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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Petition to bring justice to car crash victims

Tyheim Bowen, whose brother, Tymeir Dennis, was struck and killed Maryland State Police car in 2013, has started a petition on change.org to reopen the court case about the crash on Route 113 that November.

On Nov. 8, 2013 at about 8:02 p.m., brothers Bowen and Dennis were struck by Maryland State Trooper Nicholas Hager in an unmarked police car on Route 113 and Bay Street.

According to the police report, Dennis, 16, was pronounced dead at Atlantic General Hospital after suffering massive injuries to his head, back and other areas of his body.

Bowen, 17, sustained a broken leg, dislocated right knee, fractured pelvis, a cut on his right lower leg and abrasions on his right arm. He was taken to Peninsula Regional Medical Center and then to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center. His injuries led to the amputation of his right leg amputated.



  1. I am opposed to reopening this case. Absolutely no need for the victims to pay for damages to the Police vehicle.

  2. The mother, unfortunately, had a part to play with this...she was calling them to come across road against the light.

  3. On what grounds should it be reopened? Is there new evidence? It went before a jury, and a decision was made. You can't just retry and retry, trying to get the decision in your favor.

  4. Trooper was 57 in a 55 mph zone. Pedestrians wearing dark clothing. Really? Why open it now after 7 years. Are we trying to play on all the racial stuff now with police? Come on. We can do better then that.

  5. I saw a cop doing at least 90 in a 45 at night on rt50 east bound hit a guy trying to pull a u turn. He did not have his flashers on. Gave the guy he hit a DUI even though the accident never would have happened if it weren't for how fast the cop was driving. This was back before dash cams.

    1. It’s all done now and they are being reformed fired shamed ruined and arrested all at the same time even before court. Be happy. Just don’t hold your breath if you need one.

    2. He was still drunk

  6. You must have read something different than I did 8:25

    1. 825 is actually a comical genius. He's being sarcastic...

    2. Or you have a very different ‘sense of humor’


  7. Did the cop blow through a red light, or were the pedestrians crossing wrongly? Refresh my memory.

    1. This was before speed reduction and crosswalk in Berlin. They were on the highway, dark clothing, and no crosswalk. Mom's just trying to make money on current racial tensions. He was cleared.

  8. All MSP cops drive too fast for conditions. This is the result.

  9. I wonder what skin color they are?

  10. This is one poorly written story.
    They were walking wearing dark clothing. With traffic or against traffic. In the roadway or on the shoulder? In the intersection?
    Why didn't the pedestrians see the oncoming vehicle. What were the weather and road conditions and traffic numbers?

    The details are muddy or missing.
    The proofreading sucks.

    I do agree, though, that waiting over six and a half years is suspicious for its timing.

    1. Crossing the highway against the light..mom yelling for them to come now... they run out without looking. A tragic event that could be avoided by crossing with the light, LOOKING before crossing, and Mom not yelling to come now.

    2. And they weren't even crossing at the intersection. They were further north, running from behind one of the lovely section 8 buildings. There was no lighting along that stretch either.


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