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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

No, We're Not All In This Together!

"We're All In This Together," the sappy title of one of several bad songs, has become the Ministry of Information slogan of the pandemic. You hear it while shopping for groceries at the supermarket, see it on billboards that tell you to social distance your way off the street, and in every single ad on TV.

And then, after months of being locked indoors and told that we were out to kill grandma if we left the house, the same media lauded massive numbers of rioters crowding together to curse the cops.

The political fiction of the pandemic died once its administrators found a shiny new fascist object.

Mayor Bill de Blasio went from threatening the Orthodox Jewish community for holding a funeral to appearing without a mask at an anti-police rally even as much of New York City is still shut down.

"Mr. Mayor, are we in a pandemic or not? And do we have one set of rules for protesters and another for everyone else?" Hamodia, an Orthodox Jewish publication, asked De Blasio.

"When you see a nation… grappling with... 400 years of American racism, I'm sorry, that is not the same question as... the devout religious person who wants to go back to services," he snapped back.

Governor Murphy described anti-lockdown and anti-police protests as being in "different orbits".

Just to be clear, we’re not all in this together. And we never were. Social distancing doesn’t apply when you’re burning down cities, you can only get sick when you’re praying to G-d or burying your dead.

The lockdowns existed at the pleasure of the politicians implementing them. And when the politicians found a lefty cause that they really liked, the rioters and looters were exempted from social distancing like kids told that they can leave algebra class early on Tuesday to go protest for the environment.

Lockdowns were always for little people. Not for celebrities, politicians or political radicals.



  1. Hey you new York asshats. Vote for stupid racist people, get stupid racist results

  2. wow Pemberton Hall was used to help the south during the civil war. you dont suppose we should burn it to the ground because it was for the Confederacy

  3. We're not all in this together. Left leaning people believe in science and right leaning people think God created a woman from the rib bones of a man. They pray to a man of color who was executed by those "upholding the law" yet all the photos of Jesus in their homes are of some anglo-saxon looking white man.

    1. White Jesus??? Who told you that?

    2. Boy 1054 you sure are ignorant deny your maker all you want! But you cannot deny the power and glory he deserves look around you. A big Bang did not create this GOD the creator did. Don't think for a minute christians don't believe in science we do. Its just that we believe in facts not fiction or emotion. WE take Guidance from the good book. It might do you some good to read up on JESUS. It gets more and more obvious everyday that the left leaning Selfish useful idiots supporting the luciferian ideology is not working out too well.

      Color means nothing to GOD.in fact the bible does not say anything is wrong about marrying people of different races. marrying people of different religion/beliefs. now that's a different story!!

  4. Lets ALL remember this, when they TRY again to IMPRISSION us in the upcoming months, under the false flag of "safety"! As the slogan goes JUST SAY NO! I will NOT comply! We cannot allow our "elected" officials to decide our fate! MY fate & MY future, are MINE to decide!

  5. so sick of the virtue signalers!

  6. 10:54 AM What does the color of Jesus have to do with this? This is called a 'one way street' that allows our politicians say one thing but do another.

  7. June 17, 2020 at 10:54 AM - You are a complete idiot. I am an Atheist and do not espouse to the whole rib thing. I am however, a staunch Conservative. A bit of a paradox? There are many more like me than you can imagine, dumb-ass! Conservatives believe science just as much and if not more so than you liberal clowns do.

  8. Bob Aswell,,,,RealistJune 17, 2020 at 12:36 PM

    You're damn right I'm not involved with any of this madness called and cloaked in what's dubbed social change. What bullshit. It's a chance for kid's and hoodlums to think they're going to change the World.
    Coupled with the fact most of them are illiterate, misinformed idiots I don't think this is the place for me.
    Don't include me with this rabble in an attempt to bolster numbers and convert me to a herd mentality dolt or gay or whatever.
    Save that crap for the feeble minded--That's not me. Look stupid alone.

  9. The Poor are NOT in it together with the Rich or well off !!! FACT

  10. >>>Left leaning people believe in science and right leaning people think God created a woman from the rib bones of a man.<<< At least we 'right leaning people' know which bathroom to use. And tell me again how many sexes there are ?

  11. WE Christians will go to Heaven if we are good
    The rest WILL Not , so the rest better learn some Religion !!!
    This Life on Earth is a Short one !!!


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