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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Americans Should Never Again Comply With Pandemic Lockdown Orders

By treating Black Lives Matters protests differently than other large gatherings, public officials and health experts have exposed themselves as hypocrites.

We’re told a second wave of coronavirus infections is coming. As businesses open back up and states relax lockdown orders, the number of new cases is ticking up in a handful of states. We’ve heard warnings in recent days from the Centers for Disease Control and various public health experts and elected officials that a new series of lockdowns might be necessary.

What these experts and officials don’t seem to realize is that Americans will never comply with their lockdown orders again. They have burned their credibility to the ground, and they no longer have the moral authority to tell us what to do.

Simply put, the people in charge have shown themselves to be rank hypocrites who care more about politics than science. For months, we were told that large gatherings were deadly because of the coronavirus, but when protests broke out in late May, large gatherings were suddenly okay.

The exact day the experts lost their credibility was June 4, when more than 1,000 public health workers signed a letterclaiming the protests were “vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of black people in the United States.” The woke corporate press scrambled to assure us this wasn’t hypocritical at all, and that “health is about more than simply remaining free of coronavirus infection,” as a pair of epidemiologists put it in The Atlantic.

That’s a curious argument to make after forced business closures and lockdown orders destroyed tens of millions of American jobs, ruined countless businesses and livelihoods, and caused a sharp uptick in suicides, drug overdoses, and domestic abuse. Never mind the compelling research showing that lockdowns are overall much worse for public health than the coronavirus.



  1. Disaster and police reform undermined all law enforcement in the country and it shows night after night. Swamp is around trump and whispering in his hear.

  2. Sorry, but as for me and my house, we will NOT be fooled again...will NOT comply with squat...forget the Governors mandates...Unless they actually follow the Constitution/Bill of Rights it will be a NO Go for me.

    1. You will lock in when I order you to

      and don't forget to fix me a big dinner too

  3. Just do what you want and when they ask about it just say “I’m protesting in honor of black lives matter”. They can’t do anything to you because you have tons of evidence that they didn’t do anything to anyone else when they were protesting. Can’t treat people differently. The standard has already been set. Everyone protests in their own way.

  4. This will come around again when the president wins.y

  5. They tried the lockdown method to usurp Trump and it didn’t work after all. The economy is coming back and yet the Media continues to lie shamelessly to anyone who bothers to listen to them at the point. This last lockdown was nothing more than a way to take your freedoms as prescribed by the US Constitution. It was a sham; a complete scam. Look at the hysterical Leftists running SU if you need any more evidence of this unfortunate fact. The lunatics are running the camp as they say and it’s up to the People to refuse to comply. Don’t you trust your Lynin’ eyes now. Truth may blind you from the wool they’ve been trying to cover your eyes with.

  6. WOW. A whopping 6200 attended the rally kicking off Lying Donald’s campaign against Sleepy Joe. What an amazing turnout!

  7. They WILL comply !!! Fact

  8. Bob Aswell....RealistJune 21, 2020 at 4:41 PM

    The lock down orders are illegal and no facet of the law in Md. addresses it directly. If you think differently then show it to me. Ha! The annotated Code of Md. addresses the imposition of martial law in situations such as the 60's when wholesale riots were the catalyst for same.
    There was no such enactment this time because the Governor is a Dictocrat and has no stones. The City of Baltimore is a prime example when you're apt to be shot eating breakfast.
    People of Md. can't understand moves like this are politically motivated and not covered by either of the Constitutions state or federal. A block of one faction of politics isn't healthy for anyone more especially when its a liberal bloc who has two standards of enforcement according to race. Md. will never be normal again until people realize sending good guy stereotypes to Annapolis and hope they'll be good for the electorate isn't where it's at.
    Such is not the case and a housecleaning is what's needed. Strengthen the Houses of government and elect the men that have backbone like McDermott and you'll never see another lock down order by a stooge like Hoggan who has other political aspirations. Vote all the chicken hearts out like the so-called Eastern Shore delegation who to my knowledge has been wholesalely worthless. Inaction is the problem here no matter what your party is.
    Md. has a 65-35 ratio of Dem to Rep. How can you rain in petty dictators like Hoggan when they are liars in their intentions?


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