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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Ocean City Liquor Store Ransacked Last Weekend

The image above is NOT from the store that was ransacked and robbed. I'll not expose the name of the store in Ocean City but one experienced several young African American men walk in and just started running their arms down the shelves and knocking product to the ground while shoving alcohol up their shirts, turning around and walking out of the store threatening the employees if they called the Police. It took Ocean City Police THIRTY MINUTES to respond to the call. The Liquor Store had to close the following day to clean everything up.

Now don't ALL of you find it interesting how this never made it into the news. I can tell you after doing this for 15 years, someone was listening to the scanner and the whole situation got covered up. Yeah Chief, crime is down. 


  1. Not talking about the kid that got beat in o death with a tee shirt rack in front of Tony’s pizza either...

    1. Are you saying he was murdered in front of Tony's Pizza??

  2. Another example of a higher authority rendering their verdict to business owners that value dollars over lives.

  3. They can't or wont control it so they cover it up.

    They are only buying time, they have no answers.

    Put a fork in it, I'm very sad to say it but OC is done!

    Just like Baltimore and Salisbury.

  4. Sad times in the “family” town. OC has let the thugs get out of control. Aren’t they going to do anything about it??

  5. If you talk to locals, they will tell you the situation is MUCH worse than the media is reporting. Gang activity! More stabbings and assaults. Keep 'em honest Joe!

  6. this is outrageous! Did the police just give up, or was it Ross telling them not to respond?

  7. Come on Joe, these young men are mourning for that George something guy, or whatever. Let them seek their peace!


  8. Did you hear about stuff happening at the Ocean City outlets? People asked to put on their mask at chipotle jumped behind the counter and we're fighting the workers, and a white guy walking around at 5pm with his girlfriend got jumped by a group of black guys. They have broken a bunch of bones in his face. Everyone needs to be able to defend themselves. This isn't going to stop.

  9. There are cameras all throughout the place. They have surveillance footage, but, darn it, the perps are wearing masks.

  10. Last weekend Thugs were preventing anyone from exiting the beach onto the boardwalk unless they stated “Black Lives Matter”! This was very frightening and intimidating for innocent beach goers.

  11. What do you all expect? I’m curious ? File complaints they took to long and it will get longer. Because they will be suspended pending investigation. You all wanted it and now you got it.

  12. Well, well, that old adage "the tail wagging the dog", is now reality. The kowtowing to the minorities is now mainstream. People of color and LGBTQ need only bend their finger and America takes a knee. Tsk, tsk; pandering politicians, corporate America, and ranking officials have now joined the disingenuous media at sucking up. The impending civil war is at their feet and this, America, is what leadership under Democrats will look like.

    1. 8:17 Yes! You are spot on. Why oh why can’t people see this🤦‍♀️

  13. The first person who defends his place with deadly force will bring Baltimore to OC. The same goes for the first shooting by a cop. It'll mean disaster to OC and every town within fifty miles.

    1. Bring it on. If the Balto thugs come to my house they won't be going home

  14. yup, O.C. seems like a nice "family" friendly town, if you`re a member of the MANSON FAMILY! covid-19 killed this years tourist season in O.C. and next year will be even worse now that O.C. has a reputation as a thug infested town. Decent families will be vacationing somewhere else next year.

  15. Back in the day there was a certain "family" that took care of the boardwalk and the thugs knew if they dared to disrespect the business locations that their legs would be broken. No cops necessary or court action. You were safe to have a good time in OC, no longer.

    1. You are so full of it. This is not true at all.

    2. It is true, it was Tony Saprano and Christopher (nephew). Came down here from N.J. with his brother-in/law Bobby. Uncle Jun worked Bethany.

    3. I miss Beau Rojerio

    4. That was a long time ago too....yet I do remember it. We had a Mayor who had teeth too.

    5. Beau rojerio was a great guy who took care of folks!

  16. This is what you want for our County lewis? You want us to just let them destroy when they come to Salisbury? Anyone who supports this violence is part of the problem and needs to be taken down along with the communist.

  17. News Flash 8:18 a.m. Baltimore City is already in O.C. Just look at all the Video footage of the Boardwalk.

  18. What is the answer to defending your own property? We can’t depend on police protection despite the enormous budget dedicated to them. The taxes in OC are already too high. Even if you arm yourself you couldn’t do anything or you would be the one arrested. Seeking answers here.

    1. 11:05 - You have to make sure there is only one side of the story told, yours

  19. Bo is rolling in his grave :(

    1. He would take care of the problem.

  20. When you speak of "the minorities", what measure of control does that majority have over the criminals in their midst? The media reports of activity of "the minorities" are restricted to crime and celebrities.
    These feed on one another and push a poisoned message of violence, hopelessness, irresponsibility, self abuse and thoughtless disregard for everything not them and not worth a dollar, a high or a free TV, a message that concerns and frightens the majority of the members of "the minorities", while encouraging adopting and continuing this aberrant behavior and promoting its acceptance as a norm.

    13% of the population isn't the problem. 5% of that 13% is.

    1. It’s definitely not all black people.

  21. Without some proof, of which none is provided. You just made this story up.

  22. Has anyone bothered to CALL the police and confront them as to what is NOT being done to Protect the Businesses and visitors of O.C.??? OR are you just making comments (noise) here??? IF you don't take action; you are just hot air and good for NOTHING...

    1. I called and was told they were having meetings with the mayor. I also was informed the phone was ringing off the hook with concern. So people are calling. Doesn't matter though, nothing is being done.

  23. Cashier at a liquor store in OC was assaulted Sunday night for asking a customer to pay for the drink he had been drinking while walking around the store. Took cops 20mins to arrive.

    The wrong store is going to get knocked off one of these times and there will be bodies left to clean up. Surprised it hasn’t happened yet. Lots of foreigners including Russians own businesses down there and won’t think twice to defend themselves.

  24. WHAT not the liquor store. Boy, Ricky gonna be pissed of now! Bet your butt he’ll tell Ross where to send the extra cops. This is worse than taking his next of kin.

    1. Not exactly Cleatus, truth be told Ricky shaking in his boots when the CCC shows him passed out in the background while he was hiding from these hoods.

  25. Number 1: The "thug invasion" has left town.
    There may be some remnants pop-up over the next few weeks, but most of the insanity is gone.

    Number 2: The liquor store thing didn't happen.

    Number 3: No one died getting hit with the pole.

    and Number 4: (On another subject): I agree with getting rid of "Aunt Jemima".
    But, as a sensitive white guy, I demand they change the name of "Cracker Barrel" restaurant, and "Ritz Crackers" immediately.

  26. Agreed, Cracker Barrel and Ritz Crackers will be forced to change their names!

  27. There is WHERE your Black Lives MATTER !!! More Crime !!!

  28. 5:57. The Liquor store thing did happen. The video recording was turned over to the investigator. It was eleven black thugs. One of which threatened to kill anyone who called the cops whilst keeping their hand tucked under their hoodie. It actually took 38 minutes for police to arrive. So...get your facts straight.

  29. 5:57p. If your response was to me it did happen.

  30. WAY too many rumors.
    Which Liquor Store?
    Was it the one that was next to the guy that was killed when someone hit him with a pole?
    Or was it near the kid sitting on the bench who got beat so badly that he's now brain-dead?

  31. The report of the liquor store being ransacked is true.
    I heard it myself first-hand from a guy that knew a guy whose next-door neighbor said his best friend was in the store at the time.

  32. By a Black No-Doubt !!!!

  33. Joggers will jog!


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