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Sunday, June 21, 2020

A Veteran Writes: This Is Not Right!


  1. what would you expect from princess nancy ? thanks sjd

  2. Sort of like giving Rush Limbaugh a medal?

    We have to stop being so offended all the time, right?

    1. It states service to community. That covers the good man

  3. The participation trophy mentality..prety lame lame

  4. She is disgusting

  5. Well, what do you expect. They all want something for nothing. There you go. And the dems are more than willing to give it to them.

  6. Veteran's: STFU if you are pissed then good!!! You should be!!! But let me
    re-state, STFU we don't care anymore... Where the hell were you when all of this protest BS was going on???? Where were you when cops were brutalizing people in the streets during the protests???? Where were you we needed help to stand up and fight back before it even got this bad???? Forget most of you slaves!!!!! I mean look at how pathetic you all are and have become, 50% of you become cops and abuse people or just watch bad cops do it to us, then the rest just bitch and complain about how they get treated unfair... ERRRR we all are in some way at some point, that's why we need to stand up and fight back... NOPE no one is around when they are really needed, funny how that works!!!! Forget all of you, and all of your rights!!!! They are gone, not to come back and what rights we have will be gone in a few months to a year anyway... All of you people have become chicken shit cowards.... Vets are included!!!! Yeah you did fight for our rights, ALL TO LET THEM BE TAKEN STILL ANYWAY!!!! Now maybe you will see that what Henry Kissinger said about you is right, you are nothing but a pawn in a politician game of who has a bigger stick!!! You fight and die for their agenda not our rights!!!! Then the cops do the same crap, think they are doing something, but really are causing more harm than good, but they too can't see it!!!! Once you all are done being used to push tyranny, you too will get the short end of the stick!!! You will see!!! Spain already wen through this!!!! As their cops now!!!!

    1. You and your rant lost me in the beginning so I didn’t read but very little. When you speak of police brutality. Where did that come from. Did I miss police brutalizing somebody. Blue Lives Matter!

    2. F#&k YOU, you little bottom feeder! The question is WHERE were YOU? You aim your anger at the very people that actually "Step up" and serve their country, and communities, yet NOWHERE in your mindless, inexperienced, un-researched rant did you mention WHO is really to blame....The LIBERAL leaders of ALL these cities that have the problems! THEY are the ones who for the past 30-40 years have PROMISED "If I"m elected, I'll fix this, i'll clean up the corruption in government" yet THEY'VE done NOTHING, but continue to lie to you idiots, and YOU keep supporting them! Please explain that with all your infinite wisdom....huh? Cant hear ya! Apparently YOU aren't the brain surgeon you think you are. You must know, the city police answer to and work directly for the Mayor, so IF theirs truly police corruption shouldn't the MAYOR have fixed it....day 40 years ago!!! The police wern't brutalizing protestors, they were enforcing the law. They were trying to difine between protestors and RIOTERS, so little punks like YOU, can have your 5 minutes of fame. If you think its ok to burn, deface, and steal other law abiding citizens property is ok, than, its useless to rationalize with you, so i won't. But listen, before you disrespect the men & women who serve and risk they're lives day in and day out, YOU better be willing to put some "skin" in the game boy! If not, go back to your HOLE and stop breathing our air! We'll call ya when your "entitlement" arrives.

    3. Hey punk, if ya don't stand behind our VETERANS, how bout you STAND IN FRONT of them!...Screw you Soy boy

    4. 11:10
      Police enforce unconstitutional Statutory Laws against the people. The Patriots rebelled against Statutory Law. The US Constitution established: Contract Law, Admiralty Law, and Common Law

      We need to reestablish Common Law and move away from the never ending military dictatorship in America.

      Let’s get back to the roots of America, which is Common Law

    5. 9:54 - I am a veteran, and my question is where were you when I went to serve in the 1st gulf war? It’s only a guess, but I would venture that you were not yet born, or were very young. Your rant is so very disconnected from the point of a flag ceremony, and its point of honor, that I will not dignify you with a response beyond the fact that you need to earn this. The point of the post was to bring this to light, and the absolutely abhorrent behavior of our elected officials.

      That is why vets are upset.

      A Co/ 1/ 75th

  7. 9:36 there are legit reasons for outrage.

    Getting yourself killed because you cant or wont interact appropriately with other people is not cause for celebration

    1. You may hate for saying this but the best thing George Floyd ever did was get himself killed by a cop. His daughter and family will be set for life -Disney stock from ms Streisand, a gofundme account, two promises of full college scholarships and whatever the lawyer can rangle out of the city, we know the cop has no assets he digned everything over to his soon-to-be ex wife before he was charged and fired though I'm sure they will try to get his pension. Hopefully there will be some money left for her when she is 18.

  8. If it came from Pelosi it means nothing , so who cares .? Anybody can buy one and give it to anybody. It means nothing unless earned. If it helps the grieving father, let it be.

  9. She's trying to start a Civil War.

  10. I am a vet and I am offended!

    1. I am not a vet and I am offended. Thank you for your service

  11. That is DEPLORABLE!

    She should immediately resign for offending all military members!

    1. Yes she should. She is too old and eat up with ugly inside and out to go back being The Lube Girl. But she has stole enough to make ends meet.

