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Sunday, June 14, 2020

OCPD Asking For Public's Assistance Identifying Suspects In TWO Assaults


  1. Island is 10 miles long with only 3 ways in and out.

    You know what must be done. Git after it! Flush the trash out.

    1. I will be suing ocmd for $50 million.

  2. Whaaaaaat?

    All you had to do was SHOW UP and YOU would have caught them in 30 seconds.

    NOW, you need help??

    WTF are you paid to do and WHERE THE F*** were you at for 3 minutes while the boardwalk became an MMA event??

    You were AFRAID. 5'5" wanna-be bad ace Ocean city cops KNOW that there is an ass-whipping waiting for them when they intervene in a 60-80 person ( I use that term very lightly to describe these animals) black riot fight scene.
    They'd rather look for seat belt violators and expired registrations than something that will lead to a few broken arms, jaws, and teeth.
    REAL bad asses, these O.C cops. Start hiring men who don't need a seat cushion to see over the steering wheel.

    Carry a gun. Solve your own problems.

    You wouldn't venture into the savannahs of Africa without some serious firepower. But you'll go to Ocean City????

    Cheer on.

  3. They all have mothers. Do the right thing, Moms.

    1. Their moms are as bad as they are. Why do you think they act like animals??

  4. What a bunch of morons running oc

  5. This is an example of who Hilary Called super predators. Young blacks in groupd.

  6. Exactly 8:19. The mothers need to do the right thing and hope they can turn their lives around otherwise she will be burying them or they will just end up another number in the state prison system

  7. They all have fathers too but, likely don’t know who they are.

  8. If the OCPD had responded within 20 minutes or so this bunch would have been in custody.But seriously they'll all be released 15 minutes after they're processed anyway.

  9. were they social distancing?

  10. It seems to me to be Lashon, Teeboia, Rasheed, Silveen, Aishear, Filipe, Edwardie, and Prickster. The white boy, I do not know. I think they all have the same father, but different mothers.

  11. This is what Obama sought to hide, crime statistics among blacks.

  12. Do the cops really have to watch these fine upstanding citizens?

  13. Look who does the crimes !!!! Yet Whites get all the blame !!!

  14. What kind of police department do we have in OC?? You saw these POS for at least 4 hours. All you needed were six cop's. Four on horseback and two with Freaking DOG'S. Public safety gentleman.

  15. What a bunch of loser morons running oc

  16. Nothing will be done to them, and we all know their moms will say they would never do such a thing.

    Let’s face it, any of us locals hoping to get out this summer will have to watch their backs because we are being overrun with street thugs and wanna be gangsters. I won’t be taking my kids anywhere near ocean city especially with police afraid to do their jobs in fear of being deemed racist, cause we all know these fools committing these crimes definitely aren’t racist at all.

  17. Northwest Woodsman: The usual suspects. I guess we will never learn. This behavior will eventually get so bad that bloodshed in the streets will be commonplace. Better prepare yourselves as blacks and Antifa are increasing their aggressive behavior because politicians have been giving in to their demands. That sort of weakness will only encourage them. Stand up and be prepared for the worse case scenario.

  18. It's hard to believe that not one cop - not ONE - arrived near the scene of this brawl.
    One of these incidents was reported to last over 4 minutes.
    So, are you telling me that there wasn't at least one bike cop within that 4-minute radius to respond to the boardwalk.
    I may be a little off on the figuring, but I'd say you could cover the entire boardwalk within 4 minutes on a bike.
    Somebody really dropped the ball on this one.
    This behavior isn't new. It happens EVERY summer at this point in time with the Seniors.
    Even without the current situation, the boardwalk should've been flooded with officers, not to mention undercover cops infiltrating the groups.
    Somebody really has some explaining to do.

    1. We all know damn well if a cop by theirs self approached all this mess, the cop would of gotten beat to death. So everyone screaming where are the cops need to remember underneathe the ugly uniform is a person. Not one person crying on here would have done anything either.

    2. They aren't seniors, you have to finish 11th grade to become a senior 10:25

    3. 7:25, the police cannot and will not protect you in these situations. Order is nothing more than an illusion. You are and have always been on your own. Carry your own protection.

  19. What about the red shirt, head stomping white boy? Or the guy in the black shirt? Guess they made it to daddy’s beach house and no need to look for them.

  20. Mothers are the problem with these mini thugs....should have had those saggy draw butts whipped by a mother or father!! Didn’t happen at home, parents probably condone these actions so this is the result! Don’t complain about the lack of police....you all want to defund them, it will only get worse!!! Blue Lives Matter

  21. Where is the white boy in the red shirt that I saw stomp an unconscious guys head?

  22. Looks like to me if police would look thru mug shots they have on file, they might just know every one of them.

  23. Well, I'm no expert, but after really studying those 6 pictures of 6 guys real closely, and seeing 1 major similarity in each of the 6 photos, I'm gonna have to say, I'm pretty sure it was the black guy....hey, its only my opinion. Go look for yourself, and see if you see any recurring features.

  24. Interesting that 5 of the suspects all appear to have the same glasses.

  25. 1128 - explain the gang mentality please

  26. These fools don't look like our kids here. I have no idea who they are, I'm just betting they don't live no where near here. Not that it matters really just saying.

