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Sunday, June 21, 2020

A Friend Writes: This is getting out of hand people

These were left on front steps in Ocean City MD. One of my coworkers actually came in and showed everyone this shit.

This is getting out of hand people. Now they are leaving these things in people's doors in Ocean City. Hey Joe Albero write a article about this. See if one of the Anonymous writers take responsibility for this.


  1. FAKE NEWS. Nice try. You get all worked up about a FAKE Bulletin. But you demand responsibility over this. Not o peep on the boardwalk issues for weeks. BRILLIANT. Now go hug a THUG.

  2. Yeah, this was happening last fall around Seaford and up and down 13. Security footage at one location revealed a nonwhite party leaving said material and as you can imagine nothing further was ever heard about it.

  3. The way things are going you can’t be surprised

  4. to damn funny. the black supremacy blm can have their moment but not whites?
    They deserve each other! let em have at it!

  5. If the pot calls the kettle black, does that mean you are a racist? Just asking.

  6. When you live in a community where the leadership values dollars over lives you attract all sorts of trash both black and white.

  7. What's the problem ? Only blacks can have a gang ?.

  8. Not worth the time....

  9. When was the last time anybody white called another white 'Whitey'?

    This smells like something that Democrats would do as a warm-up to a visit from their paid and mobile Antifa army of troublemakers.

    1. You are exactly right. This is a deliberate set. Expect this to be Breaking News on WBOC at 6.

    2. This is 100% Antifa. No doubt.

    3. BINGO. I thought the exact same thing. Come on Joe so obvious.

    4. The FBI may want to follow who responds. This has happened before, and the phone number rang to an informant. Entrapment? Hold your position....

  10. So it's ok for Blm and antifa to put out similar ? What's wrong with WHITE PRIDE ?

  11. Damn, Jerome is out already?

  12. I agree , it's time to defend the whites , BLM is all BS anyway , awaken the silent majority NOW!

  13. Sounds like the work of Yamakawa

  14. Agree with 12:54
    💯 %. Obviously this is bs.

  15. Well, not really “Out of Hand”. At this moment, this appears to be the only organization that is at least structured, availability and willing to do something. Where is the Wicomico Militia? Where are likeminded people gathering and planning who are wanting all this BS to end? What are we waiting for or are we expected to do something solely on your own? HELP!!!

  16. Yep...just like SU...

  17. In the last two years, there have been two incidents of threats from "white supremacists" made at Salisbury University while my child attended there. In both cases when I read what had been written I knew in my gut they had not been written by a white person- and I was right. I really don't think the KKK would dare go around here handing out flyers. Incidents of "crying wolf" like this make me and others disbelieve any new allegations that come out. It is a shame that people's lies will probably result in legitimate concerns being ignored. More and more it becomes apparent that people on both sides are trying to foment anger and provoke discord; not to seriously address racial issues which do undoubtedly exist. I guess a black person being passed over for a management position is just not exciting enough so they feel they have to up the ante.

  18. this is obviously a hoax. a simple phone search will tell you this phone numbers belongs to a Yong Cha Young who owns several dry cleaning operations in NC. hardly the name of someone spreading White supremacy.

  19. Is / was it not the Democrats the leaders / supporters of the KKK? They even had / has legislatures members.

    People ask what is next from the Democrats, since they are pushing fear with the covid, BLM and ANTIFA and people are beginning to see through these.

    Now we know here it is another Democrat fear mongering.

    All will be quit after the election and Trump wins re-election

  20. This is what they do they get blacks all up in arms then start leaving racist material to
    Further target whites and create greater divisions... white liberals don’t care about blacks they care about toppling America so that communist countries can rule the planet

  21. This popped up in 16 19 and now 20. The number is answered by a recording. It’s stupid

  22. 12:54

    This reeks of a dumbocrat set up.

  23. I in NO WAY support supremacists, or their agendas. I know nothing sbout this group, BUT at some point WE ALL have to decide, if we're not getting protection from our officials, then we must defend ourselves!

  24. Are the address, phone number and website accurate? I would be surprised that the dumbocrats had the intelligence to put this together!

  25. Fishing for phone numbers to look up your home address and put you on the first to hit list.

  26. When the community leaders and police ignore enforcing the Governor’s legal mandates you attract trash of all colors.

  27. Obviously a false flag planted by leftists.

  28. Whitey? Yeah right. False flag hate crime by some random black democrat.
    I thought they already got Kirkland Hall!

  29. Yeah, this ain't the Klan. The Klan is silently waiting and scheming. When they come hell will come with them.

    1. Guess they’re making sure their o2 tanks are filled and greasing their walkers.

    2. You watch too much NETFLIX'S.

  30. I agree I smell BS. The KKK thats funny. It's the democrats trying to stir the pot. Trying to keep alive the false narrative that white people are the biggest problem

  31. As stated above this is just a instance to rile up the already anger ones in the street and give them another 'excuse' to protest then riot.

  32. This is ridiculous they do not even call themselves the Klan anymore they have gone legit as Protestant Christian non profits. They are CEO's and wear ties and take pride in their Mercedes.

  33. Either a black or a white woke social justice warrior. Always is. It's all made up. No such thing as Loyal White Knights. Something someone made up to make it look like the KKK.

  34. Could be Antifa, if that was a thing that actually existed. moo.

  35. I got one a couple of days ago on a bag of birdseed it said "To save our land, join the Klan" and a website address.

  36. So how many have tried going to the website? I just did and it's crashed. It says "Resource Limit Is Reached
    The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later."


  37. Wow; Northam gave out his personal number? Didn't see that one coming!

  38. Propaganda... don't forget these guys are using marxist tactics. history must go, dis information, most of these attacks claiming white supremacy are plants by the black lives matter movement all meant to antagonize push the race war. Create division, hate confusion,all for the NWO marxist luciferian agenda

  39. This was not written by the the Klan. Anyone who believes the Klan is gone is just plain stupid. The Klan is alive and well. Just like the Black panthers are alive and well. The Klan is still strong. When things pop off they will be there as will the Panthers. This bubble we all are living in is about to pop. People will be forced to take a side. History always repeats its self. Sad times we are living in. When all the stores in the cities shut down due to this violence the slugs will come into our world and try to take what they need. Look how people reacted to this pandemic. I am prepared to protect and feed my family from any intruders. Middle class Americans need to be ready the rich will always have what they need. The poor will suffer the greater losses. This will not turn out as they imagine it will. I know numerous families that have purchased firearms in the last six months. They are respected people in their communities. I do not think anyone believes middle class America will take a stand against this assault on our freedoms. I strongly disagree. These people are all colors and varying professions. I can not answer for acts committed a hundred years ago. I can defend what is mine and my neighbors as well. God gave us free will and we are not meant to be victims. I would prepare as if a major hurricane is coming it is better for your families to be safe. A hurricane is nondiscriminatory these thugs are not.

  40. What's wrong with being "white" and defending your rights? It seems that generations of ill-informed maybe well-intention-ed people have a bad case of "white guilt" and are terrified of anyone calling them a racist simply for standing up for "your people" and culture. Of course there's such thing as 'race' and of course they are not all "equal" - except in the eyes of God and ideally in th eyes of the law.

    It's OK to Be White.

    And I'm not a KKK or "White Supremecist" Boogeymen promoted by media.


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