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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Ocean City Police Chief Speaks To City Council


  1. And what is Rickie telling him OFF the record????

  2. Nah, crime hasn't dropped every year for 29 years. The smoking fines alone prove that

  3. We are all aware that the mayor and chief read SBYNews, so here are a few suggestions for consideration

    Regarding the last few weeks, impose a curfew. I know it was said that this could not be done this year. That is because the business community doesn't want it. Safety comes first. Set a curfew on anyone under 21 from 10 pm - 6 am unless they are with their parents or working. Secondly, aggressive policing and zero tolerance. Right now there are many wrecking any chance for financial recovery of our business community. Stop talking about it, and do it.

    Regarding H2oi:

    These people comes here to be social media famous. They too believe that they cannot be touched as there are just too many of them. Given that, take away their fun. Reduce OC to a parking lot. Make coastal highway 1 lane (nearest the median) each way. Make the middle lane a buffer with the final lane for EMS/Police?Fire Department travel only (with cutouts for business access). This does two things. First it will reduce traffic to bumper to bumper and take away their ability to show off. Second, it will take the crowd out of it. They can video and yell all they want, but with no show, it will get real boring real fast. Finally, this allows for LEO assets to be dispersed strategically to cover the city without having to run down every car, because there will be gridlock.

    I'm sure the business community would flip out if this was done, but seeing as the season is already wrecked, it's irrelevant. Use this season to send a loud and clear message and clamp down on this place before it gets ruined to the point of no return.

    I'm sure there will be comments critical to my points, and in that regard, I invite others to share their remedy.

    1. At least your taking the time and effort to suggest solutions not criticism. I seriously doubt Rick or Ross read or care less about Sby newa

    2. Oh Contra.... minions within City Fail do read this....Rickie and Co had their chance YEARS ago to partner with the lead person with H2Oi but didn't. Years later it's a mess and H2Oi officially moved northward....yet there are those (no true lead) that come on a call weekend. Pride/ego are part of this at City Fail. They have placed Band-Aids on the situation yet there isn't enough enforcement due to....WAIT FOR IT.....


      There isnt money folks since this year is shot. All the financial projections have been ruined since the town was shut off to revenue for months. Scrambling has transpired, the summer had started, businesses are getting mixed messages, everyone is in charge, no one is in charge yet each day comes and goes. Open or don't open...distancing no social Distancing. When or when not.

      Most never planned for and act of God truly happening yet here we are and Chaos has taken over and the town electorate is pointing fingers since they don't know.

      Doesn't hurt to ask for help folks. Whether that's to other locale LEOs to MSP or Larry on the corner. If you don't ask...well we see what happens....

      Father's Day and 4th of July weekends next on the agenda.

      Fun times...indeedy NOT!

    3. Wait until OC businesses and home owners see renewal rates on their insurance thanks to the ineffective city leadership from mayor and council to police chief. Elect some folks who will get the job done!

  4. Full of lies and puff. Blames it all on June and Sept..oh and H2OI...instead of laying out the facts...deceit! Tell us all what race the perps were concerning the 19 guns you spoke of. Bad enough you cant deal with the truth yourself but to deceive everyone listening...sad and disgusting. Junebugs nor H2OI has never showed any type of violence, petty mischief maybe but violence no. This level of deceit is criminal and just as bad you think no-one knows the truth but you...we're all too stupid right boss? This guy's worse than the criminals...he puts us all at risk.

  5. What he didn’t say was this is the expected outcomes when you prioritize dollars over public health.

    1. Yes sir...may I have another.

  6. Buzz right on back to Baltimore where you came from Buzzuro!!!!

  7. Police are a let down. Impotent, Incompetent, dysfunctional and weak. They cherry pick who they mess with or arrest to make sure they don’t stir up trouble.

    1. It's not the force....it's leadership.

  8. 11:00. No one is doing that. Stop with the nonsense.

  9. Nothing more than a political speech. He should run for Mayor after this. Did Rick write that for him? Sure sounds like it. Same kind of BS.

    "we're not going to be able to arrest our way out of this situation"

    Well, not if you don't even try to! Where the hell were the police officers? What are you going to do? Hand out pamphlets on proper behavior?

    110%? Are you kidding me? Where were they giving "110%"? At 7/11 and Wawa? Parked car to car in some parking lot somewhere? Issuing tickets for smoking on the beach, seat belt violations, driving 10mph over the speed limit, burned out lights, talking on a cell phone while driving? You know, the real hard crimes. 110% my a**!

    These guys are AFRAID! They're afraid that if they do the job that we're paying them to do, that they will end up in a bad light on the national news, so they're doing as little as possible and hoping that i just blows over. But let a tax paying and law abiding citizens fire a shot in self defense and just see how fast they are to become the Gestapo. Then they will make an example of YOU!

    1. Did you see what Sheriff Lewis just did. Pathetic.

  10. total bs from a political hack. kops on the beat and perps in cuffs! what's so hard about that? how much they paying this fool?

  11. Ross Buzzuro another "Retired on Duty" Officer!

  12. Is the Tree of liberty gonna get watered..sooner or later?? Lewis your now just another useful idiot. Finger in the dike is not gonna work. Keep pushing and the silent majority will kick your stupid ass aside and get it done with or without you...dont forget who you work for...my bet if we put it to a vote today you would be out. What really pisses me off is we cannot protect ourselves on the street and the first person who shoots someone due to this BS.WILL not get convicted by a jury in this town..bet on it

  13. Former Ocean City Police Chief David Massey, We need you Back!! Help!

  14. You reap what you sow!STOP VOTING FOR LIBERALISM

  15. 2:16 you are right. I couldn't have said it any better.

  16. The office of Police Chief needs to be an elected position. NOT appointed.

  17. Fire this worthless Piece of $hit!!


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