  27. 523 - Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  28. Wow - all Scandinavians

  29. OC stands for Out of Control.

  30. Oh, stop it! These fine outstanding young gentle midgets where on their way to the college book store and dreaming about being doctors.

  31. 5:23 AM All the sun glasses are the same because they all looted the same sun glass shop

  32. Someone on OCPD should be fired.
    The outfit FAILED to protect citizens and property.

    That is their job and they failed miserably
    Every citizen and business owner should DEMAND someone be held accountable

    1. Probably not the police department, look higher up, council and mayor are guilty of negligence

  33. Like all the buses, you WILL be recorded when you visit this town. Notice that the images are taken from above. The video is recorded to disk constantly. If an event happens (boardwalk or bus) the video is scanned for that period. They are not monitored in realtime. If you drive a vehicle into town and the tag number exists in a police database, the tag scanners can read your tag up to 75 mph and trigger an alarm.

  34. Been happening for years now. Very telling that once my kids outgrew Trimper's they never wanted to go to the boardwalk. When my husband and I were teenagers that was the number one thing to do in the summer- before you had a license beg your parents to drop you off there and once you had a license it was your number one summer date spot. No more- that's why locals go to Outerbanks for vacation. Also, had a friend who was in OCPD in 90's & it was appalling the crime that went on and you never heard a peep about it. For every one story you hear about, Ocean City probably covers up 50. It's been a sewer for quite a while and it's all races that have made it that way. We are in a war between law and lawlessness, good vs. evil. The race issue is a tool used by Evil and both blacks and whites are all too eager to pick up the implements and toil away. Sickening video; sickening comments on the video.

  35. Looks like a Nike advertisement to me.

  36. Whoa 828 - it starts at City Hall. They are the ones with their eyes closed on their pillow at night and wake up to a BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTEEEEEEEFUL sunrise each day.


    Clean house downtown then allow adjustment to services. HIGHLY paid service personnel too. Time for many to retire and replenish the bench!!

  37. no more OC True 8:19

  38. The cameras are watched by the highly incompetent dispatchers, managed by even more incompetent supervisors including the Department Head. If the public only knew.

    1. FOIA to get the audio n video

  39. Blood in and Blood out! Clearly gang related! Look at the colors they are wearing.

  40. They are fine outstanding citizens, NOT !

  41. Are they Amish? Can't tell, pics are a little fuzzy.

  42. What will affect Ocean CIty the most will be the small number of families/relatives that lose their jobs once someone investigates their mafia. How is it that in February they voted to raise the property tax to fund their pet projects but, in the end, they cancelled the increase and used "reserve funds" to pay for what they wanted? If you have "reserve funds", why raise taxes?

    1. That is how they opporate. Through my career I can't tell you how many times I have heard at the end of the fiscal year "we have to spend it or they will cut my budget for next year. S.u. is the first one that comes to mind but have seen it in many government agencies

  43. Ask Barbra Duncan at spd who they are she feeds them Pizza, Hey Barb's I heard yesterday you had BLM RIDING IN YOUR POLICE GOLF CART ? U POS.

  44. Ask duncan she knows them.

  45. Hope you get each one and charge them appropriately for their crime and the maximum for each offense. And I agree any parents that raised them need to know what they are involved in they may already know but if not it's come to Jesus time.

  46. Well congratulations you pieces of crap. Heard from a reliable source that the gentleman in Shock Trauma that you beat is brain dead and not gonna survive. Joe you can check into it but they crushed that kids skull. So check with your sources Joe. I’m sure you will find out the same thing. He didn’t deserve that and neither does his family. I hope those pieces of crap enjoy their time in prison cause it’s coming. You are done!!

    1. While we are at it, let's go ahead and abolish the HIPPA law, because it obviously doesn't matter. Do you really think you should be saying that on here before they family can make a statement or anything. Your not anydany that these people who did this.
      Do you really think they care about prison. Lol
      They will never be caught because ocpd is incompetent. They knew this was happening and did nothing. They will probably be the ones to face charges over it.
      Would be if it was my kid.

      Ocpd and Meehan better hope this kid didnt die or is braindead. Cuz if Soo....well, they all ready know what's going happen. Hence the closed meeting.

  47. that poor kid needed him some registered hands. thank you

    1. 6:57 - no, he doesn’t need you and your stupid registered hands garbage. He needed to not be on the boards at 1 am or whatever time it was. For the record, you pull some sort of Chuck Norris Jazz, and a whole pack of hood rats will stomp you. Either that, or one of them puts a cap in you, and do much for you and your silly statements .

  48. Just typical looking thugs. All these POS look the same.

  49. can't wait for our summer family vacation, looks like a fun place to be with lots of good people.

  50. Man ! Only if EBT cards had a picture on them.

    O.C. Boardwalk need some ethnic purging.

  51. the one with the white shirt,blue pants and red shoes looks like nick lopez from wicomico co.

  52. @June 14, 2020 at 10:02 AM. His statement might be a bit silly but yours is just plain ignorant. Someone might put a cap in their cowardly, garbage azz. Next time someone might be waiting for them to get ignorant again.


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