks love to paint targets themselves.

  19. National Guard will Squash these criminals !!!

  20. Leader will soon be in PRISON !!! So he won't be doing Anything !!! LOL

  21. Deplorable little hobbit: its the peaceful protesters on the right side that are being arrested. Its ok to protest and riot along side of antifa and blm but to protest for the right thing you will get arrested. Blacks are highest at risk for Covid 19 now if your'e white you must wear a mask but if you are black you are exempt. What kind of sh&t is that? If you are the most vulnerable then you should not be exempted. Maybe its their way to thin that herds?? Just like with Planned parenthood, it was all started to stave all the black populations, yet the Democrats are all for planned parenthood. We all know the White Democrats are the true racists and have been since the start of Jim Crow in the early to mid 1800's

  22. It's times like this I wish America had inherited England's ancient, delicious penalty for treason: the good old hang/draw/quarter therapy.

  23. yeah he's a real billy badass living in mommies apartment paid for with our tax dollars!


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