  12. More political bulls##T. Looking for votes.

  13. Pelosi is just pandering to get those votes in November, She and others are going to lose their jobs and they know it, They are grabbing at any straws that they can to keep their jobs. This is a direct slap in the face of every Vet that put their lives on the line for this country. Remember this in November and vote accordingly. Fire every one of the worthless pos Democrats in the house and Senate.

  14. Did Nancy wear her slave cloth again?

    Point is that what she does doesn't deserve the attention of anyone. She is just a shallow old women that eats expensive ice cream and owns a grape plantation.

  15. ??? The man wrongfully lost his life at the hands of the state. Methinks there are better things to whine about.

    1. That man wasn’t worth the air he breathed anyway.

  16. 9:54am, obviously you are not a vet or you would not sound off in the manner that you did. You know absolutely nothing about respect for the flag or country so you STFU.

  17. 9:54 As a decorated combat veteran the thought that you have air in your lungs makes me sick. You want veterans to stand up and help the likes of you??? You're very lost.

    1. I am with you. Please organize and help lead a new brand of patriots who will fight with you for what you have fought for. Thank you for your service

  18. 1023 - sorry there, need to call out ALL irregularities since others are doing the same AND getting immediate action.

    Fairness must adhere.

    1. Whats the irregularity? Methinks you are mad because you dont understand the rules. While the VA has rules for servicemembers, there is a clear precedent for flags going to citizens.

  19. This action on her part makes me want to reject my flag at my funeral now. To sully it to this point is disgusting. Bravo-Sierra!!! She is definitely a One-Delta-Ten-Tango!!

  20. The man lost his life wrongly at the hands of a state employed person. He is not a veteran or first responder so therefore he should not have an American Flag presented to his family in this way. But did anyone really expect ole' Nancy to do anything right?

  21. To the MORON that is the first 9:54AM. Let me put it in simple words for you, as I am sure you are working with a limited education! IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT HERE GTFO!!!!! Try saying the crap you are saying in Iran or North Korea. You can say what you are saying because of Veterans like myself and others! Let me see you do 60 plus hours strait with only 6 hrs rest and then back at it for less than minimum wage. The average service member with less than 4 years in qualifies for food stamps. Let me see your pathetic lame ass put your life on the line for that? No they do not do it for the money, they do it for the love of our country. You my friend are a RACIST. How dare you put ALL service members and police in one lump. There are bad apples in every group. It's less than 1% of the police that are bad. No one hates a bad cop more than a good cop! So it's ok for you to make a blanket statement that we are all racist yet when we point out that there are MUCH more black on black killings in the US than any other type of killings, we are considered the racist! So yes, when Nancy the Bitch does something like this is an insult to ALL Service Members! I don't care if it was a white man killed by a black officer, that person didn't EARN the right to get a flag! So answer me this? If BLM matter so much, why do you kill your own? Do I believe Mr. Floyd's death was horrible? Yes! But he never served a day! He was no angel either. People like to forget the fact he was high, had a rap sheet as long as your arm. Did he deserve what he got? Hell no! And those 4 cops should and will be punished. I guess you are one of those who agree with the riots and looters. What good does it do? Except destroy a neighborhood! What about David Dawn? Bet you don't even know who he was do you? Killed June 2, 2020 Google it. Where is his memorial service? Where was Al Sharpton? Did you P### me off, yes you could say that!

    Retired E-7 USN, 20 Years

    1. Roger that 11:24 - see my list below

      A Co/1/75

  22. For those that have served this country in military or police. Thank you! It's not a easy job and now all of this. Thank you! Some of us do actually care!

  23. Call it for what it was. This guy was holding up the drive up window while he slept. People were HUNGRY!

      Driving drunk.
      Passed out behind wheel
      Fights with cop.
      Steals cops weapon
      Turned to fire weapon in FACE
      Career THUG

      DEAD THUG.


  24. 954 believe you messed with the wrong audience!

    Sucks to be you!

  25. I'm a vet, and don't like pelosi on any other fool who tries to tell me how to think. the left really wants things to change and some things should change. The criminalization of damn near everything. but who's responsible for that? the politicians, not the kops. I dont agree with the idiots but until they address the DemonicRats they follow nothing will change. Just more hardship until eventually ........

  26. Bad taste for her to do that unless Mr. Floyd was a veteran. Regardless of ones stand on this death I completely disagree with presenting something that is meant for a military member. The sickest thing for me is that I really don't believe this was anything but a photo opportunity.

  27. Oh he was a veteran.


  28. Pelosi and fellow Dems are willing to break rules all in the name of politics. Business as usual for them.

  29. WRONG on so many levels...

  30. She would give the whole country away just to get Black votes 2020 !!!

  31. Those bastards will do anything to get a black vote. Shameful actions by those scum. He deserves nothing. He was a criminal.

  32. Votes?

    You aren’t thinking clearly. Blacks have low turnout numbers and are a minority to begin with. Who panders for votes to a small minority (Hispanics outnumber blacks) that has a low vote turnout?

    No, the elections are rigged and have been for a long time. Government is now about propagandizing us (mind control). There is a race who desperately wants to get Caucasians to fight with Blacks.

    Study it and you will find the truth


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