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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Pew Analysis Shows Only 1 In 6 BLM Protesters Are Black

Analysis carried out by the Pew Research Center has revealed that just one in six protesters turning out at BLM demonstrations in the US are actually black.

The research notes that the plurality of those present at the gatherings have been white people.

The full breakdown reveals that just 17 percent of protesters were black, while 46 percent were white.

A further 22 percent were Hispanic, with eight percent being Asian, the analysis highlights.



  1. They’ve been planning this since the 60s they are Marxists manipulated by Russia. They should be rounded up and shot

    1. No 2:12, this is coming straight out of Langley lol

  2. Didn’t need a pee analysis to tell me that. I still have my sight to see that discussing display. Everywhere you go. Some old liberal white female with a handmade cardboard sign on back of bicycle showing her love and affection to the rioters

  3. Yep, and the rest are man hating white feminists, de-masculated "shells" of young white men, and lets not forget...the ULTRA confused young men & women that just "Spin" the wheel of Gender delusion, and acaccept whatever the "Gender of the day" says they are...Wow...No wonder they're SO angry!

  4. Doesn't surprise me at all , they don't want to work what the hell did you expect . They might get get sun burn.

  5. Are these 46 percent whites happen to be spoiled rich kids.

    1. 3:12 more than likely the kids of politicians and prominent people. That's why nothing is being done to uphold justice

  6. The rest are White Democrat Traitors !!!

  7. Replies
    1. Not useful. Just idiots. Abortion would have been a good thing in their case.

  8. It's the stupid rich white kids who love to be degraded and disrespected by blacks. All the money spent on these lilly white POS for an education. All the got was INDOCTRINATED.

  9. "The woke Whites"

  10. Black -Wanna-be's !!! Against their Own Race !!!

  11. Nothing more then a Democratic money funneling hoxe to make the blacks that have been USED for years by the left to feel good about themselves. Stop falling for the same old BS after November they will brush you off again for another 4 years.

  12. want a be they think its cool

  13. I believe that because the blacks I know do not want all this unrest happening.

  14. 3:12//////////////No, they are white trash.

  15. Just like those old white people holding up signs in front of SU. Somebody please educate them, it's embarrassing

  16. Take note parents sending you kids to Ivy League schools may have this result.

  17. It's amazing how many lesbians are marching and protesting. They seem to have a lot of anger abut something.

    1. That's because they were already head cases 2:39. Somehow they think by becoming lesbian it will magically make all their problems vanish, how wrong they were!

    2. 2:39 instead of seeking psychological treatment lesbians and all these other screwed up angry people want the rest of society to suffer with them

  18. White liberals. The black person's worse enemy.


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