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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The 'Woke' Left's War on American History

The 1971 movie Zeppelin, starting Michael York, is about an Imperial German plot to destroy irreplaceable British artifacts, paintings, and documents during the First World War. The premise was simple; destroy the nation's history, and you destroy the nation. The outcome was a mixed result with the successful destruction of some of the irreplaceable documents, but also the loss of the German superweapon.

The Czech playwright Milan Kundera, who lived under totalitarian governments such as the Nazis and communists, elaborated (emphasis is mine), "The first step to liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history. Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was." This approach was put into practice in George Orwell's1984, and "woke" left wing extremists are putting the same principle into practice today by vandalizing statues of Christopher Columbus, Queen Victoria, Mohandas Gandhi, Winston Churchill, and other historical figures.

The Army now says it is open to renaming bases that have been named for Confederate generals, and it is time to draw the line. The electorate should support President Trump's decision to veto this idea right out of the starting gate. In addition, any Confederate statues that are removed or destroyed should be replaced, with educational placards that explain, "This statue honors the named individual but not the cause for which he fought. His actions were praiseworthy and laudable under the standards of the mid-19th century, which have however changed for the better during the past 150 years."

It's about Not Slavery, but Character



  1. Tear down the monuments and rename the streets for the lying, cheating whore user Martin Luthier King!

    He lied about his college work, and to his wife.
    He cheated on his Doctorate and cheated on his wife.
    He visited whores in every town.

    As a dedicated husband (married 40 years to same wife) I find these monuments to a man of his caliber offensive, and by today's rules you have to tear him down not for the great thing he did but for the bad things he did!

  2. I understand the debate over all the other points in this article however I have no problem with bases being renamed. Why should an African-American soldier be forced to serve at a base named for a general who wanted him/her to be considered property?

    1. Why can't the government add to the name.ect. Ft Bragg America Evolved?

  3. 1010 you know what thats a fair point

  4. 9:45 do you feel the same way about Trump or just MLK because he's black?

  5. What's with this complex that you have to be morally pure to fight for something good? Looking at you 9:45. Has our President not done some of the same?

  6. EVERYONE owes a debt of gratitude to Winston Churchill!

  7. @10:56 there aren't any statues erected to celebrate Trump. Arguably, there is Trump tower, but that wasn't installed by tax payers as a monument to Trump. (and before you start, I'm sure some tax payer money went to fund that monstrosity)

  8. 1055- believe he refers to the current climate of hate....we are all siners no one is unblemished. So if LEE is going down so should MLK..
    Oh and Where are the status of TRUMP again?

  9. 10:55/56 do you comprehend. Or just jump to the standard libtarded knee jerk reaction.. he's a racist..
    you missed the point.
    When in fact its you who is the racist. See i can play that game too!
    If your white your a useful idiot racist


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