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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Expelled USC football player scores legal victory in Title IX case, vows to continue fighting 'male bias' that dashed his NFL hopes

For more than three years, expelled University of Southern California (USC) football player Matt Boermeester – embroiled in a Title IX assault accusation case – has been fighting the state legal system just for the chance to have his side heard on a federal level.

Despite a small and rare legal victory, the one-time National Football League (NFL) hopeful says he has a long way to go in his quest for due process in a life derailed by what he deems an unjust "male bias witch hunt."

"The truth is important because the consequences for me have been so devastating. The truth is all I am seeking here," Boermeester told Fox News this week. "You don't realize, you are a kid at the time, that USC is trying to protect itself and its hundreds of millions of Title IX funding, not you as the student."

Late last month, the California Court of Appeal reversed the trial court decision and overturned Boermeester's January 2017 expulsion, ruling that his Title IX proceeding was "unfair."



  1. I’m done with sports , I’ll just go to the range

    1. Don't blame you. Crybaby MILLIONAIRE blacks who get paid to play a sport. All get a free college education. Yet 90% don't get a degree. Then you have the cheating Refs. Plus how much money they charge for it ALL. I agree. Buy more guns. Take the family to the range. I'm making targets now. All BLM POS.

  2. Mommy and daddy must have a lot of money to continue this for 4 year's.

  3. This policy is unconstitutional.

  4. These campus Star Chambers were pushed on colleges by feminist studies whackos and instituted by administrators who feared the backlash from the feminists if they didn't knuckle under. They had them in the proverbial chokehold. In the end, nobody won, not even the smug perpetrators of this injustice.

  5. All done with sports. Greed and bullshit, no integrity.


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